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Cognitive competition on the theme "The educational value of word edification of Abai"

Category: We read together!
Date: 2017-01-26 08:23:45
Cognitive competition on the theme
    On 25 January, within ten days of the project "Reading in JOY" primary school teacher Dauylbaeva J. K.among 3-4 grade students conducted the cognitive competition on the theme "The educational value of word edification of Abai". Objective: To create world about Abai as the global value of the person, as a sage and thinker. Abay - the cultural heritage not on...

Lliterary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash...

Date: 2017-01-26 06:00:39
Lliterary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash...
  January 24 within ten days of the project "Reading in JOY" among pupils of 3-4 classes of primary school teacher TuleuovaA. M.held a literary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash. Objective: To provide students with general information about town,history, stages of development of town. Improving research and creative abilities of students, the development...

Lliterary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash...

Category: We read together!
Date: 2017-01-26 05:50:51
Lliterary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash...
     January 24 within ten days of the project "Reading in JOY" among pupils of 3-4 classes of primary school teacher TuleuovaA. M.held a literary-poetic evening devoted to the 80 anniversary of Balkhash. Objective: To provide students with general information about town,history, stages of development of town. Improving research and creative abilities of students, th...

The survey among the teachers and students' psychological readiness of teachers and students to integrate the lessons with the English and Russian languages "

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2017-01-24 11:21:56
The survey among the teachers and students' psychological readiness of teachers and students to integrate the lessons with the English and Russian languages
    Since 16 to 21 January psychologist school Asylhanova AA conducted a survey among the teachers and students' psychological readiness of teachers and students to integrate with the English, Russian language lessons in project activities "Polyglot". Objective: Learn the thoughts of students and teachers with the introduction of trilingualism. Bottom line: Of cours...

Essay competition "My town - Balkhash"

Date: 2017-01-24 11:07:53
Essay competition
     On January 19, held an essay competition on the theme "My town - Balkhash", organized in honor of the 80th anniversary of Balkhash town. In the competition from our school participated 6 "A" class student  Daryn Imanov, who was awarded the nomination "Jas kalamger" / "Young Writer" /.

Regional workshop on advocacy for the final certification and the new UNT format

Date: 2017-01-24 10:36:54
Regional workshop on advocacy for the final certification and the new UNT format
     January 23 in the online mode was the regional workshop on advocacy for the final certification and the new format of UNT-2017, organized by the Education Department of the Karaganda region. It was explained how to format UNT - 2017, final examination graduates were asked a lot of questions. Online Meeting Materials uploaded to a file

New technologies

Date: 2017-01-24 10:05:55
New technologies
  1. Technologies In accordance with scheduled theme of the Exhibition “Future Energy”, the latest technologies will be used in the construction and event holding. Such as smart technologies, renewable power generation, the use of the newest materials in the construction, as well as sustainable and efficient approach to operation of facilities of the Exhibition. 2. Energy-...

Excursion to the Library named after A. Gaidar

Category: We read together!
Date: 2017-01-24 09:53:10
Excursion to the  Library named after A. Gaidar
     January 20 as part of the project "Reading in pleasure" pupils of  3 "A" and 3 "Ә" class visited the Children's Library named after  A. Gaidar. The children were introduced to the work of the library. They learned the history of the library that was originally in the library was only 700-800 books. Interesting stories, meet with f...

"Our land. Our destiny. Our creations "

Date: 2017-01-19 13:07:36
  The database gives you the opportunity to learn interesting facts about the Balkhash, the fate of people, due to which our region is growing and flourishing, to get acquainted with the literary works of fellow countrymen. There are books on history, art and culture, nature, the literary life of Balkhash         Тынышбаев, К. Остров, которого нет...

Information about events held in celebration of the 80th anniversary of Balkhash town at the boarding school № 2 after M.P. Rusakov

Date: 2017-01-09 18:06:13
Information about events held in celebration of the 80th anniversary of Balkhash town at the boarding school № 2 after M.P. Rusakov
     The school started activities to celebrate the 80th anniversary of of Balkhash town, Region with established traditions and customs, which chronicles are full of historical facts and rich cultural heritage. In the foyer of the school furnished the information stand "Beloved City - 80 years", also in the school library organized a book exhibition. On the 9th&nb...

Book exhibition on the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash

Date: 2017-01-06 09:29:38
Book exhibition on the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash
     During the winter holidays, school librarian Anitova S. organize and prepare the exhibition for the 80th anniversary of the city. The exhibition presents albums, photo collages of the city, books and albums about scientists and famous personalities who worked in Balkhash. Also presented the works of local poets, writers and composers.     &nbs...

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