Methodical vernissage

This section contains information about the lessons held in the framework of subject decades, as well as information on the conduct of trainings, coaching, seminars and conferences among teachers.

On January 6, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “The educational process. Problem. Reform"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2021-01-09 00:25:14
On January 6, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “The educational process. Problem. Reform
On January 6, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “The educational process. Problem. Reform" Agenda items: І. “Innovations in the educational process. Problems and ways to solve them ", Deputy for educational work Amandykova A. N. Co-rapporteurs: 1. "The work of the trio" Parent, student, school "in the distance learning system and ways of sol...

During the week of methodological unification of primary classes, the intellectual competition "Altyn saqa" was held ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-23 16:42:53
During the week of methodological unification of primary classes, the intellectual competition
On December 22, during the week of methodological unification of primary classes, the intellectual competition "Altyn saqa" was held. Purpose: to motivate students to study, to increase the level of knowledge; develop resourcefulness, the ability to clearly formulate your thoughts. Students of the 2nd grade of our school took part in the competition, showing good results. Game result...

An intellectual competition "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" was held among students in grade 3 ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-22 17:24:43
An intellectual competition
On December 22, within the framework of the week of methodological unification of primary classes, an intellectual competition "Who wants to become a millionaire?" was held. The purpose of the competition is to expand the range of complex topics in the curriculum and form them in the minds of students in accordance with the requirements of the present. During the game, teams of student...

Contest of expressive reading, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-21 22:36:22
Contest of expressive reading, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...
On December 21, as part of the week of methodological unification of primary grades, an expressive reading competition was held among students of grades 2-4, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Purpose: to increase the interest of children in reading poetry, to expand their knowledge of independence, to foster patriotism. Pupils read poems of various poets dedicate...

An intellectual competition among students of the 4th grade...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-21 19:49:26
An intellectual competition among students of the 4th grade...
On December 20, within the framework of the week of methodological unification of primary grades, an intellectual competition was held among students of the 4th grade of our school. Purpose: development of a competitive spirit, to promote the formation and development of students' intellectual potential, the formation of logical thinking, to create conditions for each student to demonstrate...

An essay contest in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-20 19:45:43
An essay contest in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan...
On December 20, within the framework of the week of Methodological Unit of Primary Classes, an essay contest was held in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students of grades 2-4. The purpose of the event is to be able to express their thoughts, to form the style of written speech, to instill a sense of patriotism. In their works, students told about the events of...

A drawing competition to the Day of Independence...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-17 21:21:00
A drawing competition to the Day of Independence...
On December 15, 2020, the Day of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the week of Methodological Unit of the primary classes among students of grades 1-4 of our school held a drawing competition. The results of the competition: The I place: 2 "A" Bolatuly Aibol; 2 "Ә" Daken Gulnur; 4 "A" Bolatuly Alan. The II place: 2 "A&quo...

Challenge organized for the Independence Day ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-15 11:16:55
Challenge organized for the Independence Day ...
In our school, according to tradition, in the month of December, a decade of methodological association of primary classes is held. This academic year the ten-day period is scheduled from 14 to 22 December. On December 14, as part of a decade, a challenge was organized among primary school students for the Independence Day.   Date: 14.12.2020, 22:10 Author: Boarding-sc...

The meeting "School problems and difficulties of a fifth-grader" was held ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-11 10:01:15
The meeting
On December 10, a meeting "School problems and difficulties of a fifth grader" was held with subject teachers and class teachers of the 5th grade on the adaptation of 5th grade students with the participation of the headmaster and deputies of the school. The class teachers prepared information in the form of a presentation about the classes in general, about the annual performance in...

Seminar on the topic "Effective ways to explain a new topic in computer science on the platform in distance learning" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-11 09:53:07
Seminar on the topic
 On December 10, 2020, the teacher of informatics of boarding school № 2 Aliyeva Shynar Aibatyrovna held a training seminar on the plan of partner schools on the topic "Effective ways to explain a new topic in informatics on the platform during distance learning". During the seminar, the teacher presented all the possibilities of the platform in the form of p...


Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-10 22:32:58
Within the framework of the special project "Economy is the energy of society" of the "Rukhani Zhagyru" program, the primary school teacher Magauina Gulnur Erbolovna wrote an article that was published in the journal "Practical Distance Conference of Teachers of the Republic". The article tells about the need to explain to students the importance of saving electrici...

Article "TIL - ULTTYK TIREGI"...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-12-04 19:54:58
We bring to your attention the article "TIL - ULTTYK TIREGI" by the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Saltanat Rakhimovna Syzdykova. Download the file to read the article in more detail.

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