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School Forum 2020: “Model of school education and upbringing: what? how? for what?"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-02-23 13:40:18
School Forum 2020: “Model of school education and upbringing: what? how? for what?
 According to the plan of the Balkhash city department of education, on February 21, the second stage of the school day was held at the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov. School Forum 2020: “Model of school education and upbringing: what? how? for what?". The goal is to educate young people about environmental education, instilling a sense of responsibility...

Festival-competition of the patriotic song...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-23 13:36:29
Festival-competition of the patriotic song...
On February 19, 2020, a patriotic festival-competition of patriotic songs was held at the Schoolchildren’s Palace with the goal of creating a civic position among students, instilling a sense of patriotism, developing their creative potential, aesthetic culture, and self-sufficiency. At the festival-competition, patriotic songs were performed by vocal performers of city schools in a chor...

"Zhigit Sultans" competition among 6-7 grades...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-21 20:59:08
February 19 as part of the decade of the methodological association of educators in boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov was held "Zhigit Sultans" competition among 6-7 grades. Purpose: to teach restraint, humanity, to develop dexterity, to cultivate a culture of behavior in them. To reveal hidden talents, ingenuity, skills, the ability to express oneself in various aspects...

An intellectual competition of connoisseurs among the 8th grade students...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-19 10:57:04
An intellectual competition of connoisseurs among the 8th grade students...
February 18 at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakovduring the decade of educational work was held an intellectual competition of connoisseurs among the 8th grade students. The purpose of this event: to develop erudition, horizons, student awareness, the ability to put their knowledge into practice. Develop students' ability to think logically, dexterity and accuracy. Students pl...

Contest of expressive reading dedicated to the work and life of Mukagali Makatayev ...

Category: library
Date: 2020-02-19 10:53:35
Contest of expressive reading dedicated to the work and life of Mukagali Makatayev ...
February 18 at boarding school №2 named after M. P. Rusakov was held a contest of expressive reading, dedicated to the work and life of the lyric poet, master of the word Mukagali Makatayev. This year, M. Makatayev would have turned 89 years old. The purpose of the competition: propaganda of the work of M. Makatev, increasing students' interest in poetry, the formation of speech culture. T...

Intellectual game among students of 6th grades ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-17 16:20:12
Intellectual game among students of 6th grades ...
February 14, as part of the decade of the methodological association of educators of boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov hosted the intellectual competition among students of 6th grade. Purpose: to develop students' ability to quickly and express their thoughts. Through game tasks and questions to develop logical thinking, memory. To develop a sense of responsibility and teamwork...

An open lesson was held in online format on the topic "Multiplication of decimal fractions" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-02-14 16:57:41
An open lesson was held in online format on the topic
On February 13, a mathematics teacher G. A. Burkitalieva conducted a regional open lesson in online format in the 5th “A” class on the topic “Multiplication of decimal fractions”. The purpose of the lesson: learning and doing decimal multiplication. In the lesson, group tasks, tasks for correcting commas were given, as a pair of work, students were given a semantic map...

In 5 classes, was organized and held a sports event...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-13 18:43:35
In 5 classes, was organized and held a sports event...
On February 13, the decade of the methodological association of educators continued. In 5 classes, a sports event was organized and held under the name "Densaulyk - Zor Bailyk". The purpose of the competition: to educate students in a sense of responsibility for their health and healthy lifestyle, to increase their interest in sports relay races. The students divided into teams &ldqu...

An intellectual competition was held among students of 4 classes...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-13 18:07:33
An intellectual competition was held among students of 4 classes...
On February 12, in the boarding school No. 2, as part of the decade of the methodological association of educators, an intellectual competition was held among students of 4 classes. The purpose of the event: to develop logical thinking, memory, understanding of the meaning of words. The guys were divided into 2 teams. In this competition, the teams competed in knowledge, the stages of the compet...

The republican open self-knowledge lesson "Love is the basis of life" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-12 12:12:07
The republican open self-knowledge lesson
On February 12, a nationwide open self-knowledge lesson “Love is the basis of life” was held in all classes of the school as part of the decade “Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity”. Purpose: to deepen students' ideas about the universal value of “Love” through the disclosure of the meaning and meaning of the concept of “serving society...

Event on knowledge of traffic rules

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-02-12 10:13:25
Event on knowledge of traffic rules
 On February 11, as part of the decade’s plan for the methodological association of educators among pupils of the 3rd grade, an extracurricular event was held on knowledge of the traffic rules “Zholda Zhure Bileyik”. The purpose of the event is to consolidate students' knowledge of street rules, road crossings, traffic rules and road signs; the concept of "tr...

Open lesson on self-knowledge in the 4th grade, “The Doctrine of Conscience” ...

Category: "Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity"
Date: 2020-02-11 15:54:08
Open lesson on self-knowledge in the 4th grade, “The Doctrine of Conscience” ...
On February 10, as part of the decade “Pedagogy of love and creativity”, at the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov, the teacher of self-knowledge Syzdykova S. R. held an open lesson on the theme “The doctrine of conscience”. Purpose: to expand the understanding that the value of truth is a source of spiritual and spiritual enlightenment, to teach students onl...

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