Educational activities

Educational work of the school

In honor of “May 9 - the Great Victory Day”, class hours were held among students of grades 1-11...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-05-04 23:23:03
In honor of “May 9 - the Great Victory Day”, class hours were held among students of grades 1-11...
On May 4, in honor of “May 9 - the Great Victory Day”, class hours were held among students of grades 1-11. Purpose: to teach morality, love and protection of the Motherland. Expansion of knowledge, acquaintance with the exploits of Kazakhstanis during the Great Patriotic War. Foster respect for veterans, reverence and patriotism. During the classes, the students learned a lot about...

An intellectual game "Kazakhstan - the House of Friendship"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-05-02 00:58:42
An intellectual game
On April 30, in honor of the holiday "May 1 - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan", an intellectual game "Kazakhstan - the House of Friendship" was held among students of the 5th grade. Purpose: to teach students an independent search, to freely express their thoughts, to foster Kazakhstani patriotism, love for the Motherland, land and respect for the people. Te...

A challenge was organized for cleaning and landscaping the yard...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-05-02 00:48:43
A challenge was organized for cleaning and landscaping the yard...
  April 30, as part of the Environmental Education Week "We are responsible for the future!" a challenge was organized for cleaning and landscaping the yard. The main goal is to form a warm attitude towards nature among students and improve the sanitary condition of the city. Schoolchildren and their parents took an active part in the event, cleaning and decorating their homes and...

Dance Challenge ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-29 23:47:26
Dance Challenge ...
On April 29, in honor of the celebration of May 1 - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, a dance cheooenj was organized, Students of different classes in national costumes performed national dances. The aim of the competition is to teach people to respect the culture and customs of other nationalities. Several classes took an active part in the challenge.   Date: 2...

A competition of projects "The future of my town"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-29 23:40:14
A competition of projects
 April 29, within the framework of the Environmental Education Week "We are responsible for the future!" A competition of projects "The future of my town" was held among students of grades 9-10. The purpose of the event: to assess the current ecological situation of Lake Balkhash and its environs, to summarize the damage caused by complex pollutants from coastal industri...

For the holiday "May 1 - Day of the unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-29 12:40:05
For the holiday
The holiday "May 1 - Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan" occupies a special place for a country that adheres to the principle "Unity is the source of prosperity and peace." On this day, the best wishes of people of different nationalities and religions, aimed at increasing mutual respect, strengthening peace, unity and common values, give all people a special mood....

A poster competition...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-28 21:11:26
A poster competition...
On April 27, a poster competition "Men tabiғatty ayalaimyn!" within the framework of the Republican Week of Environmental Education "We are responsible for the future!" Purpose: to attract students and explain to them that nature is the environment in which people live and that it must be protected. Under the terms of the competition, drawings were accepted from students in g...

An expressive reading competition "Beauty of Nature"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-28 11:16:58
An expressive reading competition
On April 27, among students in grades 5-6, an expressive reading competition "Beauty of Nature" was held as part of the week of environmental education "We are responsible for the future!" The aim of the competition is to awaken in schoolchildren a love for nature and the environment. According to the results of the competition: 1st place - Magauya Fatima 2nd place -...

A poster competition...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-28 11:14:09
A poster competition...
 From 24 to 26 April, the Palace of Schoolchildren held a poster competition "Tazalyk - kala madenietinin aynasy". The competition was held with the aim of fostering a respectful attitude towards nature in children, and the formation of an ecological culture. A student of the 8th "Ә" grade Galym Aydar and a student of the 2nd "Ә" grade Taniberlina Amina took pa...

A drawing competition..

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-28 11:11:42
A drawing competition..
 On April 27, in honor of the holiday "May 1 - Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan", a distance drawing competition was held. Drawings made with colored pencils and paints were accepted for the competition. Participants of the competition are students in grades 1-4. The purpose of the competition is to reveal the essence of the concepts "Peace", "Friendshi...

Competition of reciters "Ana sozinin Kazynasy"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-21 07:47:31
Competition of reciters
From 16 to 20 April, within the framework of the national project "Marathon of Good Deeds", the "Palace of Schoolchildren" organized the city competition of reciters "Ana sozinin Kazynasy". The purpose of the event is to expand the understanding of the role of mothers in a person's life, about help, about the child's duty to mother, education of kindness, lo...

April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-04-19 18:38:55
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites...
April 18 - International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites. In honor of the significant day, students of grades 7-10 of our school made a video review of the historical monuments of the city of Balkhash. The content of the work is based on the preservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage of our people and the appeal of the younger generation to patriotism.

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