Work with the parent community

‘“Жасөспірімдер арасында тәртіп бұзушылықты болдырмау мәселелерін алдын алу және шешу жолдары” тақырыбымен директор сағаты өткізілді...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2022-03-16 23:03:46
‘“Жасөспірімдер арасында тәртіп бұзушылықты болдырмау мәселелерін алдын алу және шешу жолдары” тақырыбымен директор сағаты өткізілді...
16 Наурыз күні ‘“Жасөспірімдер арасында тәртіп бұзушылықты болдырмау мәселелерін алдын алу және шешу жолдары” тақырыбымен директор сағаты өткізілді. Күн тәртібіндегі негізгі сұрақ - көктемгі демалыс 19.03 – 30.03 аралығында оқушылар қауіпсіздігі. Әр түрлі сұрақтар: 1. ІІІ тоқсан қорытындысы. 2. 1 сыныпқа қабылдау кампаниясының басталуы туралы ақпарат. 3. Жазғы мектеп...

«Бала қауіпсіздігі – басты назарда» тақырыбында «Отбасы сағаты» өткізілді...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2022-03-13 14:31:24
«Бала қауіпсіздігі – басты назарда» тақырыбында «Отбасы сағаты» өткізілді...
10 наурыз күні ата-аналар қоғамдастығымен жұмысты ұйымдастыру мақсатында «Бала қауіпсіздігі – басты назарда» тақырыбында «Отбасы сағаты» өткізілді. Кездесу қашықтан ZOOM платформасы арқылы өтіп, балалардың қауіпсіздігі мәселеліріне арналды. Отбасы сағатында қала прокуратурасының прокуроры А. Қ. Қуанышбек сөз сөйлеп, жиында балалардың жалпы қауіпсіздігі және салауатт...

Leader's Hour...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2022-01-18 15:07:13
Leader's Hour...
On January 15, the "Leader's Hour" was held with the participation of the parents of the school. The main issue on the agenda is the start of the educational process in the third quarter. Parents were informed that our school will work as usual, strictly observing all sanitary requirements. Parents also asked questions and exchanged opinions.

On October 15, an online meeting of parents was held

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-10-16 14:23:26
On October 15, an online meeting of parents was held
On October 15th, an online meeting of parents took place. The meeting was attended by the school director, school inspector, class teachers and educators. During the meeting, the headmaster and the school inspector informed about the types of juvenile delinquency and the ban on walking in the evenings on the street without a legal representative. The participants of the meeting got acquainted wi...

Hour of the Leader

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-09-27 10:42:50
Hour of the Leader
On September 25, at 10.00, the "Hour of the Leader" was held. At a meeting dedicated to parental issues, director P. Zhamshybayeva informed parents about some changes in the name of the school, drew the attention of parents to the observance of sanitary standards to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, recalled the responsibility of parents for the upbringing and education of m...

An all-republican parent meeting on the topic "Results of the academic year" in online format ...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-05-25 20:06:49
An all-republican parent meeting on the topic
On May 22, 2021, in order to inform parents, that is, the legal representatives of children, about the results of the 2020-2021 academic year, an all-republican  parent meeting was held on the topic “Results of the academic year” in an online format. On the agenda: - Results of the academic year; - Summer school; - Safe summer; - Report on the effectiveness of...

In grades 1-11, parent-teacher meetings were held by class teachers and educators in each class...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-05-25 20:03:51
In grades 1-11, parent-teacher meetings were held by class teachers and educators in each class...
On May 22, in grades 1-11, class teachers and educators in each class held parent-teacher meetings in order to inform parents about the results of the 2020-2021 academic year. At the meeting, the following issues were discussed: the results of the academic year, events that will be held at the end of the academic year: the organization of the last bell and graduation parties. Also, the issue of...

A general school parents' meeting took place...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-05-18 00:22:08
A general school parents' meeting took place...
On May 17, a general school parents' meeting took place. During the meeting, the issues of organizing summer vacations for students, compliance with the rules for the safety of children by parents, final certification and employment of graduating classes were discussed. Along with this, the specialist of the "Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College" Yerkenaz Kasenkhanovna provi...

A parent meeting was held for parents and students of grades 9 and 11...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-05-14 21:44:36
A parent meeting was held for parents and students of grades 9 and 11...
 On May 12, a parent meeting was held for parents and students of grades 9 and 11. The purpose of the meeting is vocational guidance of graduates, providing information on the conduct of state exams and UNT. During the meeting, Akgul Saburbaevna, a specialist from Balkhash Service College, spoke about the specialties of the educational institution, as well as opportunities for students. On...

"Leader's hour" on the topic "Organization of the educational process in the fourth quarter ...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-03-31 09:18:01
 On March 30, the “Leader's Hour” was held for the parents of the Mikhail Rusakov Sanatorium Boarding School. On the agenda is the organization of the educational process in the 4th quarter. In the 4th quarter, 70% of the subjects will be conducted in the regular mode, 30% of the subjects will be online. Parents were provided with detailed information within the framework of...

A training seminar with parents of grades 5-8 on the topic "The influence of parents on the formation of functional literacy of students" ...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-03-16 17:36:32
A training seminar with parents of grades 5-8 on the topic
 The influence of parents on the functional literacy of children is great. This is expressed in their attention to the successes and failures in their child's studies, in helping to organize their home pastime: sleep and rest, proper organization of healthy eating, access to technical means, and organization of leisure activities. In this regard, on March 15, according to the in-school...

A webinar-training was held on the topic "The influence of parents in the formation of functional literacy of students" ...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2021-03-10 21:28:55
A webinar-training was held on the topic
On March 9, within the framework of the Zeyin project, the primary school teacher Zh.K. Salykbaeva in order to combine theory and practice and parental influence in the formation of functional literacy among students of grades 3-4, a webinar-training was held on the topic "The influence of parents in the formation of functional literacy of students" ... During the webinar, various task...

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