A local history lesson on the topic "Honorary citizens, whose names are named streets of the city" ...

Category: library
Date: 2018-04-11 09:35:30
A local history lesson on the topic
   President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his article entitled "Looking into the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness" noted that "patriotism begins with love for your homeland, love for the village, the city and the region, your homeland ..." On April 10, 2018, on the day of the city in the reading room of the school library of boarding school №  2, a local...

Within the framework of the city's week of mathematics, were held the mathematical game "The expert in mathematics" and the "Young Archimedes" Olympiad...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2018-04-10 18:29:42
Within the framework of the city's week of mathematics, were held the mathematical game
     On April 7, on the basis of the secondary school № 8, a mathematical game "The expert in mathematics" was held among the teams of the 8,10 classes of schools in the city. From each school 1 team participated. The purpose: to deepen knowledge of students by performing mathematical tasks of the game, to consolidate the knowledge gained. Development of thinking, ma...

The cognitive hour for the 145th birthday of Amangeldy Imanov ...

Category: library
Date: 2018-04-10 13:58:22
The cognitive hour for the 145th birthday of Amangeldy Imanov ...
     April 8, 2018 in the club weekend, an hour passed an interesting message about the life and heroism of the national bat Amangeldy Imanov. The story about the batyr was accompanied by the showing of the feature film "Amangeldy". The writers and poets dedicated their lives and feats to the batyr: Zhambyl Zhabaev, M. Kuznetsov, L. Sobolev, D. Snegin, Ukrainian...

Training in the External Evaluation of Educational Achievements of 2018

Date: 2018-04-04 21:48:43
Training in the External Evaluation of Educational Achievements of 2018
     To prepare for the External Evaluation of Educational Achievements in Secondary Education (VOUD SO), it is necessary to use textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and be based on the specification of tests on subjects. The test specification, the document that determines the structure and content of the work, contains...

External evaluation of educational achievements in organizations of general secondary education

Date: 2018-04-04 21:43:17
External evaluation of educational achievements in organizations of general secondary education
  External evaluation of educational achievements in secondary education (EEEA SO) is one of the types of monitoring of the quality of education independent of the organization of education. The objectives of the External evaluation of educational achievements/EEEA/: • Assessment of the quality of educational services; • determining the level of mastering of general educat...

Comparative monitoring of research achievements of students

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2018-04-02 10:22:23
Comparative monitoring of research achievements of students
  During the monitoring, the following problems were identified: - weak scientific and methodological support for teachers working in this direction, - the relevance of the selected topic - teachers do not know the standards for writing research papers, etc.   Ways to solve these problems: - Conducting a school seminar on the organization of research work of students; - C...

Minutes of the meeting № 4 methodical association of educators, 2017-2018 school year

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-04-01 19:02:14
   27.03.2018 On the agenda: 1. "Ways of formation of moral upbringing of students" / Report / Teacher: Tazhikeeva B. 2. Generalization of the experience "Use of didactic games in the process of education", educator Beisekeeva Sh.M. 3. "Portfolio of self-education" Educator: Tulegenova A. 4. Miscellaneous.     Recommendations: &...

Minutes of the meeting № 4 of teachers of artistic and aesthetic cycle, 2017-2018

Category: Methodical association of aesthetic cycle
Date: 2018-04-01 18:53:31
  March 27, 2018 Agenda: 1. Generalization of experience. Askarov A. A. Teacher of physical culture. 2. Report on "Opportunities for working with interactive whiteboards in technology lessons". Teacher of Technology Kerimbekova R. A. 3. Miscellaneous issues. Recommendations: 1. Draw up a work plan for the decade of combining the aesthetic cycle for the month of April...

Minutes of the meeting of natural-mathematical cycle № 4, 2017-2018 school year

Date: 2018-04-01 18:41:46
  27. 03. 2018 Present - 6 people: Absent - no Agenda: 1. Ways to improve the teaching and educational process. Experience exchange. 2. The report "Results of the criterial evaluation in the effective planning and organization of the educational process". On the first question: 1. The subject teachers presented a comparative analysis of academic performance and the...

Minutes of the meeting № 4 methodical association of teachers of primary classes, 2017-2018 school year

Category: Methodical association of primary school teachers
Date: 2018-04-01 18:36:11
  27.03.2018     On the agenda: 1. The report "Ways of using methods and methods of diversity and teaching lessons", teacher of primary classes Eleubekova A. B. 2. The report "Efficiency of group work in an elementary school". Exchange of work experience within the framework of "Reading in joy", the teacher of primary classes Dauylbaeva Zh.K....

Minutes of the meeting № 4 social and humanitarian cycle 2017-2018 academic year

Category: Methodical association of social and humanities
Date: 2018-04-01 18:14:24
  27.03.2018 On the agenda: 1. The report "The Trinity of Languages is the Will of Time", an English teacher Yntykbekova G.K. 2. Results of the ІІІ quarter, subject teachers 3. The results of the decade of self-knowledge Recommendations: 1. To apply the development of the tri-unity of languages in the corresponding disciplines. 2. Continue to work with weak childre...

Information about events during the spring break

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-04-01 14:14:56
Information about events during the spring break
      For the spring break, a plan was drawn up, according to which events were organized and held. The plan of all events was posted on the information stand for familiarization by teachers and parents. All events were held according to the plan at a decent level. On festive dates from March 21 to 23, with the children who spend the night in the boarding school, tutors&n...

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