The quiz “Symbols of Independence”...

Category: library
Date: 2018-12-25 17:09:15
The quiz “Symbols of Independence”...
On December 15, the quiz “Symbols of Independence” was held with children. Objective: to consolidate students' knowledge of the Coat of arms, the Flag and the Anthem. To tell about the creation of symbolism, meaning in history. Education in students of patriotic feelings, moral qualities, respect for the Flag, the Hymn, the Coat of Arms, to know the history of the country. Thro...

A reading competition “My President is my pride”, dedicated to December 1 - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan...

Category: library
Date: 2018-12-07 17:18:47
A reading competition “My President is my pride”, dedicated to December 1 - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan...
On November 22, boarding school № 2 hosted a reading competition “My President is my pride”, dedicated to December 1 - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students of grades 2-5. The purpose of the competition: to instil in the younger generation a love for the Motherland, native land, a sense of national spirit, a love for history, literature, art an...

In the weekend club ...

Category: library
Date: 2018-11-19 14:47:54
In the weekend club ...
November 18, the Weekend Club hosted an hour of an interesting report about the life and work of the poet, writer, literary critic Taken Tanirbergenovich Alimkulov, dedicated to the 100th anniversary. Articles were read and were shown videos about the work of T. Alimkulov.

In the weekend club ...

Category: library
Date: 2018-11-05 17:09:56
In the weekend club ...
 The day off is an integral part of the whole system of the educational process. One of the important tasks facing the teaching staff is the effective organization of educational work on the weekends of the week. It is planned and carried out in accordance with the school-wide work plan, organically continuing and complementing it. Organizational and substantive work at the weekend of the w...

Took place the quiz «Our Combine»...

Category: library
Date: 2018-10-22 15:26:14
Took place the quiz «Our Combine»...
On October 21, at the Weekend Club took place the «Our Combine» quiz, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the expedition of  M. P. Rusakov to Kounrad. Children searched for answers to the quiz questions themselves, using the books: “Balkhash. Pages of History”,“The Copper Giant in Balkhash, Part I ”. Children expressed their willingness to continue the...

Magazines that we read ...

Category: library
Date: 2018-10-17 15:03:24
Magazines that we read ...
On October 16, the school library passed a review of the pages of children's magazines for 3 classes: “Baldyrgan”, “Balalar alemi”, “Keremet”, “Bala Bi”, “Aygolek”.

To the 110th anniversary of A. Musin ...

Category: library
Date: 2018-10-15 17:24:30
To the 110th anniversary of A. Musin ...
On October 14, the Weekend Club passed an hour of an interesting message about the Musin brothers, 20 years ago the former Stroiteley Street was renamed Musin Brothers Street (Yessimkhan, Adilkhan and Alikhan), also 110 years since the birth of Alikhan Musin, a prominent mining scientist, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, awarded the Lenin Prize.

In the Weekend Club...

Category: library
Date: 2018-10-08 19:43:29
In the Weekend Club...
  On October 7, 2018, passed a cognitive hour in the Weekend Club dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the opening of the «Astana Opera»Opera and Ballet Theater. The school library has created a 3D book, which the librarian used to illustrate the story of the creation of the theater.

The regular meeting of the weekend club...

Category: library
Date: 2018-10-01 13:37:59
The regular meeting of the weekend club...
September 30 was the regular meeting of the weekend club. This time the boarding school children learned about the old street names, and also received information about the persons whose names are named streets. To educate patriotic feelings in children, to develop interest in the history of their native land.

To the 75th anniversary of the writer Oralkhan Bokeev ...

Category: library
Date: 2018-09-23 18:59:26
To the 75th anniversary of the writer Oralkhan Bokeev ...
September 23 was the regular meeting of the club weekend. The theme of the meeting was dedicated to the 75th birthday of writer Oralkhan Bokeev. The librarian told about the life and work of the writer, afterwards, together with the children, was read the novel  in the Kazakh translation "On the night when the wolves howled", after reading they exchanged views.

Regular meeting of the weekend the club

Category: library
Date: 2018-09-19 11:14:11
Regular meeting of the weekend the club
On September 16, 2018, was held a portrait-conversation dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dancer, teacher, choreographer, Bulat Ayukhanov  at the Weekend Club, the librarian told about life and work, was shown a video about Ayuhanov.

Within the framework of the project "100 books" ..

Category: library
Date: 2018-09-18 22:47:38
Within the framework of the project
September 15 this year, within the framework of the "100 books" project, a large-scale event was held at the "Alley of Astana" among the city schools. The exhibition of books from each school made a special impression on the readers of the city. The "caravan of knowledge", which represented our school, also did not stand aside and shared books from its arsenal.

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