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On the eve of Nauryz holiday in the school held a solemn meeting "Welcome, Nauryz!"...

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2018-03-19 21:26:26
On the eve of Nauryz holiday in the school held a solemn meeting
     March 19 at 8.00 was a solemn line, dedicated to the March 22 - Nauryz holiday. The meeting was held by the school organization of self-government. The congratulatory word was given to the director of the school Rakhimberlina Z.N. Student of  5 "A" class Maratuly Nurbolat performed the song "Assalaumahaleykum". The next word was given to the teach...

Congratulations on the holiday of Nauryz - a holiday of spring and renewal!

Category: Headmaster's speeches
Date: 2018-03-19 21:23:08
Congratulations on the holiday of Nauryz - a holiday of spring and renewal!
    Nauryz, which history is deeply rooted in the depths of our people, has always been a symbol of unity, solidarity of the people. For the people of Kazakhstan Nauryz holiday is a great holiday, which symbolizes spring and renewal. Nauryz is a holiday of spring renewal, love, warmth and friendship. This is a special time for analyzing the past and predicting our future. Let'...

Presentation about the capital of our country Astana

Category: Activities within the framework of "Astana-20"
Date: 2018-03-16 15:10:48
Presentation about the capital of our country Astana
    Astana - 20 years of prosperity and creation     Publish at Calameo

City Festival of the presentation of books, pamphlets, "National Treasury", created within the framework of the program "Rukhani zhangyru"...

Category: On the way to implementing the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
Date: 2018-03-16 14:55:34
City Festival of the presentation of books, pamphlets,
     On the 13thof March at Lyceum № 2 named after Abay hosted the city festival of presentation of books, pamphlets, "National Treasury", created within the framework of the program "Rukhani zhangyru". Students of boarding school № 2 presented a book-album "School Museum named after M. P. Rusakov", a book in 3D format in the form of a yurt "Ba...

City Festival of the presentation of books, pamphlets, "National Treasury"...

Category: library
Date: 2018-03-16 14:49:26
City Festival of the presentation of books, pamphlets,
  On the 13thof March at Lyceum № 2 named after Abay hosted the city festival of presentation of books, pamphlets, "National Treasury", created within the framework of the program "Rukhani zhangyru". Students of boarding school № 2 presented a book-album "School Museum named after M. P. Rusakov", a book in 3D format in the form of a yurt "Balkhash-80&quo...

On the eve of the Nauryz holiday, the school held class hours ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-03-15 17:04:51
On the eve of the Nauryz holiday, the school held class hours ...
  15.03. 2018 on the eve of the holiday of Nauryz the were spent class hours. Class hour in the 3 "Ә" class "Nauryz». The goal of the class hour is to give full information about the celebration of Nauryz Meiram. To show traditions and customs, rites of the Kazakh people, to designate that Nauryz is a national holiday. During the class hour, the children shared th...

Publishing center "Balausa" of our school published a calendar on the theme "Astana-20" for 2018 ...

Category: Activities within the framework of "Astana-20"
Date: 2018-03-15 16:14:11
Publishing center
     Twenty years ago, on December 10, 1997, it was decided to transfer the capital of the country, and since then much has changed. In a short time the city on Saryarka became a beautiful city, which managed to enter the top of the best capitals of the world. Of course, the sphere of education has also not been left out of importance from such an important anniversary in the li...

Within the framework of the action, was conducted psychological training on kindness ...

Category: "Kazakhstan is the territory of kindness"
Date: 2018-03-15 13:05:57
Within the framework of the action, was conducted psychological training  on kindness ...
      In March, within the framework of the action, psychological training on kindness was held. Purpose: to explain the importance of kindness in a person's life. The development of mutual respect. To bring up to do good deeds and deeds. Participants: pupils of grades 4-6. Course of the training: The training began with a circle of joy. Students on the board have plac...

Information about the action "Day of gratitude"

Category: "Kazakhstan is the territory of kindness"
Date: 2018-03-15 12:21:50
Information about the action
     February 28, 2013 in the boarding, school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov in all classes were class hours, dedicated to March 1 - "Day of gratitude". The goal: To acquaint children with a new holiday that has appeared in Kazakhstan; extend the notion of "a day of gratitude to the people". The development of love for the younger, a good attitude, a sense...

Information about the action of providing assistance to the elderly and veterans

Category: "Kazakhstan is the territory of kindness"
Date: 2018-03-15 12:13:59
Information about the action of providing assistance to the elderly and veterans
     According to the plan of the events within the framework of the action "Kazakhstan - the territory of kindness", from February to May, events are held to help the elderly and veterans. In February, students of the boarding school № 2 named. MP Rusakova took an active part in the action. Together with their class teachers, they helped, the boys - cleaned up in t...

Information about the conduct of the uniform class hours within the framework of the decade "Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity"

Category: "Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity"
Date: 2018-03-15 12:10:23
Information about the conduct of the uniform class hours within the framework of the decade
From 1 to 12 February, was held the decade "Self-knowledge: the pedagogy of love and creativity". As an outcome, were held open class hoursin grades 1-9: "Mercy is a noble property,"", "Moral education with the family", "Kindness is the sun, warming the heart of a person", " This is a fun world"," Morning of happy meetings ". The o...

The final information about the Republican information campaign "Say Life - Yes!" (February 10-March 10, 2018)

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-03-13 15:25:16
The final information about the Republican information campaign
  From February 10 to March 10, 2018, the republican information campaign "Say life - YES!" Organizers of the information campaign: the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local executive bodies, departments of internal affairs, education departments, internal politics, culture, regions,...

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