Educational activities

Educational work of the school

A meeting with veterans dedicated to the Great Victory Day...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-05-10 09:51:02
A meeting with veterans dedicated to the Great Victory Day...
 On May 8, with primary school children of boarding school № 2 was held a meeting with veterans dedicated to the Great Victory Day. Purpose: patriotic education of the younger generation, education of respect for the heroic past of our country, respect for veterans; education of the historical memory of students based on respect for the history of the state and the memory of the defenders...

A meeting with graduates of the school who tied their lives with military professions...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-05-08 14:30:17
A meeting with graduates of the school who tied their lives with military professions...
 On May 6, in the run-up to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, class hours were held at the school, in grades 7–9 there was a meeting with graduates of the school who tied their lives with military professions. The guys talked about the prestige of military specialties. Shared with the features of their professions. They told that military service contributes to the comprehensive dev...

An informative game about health...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-04-28 11:56:14
An informative game about health...
April 26 in the Palace of schoolchildren was an informative game. The goal of the game: to explain about the need for health for life, the development of students' cognitive abilities, the improvement of conversational skills, the cultivation of a love of cleanliness, sport and hard work. In this game, took part the "Vitamins" team, consisting of pupils of the 5th grades of the b...

Concert of students' creativity ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-04-25 16:56:09
Concert of students' creativity ...
April 23 in boarding school № 2 named M. P. Rusakov held a concert of students. This event was held within the decade of the natural-mathematical cycle. Students of different ages from grades 3 to 9 showed their talents performed by songs, playing dombra and dancing. Artistic Directors Shaimerden A. and Aykeyi I.

Contest wall newspaper ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-04-25 16:54:35
Contest wall newspaper ...
In April, in accordance with the school’s plan, a decade of methodical combining the subjects of the aesthetic cycle was held. Within this decade a wall newspaper competition was held. According to the results of the competition, class 9 “A” newspapers about Dimash Kudaibergenov and class 8 “A” newspapers about actress Amina Umurzakova became winners.

Sports relay race "Sports gives a good mood" ..,

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-04-22 12:21:05
Sports relay race
On April 19, at the boarding school No. 2, the tutor of class 2 “Ә” of class F. A. Mukhamedzhanova organized and conducted the sports game “Healthy lifestyle - good mood” among primary school students. The purpose of the event: strengthening children's health, developing children's interest in physical culture, understanding the importance of sports in a person&...

On the day of astronautics ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-04-15 10:28:25
On the day of astronautics ...
 Cosmonautics Day is an important event in the history of our country. In this regard, on April 12, in the 5th grade, an open class hour was held on the topic “Space World”. Purpose: to acquaint students with the Kazakh astronauts, to familiarize themselves with the biography, to provide information. Also, in the school yarda was organized flash mob.  

Concert charity program "Zhyly Zhүrek Zhastar" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-03-13 12:13:15
Concert charity program
On March 12, in the framework of the events dedicated to the celebration of the national holiday of Nauryz, students of our school with art directors made an excursion to the city orphanage with a concert charity program “Zhyly Zhүrek Zhastar”. During the concert program, the guys showed their talents in vocal singing, dancing, performing kyuis, expressive reading. At the end of th...

The competition “Come on, girls!”...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-03-12 18:02:32
The competition “Come on, girls!”...
March 7 in the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov passed the competition “Come on, girls!”. The event consisted of 5 stages: the greeting contest “Men- Kazaktyk Kyzymyn”, the contest “Khalkyn Seugen Saltyn Seugen”, “United Url Zhuzer” creative performance of each participant, “Baiga” - a blitz tournament on the kn...

"Dedicated to mom" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-03-12 18:00:06
March 6 at 6 "A" class of the boarding school № 2 teacher Makhmutova D. A. held an open educational hour, "Mom is dedicated to ...", inviting mothers and grandmothers. The purpose of the educational hour: to give a festive mood to mothers, to cause a sense of respect for the mother, the formation of a respectful feeling for girls. During the evening, the children showed the...

Summary information about the decade of methodical association of educators ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-03-01 15:58:38
Summary information about the decade of methodical association of educators ...
In February, a decade of a methodical association of educators took place in a boarding school. The purpose of the decade: improving the efficiency of methodological work, the development of students' cognitive and creative activity, the self-improvement of teachers. During the decade, in all classes, various educational events took place in different formats, according to the age characteri...

1 наурыз – Алғыс айту күніне орай ұйымдастырылған апталық аясында өткізілген іс-шаралар туралы ақпарат

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-03-01 12:38:00
1 наурыз – Алғыс айту күніне орай ұйымдастырылған апталық аясында  өткізілген іс-шаралар туралы ақпарат
Алғыс айту күні – күрделі заманда иық тіресе бірге еңсеріп, қысқа мерзім ішінде Елбасының басшылығымен Тәуелсіз Қазақстанды құру жолында аянбай тер төккен еліміздің барлық азаматттарының бір-біріне құрмет білдіретін күн. Осындай бағытты жүзеге асыру мақсатында №2 мектеп-интернатында 25-інші ақпан күні мен 1-інші наурыз күндері аралығында «Алғыс айту күні» апталығын ұйымдастыр...

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