
Сontest called “Winter Fantasy”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-01-08 10:55:38
Сontest called “Winter Fantasy”
On the 6th of January there was an art handcraft contest called “Winter Fantasy”. The aim of the contest was to give opportunity to pupils for developing and demonstrating their creative skills. According to the result of given contest:      1.            4 А – Kokeev Sultan    &...

Сompetition on the theme ‘I love my Homeland’

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-01-06 08:47:55
Сompetition on the theme ‘I love my Homeland’
          On the 06.01.2016 y3-4classes in the hall of Courage conducted competition on the theme ‘I love my Homeland’. Purpose of competition: the expand the idea of homeland; the develop a sense of patriotism. The pupils awarded prizes.  I -Place: 4 "A" - class -Place II: 4 "B" - class -Place III: 3 &quo...

Жаңа жыл- жаңа нұр

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-30 09:25:33
Жаңа жыл- жаңа нұр
12/29/2015 New Year party was held for high school students. The celebration was attended Methodist education department of Balkhash town K.K. Ainabekova, chairman of the board of trustees Tleukulova K.A. In the early evening it sounded congratulations and deputy director for scientific work Ermenbetova G.O. He presented gifts to students who have been in the past, the winners of Olympiads. The...

Жаңа жыл,жаңа ғасыр

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-30 04:58:09
Жаңа жыл,жаңа ғасыр
December 28 New Year's held for 7-8 classes. In the hall, students gathered fancy, dressed as fairytale characters.

Жана Жыл-Жана Нұр

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-29 09:23:23
Жана Жыл-Жана Нұр
      On the 25.12.2015 years in the CSE “school-lyceum №15” preparatory groups conducted Christmas party on the theme «Жана Жыл-Жана Нұр» in which all children participated actively. On the New Year’s morning performance came to congratulate children the heroes of fairy tales "Dasha ", "Diego", "Benny and Tico"...

Жаңа жыл, жаңа жыр

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-29 09:03:29
Жаңа жыл, жаңа жыр
October 23, 2015 in the mini center  “Таңшуақ”  conducted  new years festivalon the theme «Жаңа жыл, жаңа жыр».  The children played various games, sang songs and danced.

Welcome to the New Year

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-28 03:57:03
Welcome to the New Year
December 26 at the school-lyceum №15 of Balkhash city was a festive evening called "Welcome to the New Year" between 5-6 grades. Festive evening began a youth dance students 6th grade. Director of the school-lyceum №15 of Balkhash town congratulated everybody for the New Year. Also at festive evening were fantastic characters. Students of 5 – 6th grades sang the songs, danced, re...

The event was conducted by Akim, entitled "Aрмысың, Жаңа жыл"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-25 11:35:50
 The event was conducted by Akim, entitled
12/24/2015 in our school held -Face tree Akim for children with disabilities. Akim A.Agliulin congratulated children on coming New Year.

Around the Christmas Tree

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-25 03:56:31
Around the Christmas Tree
New Year's most desired holiday. All the children are waiting for Santa Claus with gifts and adult happiness, fulfillment of all desires. December 23 among students in 3 classes in our school held a holiday "Around the Christmas tree." For the boys came to visit Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, fairy-tale characters. Gifts from Santa Claus got not only the children, but the Grandf...

Әліппе – білім бастауы

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-24 04:11:17
Әліппе – білім бастауы
On the 22.12.2015y CSE “School – lyceum №15”conducted at the classes number 1 on the theme “Әліппе – білім бастауы”

Information on the prevention of drug addiction, as well as on the prevention of infection with AIDS

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-23 13:16:14
Information on the prevention of drug addiction, as well as on the prevention of infection with AIDS
23.12.2015, in the auditorium of the school-lyceum №15 was held event "Preodotvratim addiction and AIDS" for grades 9-11, organized children narcologist narcological dispensary Balkhash Momenovoy Rashida Mazhitovna. 23/12/2015 at the school-lyceum №15 event was held for 7-8 classes on the topic of "action at TJ" organized by the head of the Balkhash TJ Abzhanova Bagdat Satbek...

16 желтоқсан «Тәуелсіздік – жыр әнім, мектебім – мөлдір бұлағым!» салтанатты саптық жиын

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-15 11:56:27
16 желтоқсан «Тәуелсіздік – жыр әнім, мектебім – мөлдір бұлағым!» салтанатты саптық  жиын
15.15.2015  күнімектеп-лицейдің үлкен спорт залында  16 желтоқсан «Тәуелсіздік – жыр әнім, мектебім – мөлдір бұлағым!» салтанатты саптық  жиын ұйымдасқан түрде өтті. Барлығы 1-ауысым бойынша 500 оқушы, , мектеп әкімшілігі, сынып жетекшілер, үйірме жетекшілері  және пән мұғалімдері қатысты. Сонымен қатар, салтанатты саптық жиынға арнайы шақыру қағазы әз...

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