Excursion to the water-rescue station ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2019-06-12 11:51:42
Excursion to the water-rescue station ...
On June 6, vacationers from the Bolashak summer recreation center made an excursion to the water-rescue station. During the tour, the rescue service specialists talked with the guys about how rescue work and “reconnaissance” are conducted, showing in practice. The students listened with interest and asked questions. The guys also promised to continue to strictly maintain safety rules...

The national information campaign “12 days against the exploitation of child labor” continues ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2019-06-12 11:19:15
The national information campaign “12 days against the exploitation of child labor” continues ...
From 1 to 12 June, with the support of the International Labor Organization and IPEC in Kazakhstan, the National Information Campaign "12 days against the exploitation of child labor" is held due to the fact that June 1 is International Children's Day, and June 12 is World Day Against Child Labor . The goal of the action is to contribute to the elimination of the worst forms of c...

Walking in the open air...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2019-06-06 14:45:35
Walking in the open air...
On June 5 children of the summer health center "Bolashak" went for a walk to the city park together with their tutors. Everyone knows that walking in the fresh air is very useful. Staying outdoors in sunny weather helps the body to produce vitamin D. Children breathed fresh air, played with each other, took a photo for memory.

Solemn line dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2019-06-05 17:18:04
Solemn line dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...
On June 4, a solemn line dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the summer children's recreation center "Bolashak". Objective: To deepen students' knowledge about the Motherland, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Formation of the correct attitude to the state symbols of their homeland. Fostering patriotism, morality, teaching faithfully to s...

Information about the passage of the national information campaign "12 days against the exploitation of child labor" ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2019-06-05 17:10:36
Information about the passage of the national information campaign
Since June 1, in the camp "Bolashak" at the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov according to the preliminary plan, information was posted on the stand and the school website for conducting the national campaign “12 days against the exploitation of child labor” ... June 2, choreographer Ayekey I. organized a flash mob on the theme "We are against the exploit...

The festive event dedicated to the International Children's Day and the opening of the "Bolashak" summer camp ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2019-06-03 11:40:54
The festive event dedicated to the International Children's Day and the opening of the
On June 1, at the boarding school № 2 on the International Children's Day, the opening ceremony was held under the motto “The Sky of My Childhood”, devoted to the International Children's Day and the opening of the "Bolashak" summer camp. The school yard according to subject, was issued by spheres, the stand, music sounded. The concert was started by modern dance....

The "Witch Competition"...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-30 14:38:19
  On July 27, at the Health Center "Bolashak" was held the "Witch Competition". The purpose of the competition: to reveal creative abilities, acting skills of children. At the end of the competition the following nominations were awarded: Aruzhan from group "Baldyrgan" - nomination "Truly witch", Ruslan from group "Shagala" - "Playful...

The traditional holiday "The Day of Neptune"...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-30 14:34:30
The traditional holiday
   On July 23, in the summer health camp "Bolashak" was held the traditional holiday "The Day of Neptune". The purpose of the holiday is to show the great importance of water for all living beings. The children spent a holiday on the lake in the village of Chubar-Tjubek. The children and the audience took an active part in the celebration.

Rules of behavior in water bodies

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-20 12:54:04
Rules of behavior in water bodies
  Link to the video https://ru.files.fm/u/6cb3ta5x

First medical aid for drowning

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-20 12:22:31
First medical aid for drowning
  Link to the video https://ru.files.fm/u/hc2g26fg

Information on the activities carried out in the summer health camp "Bolashak" from July 1-6, 2018, dedicated to the Day of Astana "Zhainai Ber, Astana" ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-08 11:54:47
Information on the activities carried out in the summer health camp
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the capital of our homeland Astana, in the summer health camp "Bolashak" from July 1 to July 6, various events were held, including the foolball and volleyball championship, the "Draw Your Capital" drawing contest, the chess tournament, and gala concert "Zhainai Ber, Astana". As a result of all the activitie...

Closing of the second shift of the summer health camp "Bolashak" ...

Category: SAFE SUMMER - 2021. Summer camp "Bolashak"
Date: 2018-07-08 10:52:56
Closing of the second shift of the summer health camp
     June 28, 2018 was closed the second shift of the summer health camp "Bolashak". The camp is a small life! All the shift in the camp was full of fun, bustle, every day was filled with interesting events and events.        Traditionally, at the closing of the camp shift, children remember all the best that happened to them dur...

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