
Жаратылыстану-математика кафедрасының онкүндігі

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-29 13:35:07
Жаратылыстану-математика  кафедрасының онкүндігі
    15-26 ақпан аралығында «Балқаш қаласының №15 мектеп лицейі» КММ-де жаратылыстану-математика  кафедрасының онкүндігі өткізілді. Онкүндікті өткізуге арналған іс-шаралар жоспары жасалып, бекітілді. Аталмыш іс-шаралар аясында оқушылар толық қамтылды.  15.02.күні 7 «А» сынып оқушылардың қатысуымен  өткізілген саптық жиында онкүндіктің ашылу с...

In preparation for the International Exhibition in Astana   "EXPO-2017" KSU "School - Lyceum №15 of Balkhash town" was a competition layouts.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-29 13:13:53
In preparation for the International Exhibition in Astana  
The purpose of the contest: the support of young talents in the implementation of creative ideas of young talents.       In today's world, national education aims to enter into the world educational space, so at school - lyceum much attention paid to the development tovrcheskih abilities, activities, students independence, the ability to use the knowledge in the new cond...

Round table with the representatives of various nationalities on a theme «Қазақстан-бірлік пен татулық мекені»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-27 11:52:29
Round table with the representatives of various nationalities on a theme «Қазақстан-бірлік пен татулық мекені»
27.02.16 -Face school №15 has passed a round table with representatives of different nations on the theme "Қазақстан-бірлік пен татулық мекені" dedicated to the day of the roundtable blagodoreniya.Tsel learn to respect people of other nations and their Rodinu. Organizatorami honor of this event are the class teachers 5ә, 6b class Iklasbaevoy D. Bazhenova A.O. and the director of studie...

«Черлидинг жұлдыздары»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-27 11:39:32
«Черлидинг жұлдыздары»
27.02.2016 күні жас өспірімдер арасында спорттық қабілеттерін дамыту, заманауи музыка мен биге бейімдеу, Балқаш қаласында черлидинг биін жандандыру мақсатында өткен қалалық «Черлидинг жұлдыздары»  атты байқауға қатысып мектеп- лицейіміздің «Вираж» тобы ІІІ орын иеленді. Осы байқаудың биылғы жылғы киім үлгілерін тігуге көмектескен ата- аналарға ризашылығымызды білдіре...

Information on the conduct of national interactive lessons in the online mode, on the topic: "The World Civil Defence Day", "Protection of property and the environment"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-25 10:21:48
Information on the conduct of national interactive lessons in the online mode, on the topic:
25.02.2016 passed an interactive lesson on-line on the theme: "The World Civil Defence Day "," Protection of property and the environment. " On 7-10 grade students and teachers attended the lesson. Each year, March 1 celebrate World Civil Defence Day. In 1931, on the initiative of several countries the French general medical service, Georges Saint-Paul founded in Pari...

Knowing many languages means to have a lot of keys to one lock

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-20 10:39:00
Knowing many languages means to have a lot of keys to one lock
"Kazakhstanshould be perceived worldwide as a highly educated country wherethe population can use three languages. They are Kazakh language - the state language, the Russian language - the language of international communication, and English - the language of successful integration into the global economy".   ПрезидентРКН. А. Назарбаев   In these circumstances, the re...

Meeting of teachers' role ethnopedagogics in formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, the idea of identity and unity "Мәңгілік ел", dedicated to 175 - anniversary Y.Altynsarin.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-18 11:00:06
Meeting of teachers' role ethnopedagogics in formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, the idea of identity and unity
In KSU "Shkola- high school number 15 in Balkhash town" was held meeting of the teachers' role ethnopedagogics in formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, the idea of identity and unity "Мәңгілік ел", dedicated to 175 - anniversary Y.Altynsarin. Purpose: formation and realization of the idea of ​​"Мәңгілік ел" through ethnopedagogy through the prism of modernity,...

Serving society

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-15 08:12:50
Serving society
    As a consequenceconduct "Shanyrak"  society of the experiment Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools was created society "Sary-Arka", which includes the 5 "A" and 8 "B" grades. According to the goals "Serving society" project "Saryarka" society visited the famous City painter Nusatay A.M. Famouscity painter Nusatay A.M....

Information a decade spent on the subject of self-knowledge "Pedagogy of love and creativity"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-15 03:59:22
Information a decade spent on the subject of self-knowledge
On 01/02/2016 at 02/12/2016 yy was conducted a decade for self-knowledge on the topic: "Psychology of love and creativity", dedicated to the birth of the founder and President of the Children's Fund "Bobek", the author of the spiritual program - moral education "Self-Knowledge", the First Lady Republic of Kazakhstan, Sara Nazarbayeva Alpysovna. Within the deca...

Advocacy group for the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-13 05:31:37
Advocacy group for the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism.
12/02/2016 in school-lyceum № 15, the auditorium of the meeting with the advocacy group for the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism. The meeting was attended by representatives from the religious center of Maylayakov A.K. Methodist City Department of Education Asemhanova G.B, a member of the advocacy group, director of school-lyceum № 15 Dubirbekova Қ.SH. and students of 8-9 grade...

The competition model aircraft

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-13 05:28:12
 The competition model aircraft
02.12.2016 at 15.00 at the Palace of schoolchildren held a competition model aircraft. The competition was attended by the following students:   Marat Ali Duanbekov Azamat Satimbek Yerasyl Zharylgasyn Abylai Ohio Ruslan Makulbek Farabi Temіrgaliev Alim The competition is judged, and the veterans of the Afghan voyny.Sudi believed the flight time of the aircraft. At...

Information on the decade on cancer prevention

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-02-12 13:09:31
Information on the decade on cancer prevention
04.02.2016 has been developed and approved the plan. MS Nurse Atkeltirova pedkollektiv acquainted with the project concept counteracting cancer. 05/02/2016 1 lyceum floor features Area Health "Healthy Lifestyle -buduschee nation." 05.02.2016 passed medical meeting № 2 polyclinic Arynbekovoy A.Os parents of students in Grade 10 for the prevention of cancer zabolevaniy.Rasskazala a...

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