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Exhibition of drawings among 5 classes on the theme "me and my rights"

On February 18, an exhibition of drawings among 5th graders on the theme "me and my rights" was organized at secondary school No. 9. The main purpose of the event is to improve the legal knowledge of students, to realize that legal knowledge is the business of every person; to explain that every person should know the laws protecting his rights and freedoms, and also should not violate the rights of others, encroach on their life, health, honor. The best works were awarded with letters of thanks.

2022-02-18 13:50:18

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Certificate of food quality monitoring 23.12.2021

Certificate of food quality monitoring 23.12.2021

2022-02-16 09:27:52

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Certificate of food quality monitoring 10.12.2021

Certificate of food quality monitoring 10.12.2021

2022-02-16 09:25:18

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Certificate of food quality monitoring 30.11.2021

Certificate of food quality monitoring 30.11.2021

2022-02-16 09:23:24

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Certificate of food quality monitoring 12.11.2021

Certificate of food quality monitoring 12.11.2021

2022-02-16 09:21:46

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Certificate of food quality monitoring 25.10.2021

Certificate of food quality monitoring 25.10.2021

2022-02-16 09:19:42

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Certificate of food quality monitoring 12.10.2021

Certificate of food quality monitoring 12.10.2021

2022-02-16 09:17:25

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Certificate of food quality monitoring 29.09.2021

Certificate of food quality monitoring 29.09.2021

2022-02-16 09:15:17

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Certificate of food quality monitoring

Certificate of food quality monitoring

2022-02-16 09:12:33

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Bibliofresh "fairy-tale heroes invite"

In OSH No. 9, the librarian organized a bibliofresh "fairy-tale heroes invite" in order to familiarize himself with new books that entered the school library this year. The 1st grade students took part in this event. Purpose: to introduce students to new books, to give an overview.Comprehensive education of children through fairy-tale characters. Through a fairy tale to educate children with kindness, diligence, the ability to always help, a positive attitude to life.

2022-02-15 14:31:11

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Training for students of the 5th grade "my life values"

On February 11, teachers-psychologists of the school: S. Abeuova F. Saduakasova conducted a training session for students of the 5th grade "my life values". Students were taught to respect and appreciate life values and express their thoughts and feelings openly, freely, without squeezing. Group work exercises "from heart to heart", "value 5", "words of the teacher"were held.At the end of the training, the students expressed warm words to each other, the students shared their thoughts and showed activity.

2022-02-15 10:46:28

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"The years that were an example for generations" exhibition under the name

On 11.02.2022, a review of the exhibition "Urpakka ulgi bolgan erlik zhyldar" was held in the school library. The purpose of the event: to tell students about the events in Afghanistan. Education of patriotism, love for the Motherland, an example of the feat of our brothers and sisters who fought for independence. Formation of patriotic love for the Motherland; increasing interest in their history.

2022-02-11 08:21:51

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