Category: Все

School Parliament Roundtable


2021-11-08 13:59:59

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Information my family


2021-11-08 13:59:05

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BCS information for 9 grades


2021-11-08 13:58:09

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Extracurricular activity with members of the school club Adal Urpak


2021-11-08 13:56:15

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Legal conversations with students and parents


2021-11-08 12:52:23

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Vacation preventive raid


2021-11-08 12:51:35

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Social support for students (organization of recreation)


2021-11-08 12:48:18

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Social and household orientation (Inclusion)


2021-11-04 15:06:46

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Analysis of the work of a social teacher for the month of October


2021-11-04 15:04:57

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Psychological advice for parents


2021-11-04 10:27:14

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Corrective group lessons with children of OOP


2021-11-04 10:26:06

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How to help a child


2021-11-04 09:47:17

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