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Minutes of the meeting № 3 social and humanitarian cycle 2018-2019 academic year

Category: Methodical association of social and humanities
Date: 2019-01-11 11:38:30
January 04, 2019 Present: 12 teachers Agenda: 1. Results of the second quarter. (Head of MO) 2. Report: "The development of creative thinking in students through the use of new technologies in the lessons of the Kazakh language and literature" Mukhamedzhanova F. 3. Results of the substantive decade. (Subjects) Recommendations: 1. The use of advanced technology by tea...

Minutes of the meeting № 3 methodical association of educators, 2018-2019 school year

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2019-01-11 11:31:26
03. 01. 2019 Agenda: 1. "The role of the educator in improving the cognitive interest of students" 2. The tasks of the educator in the conduct of educational activities / exchange of views / 3. Protection of self-education portfolio /Z.O. Abilkasimova, L.K. Kurmanbekova. Decision: 1. Increase the interest and knowledge of students. 2. To be able to set goals and implement...

Minutes of the meeting № 3 methodical association of teachers of primary classes, 2018-2019 school year

Category: Methodical association of primary school teachers
Date: 2019-01-11 11:16:46
03.01.2019 Attended: 9 Agenda: 1. “Types of evaluation. Effectiveness evaluation", report. Dauylbaeva Zh. K. 2. “The importance of using the tasks of formative assessment within the framework of the updated content of education”, primary school teacher Zhetpis B.N. 3. Results 2 quarter. Recommendations: 1. Effective application of various types of assessment....

A city exhibition-presentation of the "Winter Crystal" handicrafts...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-11 11:05:24
A city exhibition-presentation of the
On January 9, on the last day of the winter holidays, a city exhibition-presentation of the "Winter Crystal" handicrafts took place in the schoolchildren’s palace. The purpose of the competition: the identification and development of natural inclinations and creative abilities of children. Development of observation, attention, education of love for the native nature. The stu...

A contest among schoolchildren on the theme “Creating a winter appliqué from multi-colored napkins” ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-08 16:31:16
A contest among schoolchildren on the theme “Creating a winter appliqué from multi-colored napkins” ...
 08. 01. 2019 the children during the winter holidays a handicraft competition was held on the theme “Creating a winter appliqué from colorful napkins”. The purpose of the competition: to teach how to make a winter application by cutting the folded napkins in half. At the same time, this type of work contributes to the development of hand flexibility. The children wer...

Pedagogical Council on the topic "The role of the methodical association of educators and socio-psychological services in the organization of educational work"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-08 16:26:25
Pedagogical Council on the topic
On January 5, another pedagogical council was held. Topic "The role of the socio-psychological service, the activities of the methodical association of school teachers in the organization of educational work." Meeting progress: RELAXATION - psychologist Asylkhanova A. A. 1. Implementation of the decision of the previous Pedagogical Council - Sakharieva M. M. 2. The role of the...

Protocols № 2 public hearing before parent community

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2019-01-08 15:30:36
Protocols №  2 public hearing before parent community
On the agenda: 1. Welcome word 2. Conceptual basis of education 3. Miscellaneous questions Protocols attached to file

A city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-04 22:28:21
A city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”...
On January 4, the school of arts organized a city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”. In this competition, Adambekov Diaz received a diploma for the third place in the nomination "New Year's drawings". Leader: M. Mukanova. The aim of the competition: Drawing attention to the time of the year Winter, creating a festive mood, atmosphere of fairy tales and m...

А creative lesson called “Welcome, New Year” was held...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-04 22:25:58
 А creative lesson called “Welcome, New Year” was held...
On January 4, during the winter holidays, a creative lesson called “Welcome, New Year” was held with the students of grades 1–4 of primary school teacher Aldakiyarova A. A. Objective: to learn to make New Year's toys using visualization, decorating and assembling, preparing for the New Year holidays - teaching children to create various forms of natural materials, colored...

Plan of activities for the winter holidays from January 3 to January 9, 2019

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-04 12:24:05
Plan of activities for the winter holidays from January 3 to January 9, 2019
Objective: to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, to create a sense of pride in the nation, people, to cultivate culture among the younger generation. Promotion of healthy lifestyles, the development of cognitive creative activity, the organization of leisure.

"Welcome, New Year!"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-04 11:14:53
December 27, our school held a New Year's holiday among middle school students. During the New Year's program were staged and incendiary flash mob. Pupils sketched, sang songs and danced. Father Frost and Snow Maiden handed the students sweet-cheers and gave them a New Year's mood. All participants of the holiday were in a good mood.

The festive event "Full of Wonders New Year" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-12-27 15:13:23
The festive event
One of the most long-awaited and beloved children's holidays is the New Year. December 27 held a festive event "Full of Wonders New Year", dedicated to students of grades 1-4. To raise the mood of children on the New Year's holiday, guests came in the form of fairy-tale heroes from the wonderful world of fairy tales. And what a holiday without Farher Frost and Snow Maiden. Fa...

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