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About the fight against "Help"
10-02-2021 10:17
About the fight against
Dear residents of the Karaganda region! Let me briefly inform you about some changes in the part of public services in the field of preschool education. In the field of preschool education, there are 2 state services: enrollment of children for enrollment in preschool organizations and acceptance of documents for enrollment in preschool organizations. Both services are fully automated, thus all preschool organizations are transferred to a single platform. In this connection, parents have the op
Take care of your neighbor! Wear a mask!
09-02-2021 10:56
Take care of your neighbor! Wear a mask!
Take care of your neighbor! Wear a mask!
Self-service corner
05-02-2021 16:05
Self-service corner
In KGKP "Aigolek Nursery-Garden", a self-service corner for parents is designed to pay for public services.
Literacy Week "Let's be friends with books"
22-01-2021 11:32
Literacy Week
On January 18-22, a week of literacy "We are friends with books" was held in the KGKP "Nursery-garden" Aygulek ". Goal: Development of reading literacy through the implementation of the projects "Babushkin's Story", "Young Reader", the implementation of group work to familiarize schoolchildren with book culture. During the week, adults and preschool groups in our kindergarten shared their knowledge. Preschool children became more interested in fiction, looked carefully at books, and developed th
Quarantine measures in Karaganda region intensified from January 23
21-01-2021 08:06
Quarantine measures in Karaganda region intensified from January 23
In the Karaganda region, a ban is introduced on the operation of shopping centers with an area of ​​over 2 thousand square meters. m on Sunday, the movement of intercity buses is suspended on weekends. These and other restrictions are introduced from 00:00 on January 23 throughout the Karaganda region. Yuri Zalygin, the chief state sanitary doctor of the region, told about this at a briefing on the YouTube channel SARYARQA. - In January of this year, the region noted an increase in the incidence
Portal "Indigo24.kz"
14-01-2021 08:40
Dear Parents! In connection with the transition to a new automated queue management system, recruitment in preschool organizations will be carried out using the "Indigo24.kz" portal. We provide you with instructions from the "Indigo24.kz" portal: 1. Instructions for using the "Indigo24.kz" portal. 2. How to enroll in a preschool organization.
Inclusive and specialized education in the Karaganda region
12-01-2021 11:18
Inclusive and specialized education in the Karaganda region
Since January 2021, the Education Department of the Karaganda region has launched a chat on the Telegram channel to support parents of children with special educational needs, where they are given the opportunity to receive advice from the heads of education departments, specialists in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, offices of psychological and pedagogical correction on educational issues and raising children. Chat link: https://t.me/joinchat/Fvduc9qdXDn2bc_p
Information on the provision of public services in the KGKP Children's preschool institution "Aigulek" State Institution "Education Department of Balkhash City" for 2020
11-01-2021 14:23
Information on the provision of public services in the KGKP Children's preschool institution
In accordance with the Register of Public Services, approved by the Government Decree of January 31, 2020 No. 39 / НҚ, KGKP Children's preschool institution "Aigulek" State Institution &...
Eat right-get healthy!
08-01-2021 13:15
Eat right-get healthy!
In order for our children to grow up healthy and strong, it is very important to have a good and full-fledged diet. We try to make kids eat healthy and delicious food with pleasure. Our kindergarten has a balanced menu of vegetables and fruits, dairy and meat products. All products are certified. Beautiful table setting not only helps to stimulate the appetite, but also creates a friendly mood in children towards food and each other. Children are happy to eat everything!
Happy New Year!
30-12-2020 14:53
Happy New Year!
Dear Parents! Please accept our warm congratulations on this magical holiday, New Year! May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments! I wish every family good health, happiness, success, optimism and inexhaustible inspiration. Let the children delight you every day of the New Year! Respectfully yours, Director of KGKP "DDU" Aigolek "Bazhbenova V.Yu.
Happy New Year!
30-12-2020 14:37
Happy New Year!
Dear Parents! Please accept our warm congratulations on this magical holiday, New Year! May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments! I wish every family good health, happiness, success, optimism and inexhaustible inspiration. Let the children delight you every day of the New Year! Respectfully yours, Director of KGKP "DDU" Aigolek "Bazhbenova V.Yu.
Thank you letter
30-12-2020 08:15
Thank you letter
For active participation in the city competition "New Year decoration of buildings and structures", organized on the eve of the holiday " New Year-2021"