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Information on the activities carried out in a series of six days in between the Republican numbers from 10 to 20 November, devoted to the World Children's Day on the theme "Children's rights - human rights."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-24 02:40:31
Information on the activities carried out in a series of six days in between the Republican numbers from 10 to 20 November, devoted to the World Children's Day on the theme
Objective: To increase the legal culture, the level of students' knowledge about the basic rules of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted November 20, 1989 the main UN Assembly. 10/11/2015 of a plan of action to the republican ten-day cycle "Children's rights - human rights" and at the First floor of the school was organized by the Information Desk. Responsib...

Information on "measures for the prevention of religious terrorism."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-20 16:17:22
Information on
11/20/2015 number of meeting was held in the meeting hall of the school with pupils of 9-10 classes on "measures to prevent religious terrorism." The guests of the meeting were Kokobaev Nurlan Omarovich- member of the center of research and analysis religions Balkhash town, Aytkazin Rauan Toleubekuly - imam of Balkhash town, as a Methodist education department...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-20 16:16:11
11.19.2015 at 14.00 hours in the city sports complex hosted a solemn send-off of recruits into the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by students of 10 classes and teacher CWP K.E. Sauganbaev

Сompetition for young "Young lead-2015

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-11 09:44:09
Сompetition for young
11.11.2015 in the palace school was the leading competition for young "Young lead-2015." The competition consisted of 4 stages: Stage 1 "Introduction", "Best Leading", "organizers of the Games," "The Reader-master." In our school the pupils attended the class 7A Yergali Asem and Rahmetzhan Shyngys. As a result of the competition our students took...

Сity competition "Opens the door to the world of professions"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-11 09:40:43
Сity competition
10.11.2015 in the palace school held city competition "Opens the door to the world of professions".  The contest was held in the following nominations: "There is such a profession," "Time to choose professions","I'm in the world of professions","The Wonderful World of the professions".  In our school pupils  attended classes 6,...

Give the library a book

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-11 04:38:57
Give the library a book
By decision of the municipal department of education at the school-lyceum №15 traditionally held the action "Give the library a book" in order to replenish the library book fund and instilling a love of reading, respect for the book. In all classes schoolwide lineup handed school librarian collected books. The largest number of books brought from the home library, students 2 "A&qu...

Regional seminar "Research Action -praktika teacher."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-10 09:59:16
Regional seminar
November 6 in the city of Karaganda held a regional seminar "Research Action -praktika teacher." The seminar is organized by the Center of Karaganda pedagogical skills in conjunction with the Department of Education and Training of the Karaganda region - methodical center of development of education of the Karaganda region, and is an independent link postkursovogo support graduate trai...

National games "Бәйге"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-09 10:13:23
          07.11.2015 year at the Palace of schoolchildren held a competition of national games "Бәйге", which was attended by students of 5-6 grades. As a result, our team won the 1st place and the pupil 5A class Rashat Eldos awarded the nomination "Eң  жүйрік".

KVN «Өмірге шырайлы күлкімен қадам бас»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-09 10:06:31
KVN «Өмірге шырайлы күлкімен қадам бас»
07.11.2015 in the palace school held games KVN «Өмірге шырайлы күлкімен қадам бас». Games consist of 2 stages: Stage 1 "Business Card" - performed by the team, 2-stage: "Live on the bright side" - Musical homework. Participants from our school - Lyceum was the team of  «Лицей жастары» On stage, all teams showed an interesting and fun game. At the...

VII «Шоқ жұлдыз» фестивалі

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-07 10:48:08
VII   «Шоқ жұлдыз»  фестивалі
7 - қараша күні мектеп – лицейімізде  оқушылардың өнерін, көркем шығармаларын  дамыту  мақсатында дәстүрге айналғанVII   «Шоқ жұлдыз»  фестивалі  өтті. Фестивалге  1 – 4 сынып оқушылары қатысты.  Осы оқушылардың ішінен өнерлі, талантты  шәкірттер озып шығып,  жүлделі орындарға ие болды.

Competition "Golden Autumn"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-07 10:17:00
Competition was held on November 6 "Golden Autumn" among students in grades 5-7. The purpose of the competition: to raise the respect and love of nature, to deepen students' knowledge about the history of his native land, areas. --Konkurs Took place in three stages. Stage 1: learn the history of this area. Stage 2: to sing a song well-known authors of the same area. Stage 3: to...

Сity competition "Шашекемдей саңқылдап"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-03 06:42:57
Сity competition
10.29.2015 held city competition "Шашекемдей саңқылдап" organized by the city library "Syrlas." The competition was attended by 10 students of "A" class of our school-lyceum Jamel Ernұr, Seytkamal Nazerke, Bayantaeva Anel, Kaduahit Daryn, Marlene, which showed good knowledge and artistic skills. As a result, the I took place. Congratulations!

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