Размер шрифта:



The purpose of methodical association of teachers:


Increased interest in diversifying getting students' knowledge, the

formation of personality traits of students through self-knowledge and

self-management. Demand from educators great skill and exclusive

responsibility towards the production efficiency opportunities at pupils

in the educational process of complete assimilation of modern

technology, the development of self-consciousness memories.



Increased self through participation in seminars, roundtables;

Participate in all activities in the school;

To be able to understand the inner world of the pupils;

Strengthen direct communication with parents, conducting educational


The role of the educator in the process of collective education of


Performing tasks assigned to tutor in the patriotic education of


Education and competence of educators in the process of classroom

hours, cognitive and intellectual show.

Minutes of the meeting № 3 methodical association of educators, 2018-2019 school year

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2019-01-11 11:31:26
03. 01. 2019 Agenda: 1. "The role of the educator in improving the cognitive interest of students" 2. The tasks of the educator in the conduct of educational activities / exchange of views / 3. Protection of self-education portfolio /Z.O. Abilkasimova, L.K. Kurmanbekova. Decision: 1. Increase the interest and knowledge of students. 2. To be able to set goals and implement...

Minutes of the meeting № 2 methodical association of educators, 2018-2019 school year

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-11-06 16:38:53
29. 10. 2018 Agenda: 1. Information on the work done by mentors with young specialists, in order to provide methodological assistance. 2. Search and achievements of young professionals. 3. Self-preparation and methods used in conducting self-preparation. 4. The results of the methodical association for 1 quarter. 5. Current issues. Recommendations: 1. To continue the work on the...

Meeting of teachers of tutors 1

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-09-10 23:19:52
August 31, 2018 Agenda: 1. Educational aspects of the presentation of the new academic year 2. Analysis of the methodological plan for educational work. 3. Approval of the plan for educational work for the new school year. Solution: 1. To plan in 8 directions of the educational plan. 2. The educational activities that were planned to be responsive. 3. The planned plans are to ha...

Minutes of the meeting № 5 methodical association of educators, 2017-2018 school year

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-05-26 17:48:42
  19. 05. 2018 On the agenda: 1. Summarizing the year for educational activities. / Report / Head of the Ministry of Defense: Zhumabekova A. O. 2. Monitoring of educators /annual/ deputy of educational work: Suleimenova M. N. Recommendations: Educational activities in the 2017-2018 academic year were carried out by educators at a good level, to carry out work on identified sh...

Minutes of the meeting № 4 methodical association of educators, 2017-2018 school year

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-04-01 19:02:14
   27.03.2018 On the agenda: 1. "Ways of formation of moral upbringing of students" / Report / Teacher: Tazhikeeva B. 2. Generalization of the experience "Use of didactic games in the process of education", educator Beisekeeva Sh.M. 3. "Portfolio of self-education" Educator: Tulegenova A. 4. Miscellaneous.     Recommendations: &...

Minutes of the meeting № 3 methodical association of educators, 2017-2018 school year

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-01-16 08:50:46
  4.01.2018 Agenda: 1. Work with students experiencing difficulties during self-training. Report / Teacher: Polatova Zh.M. / 2. Prevention and elimination of some omissions in the education of students. Report, generalization of experience / Educators: Mukhametzhanova F. A,, Myltykbek U.S./ 3. "Interaction between family and school".  Report / Teacher: Kurmanbekova...

Meeting of methodical association of tutors №2

Category: Methodical association of educators
Date: 2018-01-04 23:19:31
  31. 10. 2017 Agenda: 1. "Work with gifted children. Showing achievements »Educators: Tulegenova A. B, Mukhametzhanova F. A. 2. Self-preparation and methods used. / tips / Teachers: Koitzhanova G.M. 3. Duties of educators in the conduct of educational activities. 4. Miscellaneous issues. Decision: 1. Use of self-training methods and techniques. 2. Teachers to h...