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An intellectual game to learn proverbs, sayings and riddles of the Kazakh language...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-09-15 13:55:15
An intellectual game to learn proverbs, sayings and riddles of the Kazakh language...
On September 12, within the framework of the week of languages ​​among the students of the 8th grades, was held an intellectual game to learn proverbs, sayings and riddles of the Kazakh language. Purpose of the game: to teach students to name proverbs and sayings on a specific topic, the ability to find answers to riddles. Acquaintance with the types of folklore, educate in children moral qualit...

An intellectual game-quiz" Connoisseurs of the Russian language"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-09-15 13:53:13
An intellectual game-quiz
September 10 in MGA "General Boarding School Boarding School № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov of Balkhash", was held an intellectual game-quiz" Connoisseurs of the Russian language" among 6 classes in the framework of the week of languages. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of imagination, intellectual, creative abilities of students, aesthetic taste and feelin...

Minutes of the meeting № 1 social and humanitarian cycle 2018-2019 academic year

Category: Methodical association of social and humanities
Date: 2018-09-15 12:06:40
Date: 31.08.2018 Present: 11 Absent: 0 In the agenda: 1. To get acquainted with the Instructive Letter 2018-2019. Discuss and propose for approval the annual plan of work of the Metodical Assosiation. 2. Analysis of the calendar-thematic plan of the teachers of discipline. 3. Identification of the subjects of education and technologies used by the members of the Metodical Assosiation...

Minutes of the meeting № 1 methodical association of teachers of primary classes, 2018-2019 school year

Category: Methodical association of primary school teachers
Date: 2018-09-10 23:25:22
31.08.2018  Participating teachers: 9 On the agenda: 1. Development and approval of the plan for methodical unification for the 2018-2019 academic year and approval of the composition of the methodical association. 2. Institutionalization and discussion of methodological guidance. Development, familiarity and discussion of the calendar-thematic plan. 3. Analyze the work done over...

Meeting of teachers of tutors 1

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-09-10 23:19:52
August 31, 2018 Agenda: 1. Educational aspects of the presentation of the new academic year 2. Analysis of the methodological plan for educational work. 3. Approval of the plan for educational work for the new school year. Solution: 1. To plan in 8 directions of the educational plan. 2. The educational activities that were planned to be responsive. 3. The planned plans are to ha...

Minutes of the meeting № 1 of teachers of artistic and aesthetic cycle, 2018-2019 academic year

Category: Methodical association of aesthetic cycle
Date: 2018-09-10 23:07:27
31.08.2018. Present: Musabekova R.E. Aikeyeva IA, Mukanova MB, Ybyshev BK Erbolly A, Neldybaev AN, Kauynbekov Ye.S., Shaimerdenov AB Agenda I. Acquaintance and study of instructive and methodological materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 2018-2019 academic year, educational programs. II. Compilation and approval of the work plan for me...

Minutes of the meeting of natural-mathematical cycle № 1, 2018-2019 school year

Date: 2018-09-10 22:54:05
August 31, 2018 The meeting was attended by members of the Methodological Association - 5 people None-1-Alieva Sh.A. Agenda: 1. Discussion of the instructive and methodological letter "On the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in general schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2018-2019 school year." 2. Discussion and approval of calendar-themat...

The festival dedicated to the Day of Health ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-09-10 16:28:52
The festival dedicated to the Day of Health ...
 September 10, 2018 in the boarding school after M.P. Rusakov held a festival dedicated to the Day of Health. Students from grades 1-9 took an active part in the sports festival. In the relay race "Merry Starts" students of primary classes competed in classes, in the end, 1 place - 4 "Ә" class, 2 place - 3 "A", 3 place - 4 "A". In football among boys...

Parent conference on the topic "Psychological help to parents of first-formers"

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2018-09-09 16:59:05
Parent conference on the topic
In today's challenging circumstances, the family needs systematic and qualified assistance from the school. The cost of pedagogical inadequacy of parents can be very expensive; understand their mistakes as parents, and understand how to bring up the child from the first days without doing the wrong thing in bringing up the child. That is why increasing the pedagogical culture of parents is a...

In the weekend club passed acquaintance with the library, was reviewed books

Category: library
Date: 2018-09-09 16:37:11
In the weekend club passed acquaintance with the library, was reviewed books
In the weekend club passed acquaintance with the library, a review of books was conducted. My young friends! Coming to the library, do you pay attention to book exhibitions? Book exhibitions refer to traditional forms of work with readers, in libraries in the middle of the nineteenth century. But even now in library service the book exhibition is the most popular and one of the most important...

On September 8 there was a parental conference for parents of the 1st grade...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2018-09-09 16:07:25
On September 8 there was a parental conference for parents of the 1st grade...
In MGA"Boarding school № 2" on September 8 there was a parental conference for parents of the 1st grade. The annual traditional parental conferences "Kazakhstan parents of the 21st century: become an example to your child" on the topic: "Psychological help to parents" is planned to be held in several stages from September 8 to October 14, 2018 in all schools of th...

A solemn gathering dedicated to the Day of Languages was held at the school ...

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2018-09-05 11:29:53
A solemn gathering dedicated to the Day of Languages was held at the school ...
On September 5, in the sanatorium boarding school №2 named after M. P. Rusakov, was held a solemn gathering dedicated to the Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.The acting director of boarding school Perizat Serikbaevna Zhamshibaeva congratulated on this holiday. Students of the 6th grade Yakhin Ramazan and Nurbolat Maratuly performed the patriotic song. Teacher of Kazakh language As...

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