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Action "Road to school"


Action "Road to school"

Республикалық "Мектепке жол" акциясына қатысқан демеушілерге алғысымызды білідіреміз...

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2022-10-03 10:37:50
  Республикалық "Мектепке жол" акциясына қатысқан демеушілерге алғысымызды білідіреміз... Республикалық «Мектепке жол» акциясы жалпыға бірдей білім беру айлығы аясында өткізіліп, мектеп жасындағы балаларды толық қамтуды қамтамасыз етуге және аз қамтылған отбасылардағы мектеп оқушыларына қаражат және материалдық көмек көрсетуге бағытталған. Биылғы оқу жылында «...

«Мектепке жол» акциясы 30 қыркүйекке дейін жалғасуда...

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2022-09-15 12:00:39
«Мектепке жол» акциясы 30 қыркүйекке дейін жалғасуда...
2022-2023 оқу жылында біздің мектебімізде аз қамтылған және көп балалы отбасынан шыққан оқушыларға жаңа оқу жылына дайындық кезеңінде оқушыларға мектепке материалдық және басқа да көмек көрсету мақсатында «Кәсіпкерлер одағы» «Мектепке жол» акциясы бойынша 8 оқушыға оқу құралдары мен сөмке табыстады, сонымен қатар 100 000 теңгеге 4 оқушыға спорттық форма, спорттық аяқ киім...

«Мектепке жол – Шекарасыз жақсылық»

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2022-07-28 12:16:40
«Мектепке жол – Шекарасыз жақсылық»
  2022 жылдың 1 тамызында Қазақстанда «Мектепке жол» республикалық акциясы басталады. Биылғы жылы акция Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің Жарлығымен жарияланған Балалар жылын іске асыру шеңберінде өткізіледі. Жалпыреспубликалық акция 2022 жылғы 1 тамыз бен 30 қыркүйек аралығында «Мектепке жол – Шекарасыз жақсылық» ұранымен өтеді. Акцияның мақсаты – а...

"Road to School" charity event

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2021-08-31 17:39:57
On the eve of the new academic year, the "Road to School" charity event traditionally continues. Individual entrepreneurs of our city bought stationery, school uniforms, sportswear and helped prepare children for school. The purpose of the event is to provide maximum support to children from low-income families and large families. Financial assistance was provided by FE “Sary Kaz...

Republican action “The road to school continues and its main indicator is real concern...

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2021-08-25 13:13:07
Republican action “The road to school continues and its main indicator is real concern...
Republican action “The road to school continues and its main indicator is real concern. Within its framework, assistance is provided in the acquisition of school supplies, school bags, school uniforms. I am glad that there are caring people who are ready to provide support to children from low-income families, to solve the problems of families who find themselves in difficult life situatio...

Good deeds continue ...

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2021-08-23 16:22:26
Good deeds continue ...
 Within the framework of the republican action "The Road to School" on August 19, FE "Arzan KZ" Қaliolla Zh. 5 students from socially unprotected segments of the population were presented with school clothes and stationery for a total of 135 thousand tenge.

Do good!

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2021-08-13 18:16:52
Do good!
 On August 11, the collective of LLP "Cookery Balkhash" gave 2 students from socially unprotected segments of the population school supplies and school uniforms for a total of 30,000 tenge.

Republican action "Road to school"

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2021-08-09 18:14:02
Republican action
From August 1 to September 30, 2021, the traditional nationwide charitable campaign "Road to School" started. The purpose of the action is to provide material and other assistance to students from among low-income, large families, orphans and children left without parental care during the preparation for the beginning of the school year and to prevent children from not going to school...

We express our gratitude to the sponsors who took part in the republican action "Road to School"

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2020-11-04 20:39:30
We express our gratitude to the sponsors who took part in the republican action
Since the future of our country depends on the educated generation, it is common for all children from low-income families to receive education and benefit society. The republican action "Road to School" is held within the framework of the month of general education and is aimed at ensuring full coverage of school-age children and providing financial and material assistance to vulner...

Road to School 2020 ...

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2020-09-08 14:21:07
Road to School 2020 ...
By tradition, on the eve of the academic year, the republican charitable action "Road to School" has started. The purpose of the action is to support schoolchildren from low-income families and large families in preparation for school. This year 63 applications were received from parents, the number of students - 103. We are grateful to all sponsors who have provided support.

Beginning of the road to school 2019 charity ...

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2019-08-05 16:01:36
Beginning of the road to school 2019 charity ...
From July 1 to September 30, 2019, started the traditional republican charity campaign “Road to School”.  The Education Department of the city of Balkhash, in accordance with a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 3-15-3 /2317 dated July 4, 2019 from July 1 to September 30, announces the holding of the traditional republican charity e...

Information about the work done in the framework of the action "Road school" by the boarding school № 2 after M.P. Rusakov

Category: Action "Road to school"
Date: 2018-10-11 18:15:14
Information about the work done in the framework of the action
September 30 ended the action "Road to School." Work was carried out work on the requests of parents. Individual entrepreneurs of our city responded to letters of inquiry, 66 children were dressed and provided with school supplies worth 1026,000 thousand tenge. Individual entrepreneurs who gave children joy:   1. IP Ryspekova Ainұr Tolegenovna 2. Toikhana “Cosmos&rdquo...

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