Educational activities

Educational work of the school

Educational business game "Protection of children's rights" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 23:00:01
Educational business game
 Children's rights are one of the fundamental laws of our Constitution. Every child of school age has the right to receive secondary education in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order to improve the legal literacy of 4th grade students in our school on February 9, Zhetpis B.N., an educational business game "Protection of Children's Rights" was hel...

Cognitive educational game with students in grades 10-11 on the topic “Protecting the rights of the child. Where to go for help? "...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 22:52:52
Cognitive educational game with students in grades 10-11 on the topic “Protecting the rights of the child. Where to go for help?
On February 9, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", an educational game was held with students in grades 10-11 on the topic "Protecting the rights of the child. Where to go for help? " Main goal: to teach students legal skills through cognitive games. Development of legal responsibility. To educate a person who is capable of legally protecting hi...

The quiz "Me and my rights"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 22:48:23
The quiz
On February 9, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Development Week "Legal Navigator" under the guidance of educator D. Makhmutova, the quiz "Me and my rights" was organized among students of grades 8-9. The quiz was held in order to improve the legal knowledge of students, develop their thinking, teach them to express certain opinions, formulate conclusions, instill i...

An hour of classes on the topic "Formation of a healthy lifestyle"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 22:43:48
An hour of classes on the topic
On February 9, 2021, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", an hour of classes on the topic "Formation of a healthy lifestyle" for 2 classes took place. Purpose: to form students' attitude to a healthy lifestyle. Explain that every child has an inalienable right to health, teach to take care of it. During the lesson, students shared their thoug...

The Palace of Schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash organized an expressive reading competition based on the work of M. Makatayev ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 22:40:30
The Palace of Schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash organized an expressive reading competition based on the work of M. Makatayev ...
February 9 this year marks 90 years (1931-1976) since the birth of the great Kazakh poet Mukagali Makatayev. In honor of the significant anniversary date, the Palace of Schoolchildren of the city of Balkhash from February 2 to 5, 2021 organized an expressive reading competition "Qasyrda tuatyn daraboz" based on the works of M. Makatayev among students of grades 5-8. The participants re...

Class hour on the topic "Relationships between adolescents and adults" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 22:33:56
Class hour on the topic
 On February 8, within the framework of the Legal Navigator Week, a class hour was held on the topic "Relations between adolescents and adults" among grades 8-9. The main goal of modern education is not only the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the formation of a moral personality, an active citizen of tomorrow's society based on a culture of communicatio...

A class hour "Teens and Law" was held ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 22:26:47
A class hour
We must strive to be well-mannered, cultured and educated at school and in the family. We are faced with many negative situations due to legal illiteracy, i.e. due to ignorance of their rights and responsibilities and disrespect for the rights of others. In this regard, each of us should understand that crime is harm to society and misleading. On February 8, within the framework of the Legal Nav...

"Tolerance is the way to peace"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 22:23:36
On February 8, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", the teacher of history and law I. Zhaksygeldin read through the ZOOM service the report "Tolerance is the way to peace" for students in grades 5-11. In addition, during the event promoting friendship between peoples, the students were shown videos about the friendship of peoples. During the even...

Opening of the week "Legal Navigator" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-09 22:18:15
Opening of the week
 Legal education sets itself the noble task of shaping the personality of a child and fostering a worldview of lofty ideas and public property.  From 8 to 13 February 2021, it is planned to hold the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region within the framework of th...

Flyer competition...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-02 23:34:40
Flyer competition...
 From 28 to 31 January 2021, the schoolchildren's palace organized a flyer contest "Coronaviruses tottatygyz!" According to the terms of the competition, it is necessary to create a flyer using a short text corresponding to the topic. Students of the 10th grade of our school Seyfulla Saken and Imanov Daryn took part in this competition. According to the results of the competit...

"We say no to coronavirus!"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-02-02 23:29:52
 We present to your attention a video filmed with the participation of students in the 4th "Ә" class of our school under the motto "We say no to coronavirus!" in order to prevent coronavirus infection. The students expanded their knowledge of precautions.   Date: 2.02.2021, 19:15 Author: MSI "Sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhai

Results of the "Winter Fun" photo competition ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2021-01-15 20:45:50
Results of the
Undoubtedly, each season of nature is unique. A walk, typical for every season. In the summer, people swim in the water, bask in the sun, and in the winter they sled along the high snowy ridges. Especially from winter games, students get a boost of good mood. To this end, from January 12 to 14, 2021, the Winter Fun photo contest was organized by the Palace of Schoolchildren. Students of our scho...

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