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Plan of activities for the autumn holidays, 29.10. 2018 - 04.11.2018

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-10-25 13:40:47
Plan of activities for the autumn holidays, 29.10. 2018 - 04.11.2018
Objective: to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, the formation of pride in the younger generation to the Motherland, the people, the Commonwealth of Nations. Awakening children's enthusiasm for various types of art, the awakening of demand for children's creativity, encouraging talent.

An intellectual game «Knowledgeable Generation is a Country of Solidarity»...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2018-10-24 18:18:54
An intellectual game «Knowledgeable Generation is a Country of Solidarity»...
On October 24, as part of a week of gifted children, among students in grades 6–7,  was held an intellectual game «Knowledgeable Generation is a Country of Solidarity». The guys played in two teams "Bіlіm" and "Gils". In the game, the teams competed on the knowledge of subject disciplines “Kazakh language”, “Russian language”,&ld...

Intellectual competition "Zhүzden zhүyrik" among students in grades 4-5 ... Intellectual competition

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2018-10-24 15:03:12
Intellectual competition
 On October 23, in the framework of the Week of gifted children, a competition was held among students of 4-5 grades. The purpose of the competition is to test students' knowledge of the subject and further develop their talents. The ability to convey and prove your thoughts to the listener. The development of logical thinking, creative abilities. The competition consisted of 5 stages...

A parental meeting to clarify the Address of the Head of State N. A. Nazarbayev dated October 5, 2018...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2018-10-23 15:17:59
A parental meeting to clarify the Address of the Head of State N. A. Nazarbayev dated October 5, 2018...
On October 22, in 2018, in the boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov, a parent meeting was held to discuss the Head of State’s message “Growing Kazakhstan Welfare: Increasing Income and Quality of Life” to the people of Kazakhstan dated 05. 10. 2018 A history teacher introduced Zhanat A. Zh. To the Message of the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan. A total of 80 p...

Out-of-class event plan. Competition "Mathematical Intellect"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2018-10-22 17:27:22
Out-of-class event plan. Competition
Purpose:   1. To instill an interest in research work, to teach students   2. Development of accuracy and ingenuity.   3. To raise interest, motivation to study mathematics.

The competition "Mathematical Intelligence"...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2018-10-22 17:12:59
The competition
From 22 to 27 October, the school is scheduled to hold a week of "Gifted Children". On October 22, the competition "Mathematical Intelligence" among students of grades 2-3. The purpose of the competition is to test students' knowledge of the subject and further develop their talents. The competition consisted of 6 stages. The children played in two teams "Tapqyrlar...

Intellectual marathon "Akbota" ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2018-10-22 16:30:24
Intellectual marathon
In October, 46 students from our school took part in the Akbota intellectual marathon. The marathon is held to identify gifted children and their motivation to in-depth study of science among schoolchildren from 3 to 10 classes. Participants were awarded certificates and in anticipation of good results from their work.

Took place the quiz «Our Combine»...

Category: library
Date: 2018-10-22 15:26:14
Took place the quiz «Our Combine»...
On October 21, at the Weekend Club took place the «Our Combine» quiz, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the expedition of  M. P. Rusakov to Kounrad. Children searched for answers to the quiz questions themselves, using the books: “Balkhash. Pages of History”,“The Copper Giant in Balkhash, Part I ”. Children expressed their willingness to continue the...

Information on events organized by October 18 - the Day of Spiritual Harmony

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-10-22 13:45:50
Information on events organized by October 18 - the Day of Spiritual Harmony
Every year, on October 18, the country celebrated the Day of Spiritual Harmony. In this regard, a work plan was drawn up at our school. According to the plan, an exhibition of the school library was held in the school lobby on the topic “Spiritual harmony guarantee of unity and stability”, and an information stand was decorated on the theme “Spiritual harmony is the beginning...

About the organization and conduct of the week "Gifted students" ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2018-10-19 18:27:13
About the organization and conduct of the week
In boarding school № 2, a meeting was held with teachers in order to draw up a plan for the week “Gifted students”. The goal is to discuss the organization of effective events to identify talented students. It was decided to hold various intellectual games and competitions from October 22 to October 26 among students in grades 2-9.

Within the week of mastery in the use of ICT in the educational process, were held open lessons ...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2018-10-19 17:49:21
Within the week of mastery in the use of ICT in the educational process, were held open lessons ...
On October 19, within the week of mastering the use of ICT in the educational process, 3 open lessons were conducted. In 1 “Ә” class, teacher Zhetpis B. conducted an open lesson on literacy on the topic “Road to school. The sound and the letter O ". Learning objectives of the lesson: to express your opinion about what was heard, to compile stories on a given topic. The cor...

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