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The results of the republican creative competition "Compassion will save the world!" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-06-01 18:30:29
The results of the republican creative competition
  In May, the Republican distance learning contest "Kindness will save the world!" The competition was held with the aim of developing the creative and artistic imagination of children, identifying and supporting talented and gifted children. The competition was held in the following categories: essay competition “Give the world kindness”, a contest of video messages...

Results of the contests "My hobby is beadwork" and "Green Planet" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-06-01 18:28:03
Results of the contests
In the VI International Creative Competition of the International Intellectual Educational Center “Sova”, students of the 2nd “B” class, Inogamova Zuhra in the competition “My hobby is beadwork” and Inogamova Fotima in the drawing contest “Green Planet” took 1st places.


Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2020-05-28 15:09:00
The child is vulnerable in front of an open window and the explanation for this is natural curiosity. Unfortunately, recently we are increasingly witnessing a series of accidents involving children. A small child, even for several seconds left unattended by adults, can fall out of the window and get injuries, often incompatible with life. And the reason for this is inattention on the part of a...

Child Safety - Adult Care! Memo for parents

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2020-05-28 15:05:27
Child Safety - Adult Care! Memo for parents
The prosecutor's office of the Karaganda region analyzed crimes against the sexual integrity of minors. According to statistics, over the past period of this year, the number of such crimes increased by 32% (from 44 to 58), including sexual acts (8 facts) and corruption of minors (13). For all the facts, pre-trial investigations have been launched. The culprits are set. We remind you t...

The results of the contest "My Flower Greenhouse" ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2020-05-28 15:01:27
The results of the contest
The International Center for Fine Arts "Watercolor" held the V International contest of drawings, crafts, photographs, postcards, "My Flower Greenhouse", where students of the 2nd "B" class, Toleukhasymova Nurai, Golubeva Valeriya, Nam Milena took 1st places.  

Class hours were held on the theme "Welcome, summer!" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-05-25 23:37:24
Class hours were held on the theme
Following the results of the 2019-2020 school year, on May 25, classroom hours on the subject “Welcome, summer!” Were held for all classes at the sanatorium boarding school No. 2. Purpose: Encourage students to be safe during the summer holidays and spend their holidays in the most useful way. In the lesson, teachers told students about water safety, offenses and administrative res...

Farewell to elementary school ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-05-25 20:54:09
Farewell to elementary school ...
Last call! Last call! 4 years, as an instant, flew by Years pass and ring Last call Rehearsal Today - Grade 4 is over. It just so happened that this year the festival of farewell from elementary school was held online. This is a very important event in the life of fourth graders. The children prepared videos and read poems, expressed gratitude to their first teachers and educators.&n...

INFORMATION on the participation of 9th grade students in the online career guidance of the Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2020-05-23 21:18:43
INFORMATION on the participation of 9th grade students in the online career guidance of the Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College
Pupils of 9 A, 9 Ә classes of boarding school № 2, a total of 47 students took part in the online career guidance work of the Balkhash Humanitarian Technical College named after Alikhan Musin. Students carefully studied the advocacy work of the college and received a lot of information on the specialties they need. As a result of this work, answers were given to the most pressing questions of st...

Information about the online work of the Educational and Methodological Center Balkhash on career guidance for school graduates

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2020-05-23 21:16:28
Information about the online work of the Educational and Methodological Center Balkhash on career guidance for school graduates
One of the most important things is to attract young people to work and help them choose the right profession. A consciously chosen profession affects the future life of a person. It is known that a student who is able to creatively develop communication skills in the right direction for future professional goals will be formed as a quality specialist. To achieve these goals, the Training Center...

INFORMATION about the participation of 9th grade students in the online career guidance work “Balkhash Service College”

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2020-05-23 21:14:28
INFORMATION about the participation of 9th grade students in the online career guidance work “Balkhash Service College”
The vocational guidance of the college was carried out online in agreement with the school administration of the city of Balkhash. Orientation work was carried out using videos and handouts. The event was attended by almost all students in grades 9 A and 9 № of boarding school No. 2 (47 children). The career guidance system in college can be divided into 4 main modules. These are: professional i...

Republican distance contest, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory...

Date: 2020-05-18 18:35:08
Republican distance contest, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory...
Pupils of our school took the grand prix and the first places in the Republican distance contest, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory and organized by the portal of intellectual education “Leader of the XXI century”. Leader B. N. Tazhikeeva was awarded a letter of thanks for the organization of this creative work.  #ООБ_школадома

The next republican action “Hours of Integrity” took place in an online format ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-05-18 18:32:52
The next republican action “Hours of Integrity” took place in an online format ...
On May 18 of this year, in connection with the transition of educational institutions to distance learning, the next republican action “Hours of Integrity” was held. The theme of the action is dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great Abay. Pupils were presented with video lectures prepared by the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The action was carried out...

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