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Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-10 06:08:00
The purpose of work day: timely preparation for the winter time. Education of social responsibility for the cleanliness of the students in the city and school. At 09.00 h. On Saturday left teaching staff, technicians, students 7-10 grade school-lyceum № 15.   Tasks work day:    Cleaning school grounds from natural and household garbage, analysis of debris from fallen trees,...

Relay race "Golden Autumn"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-10 03:27:23
Relay race
08.10.2015 in the Palace of Metallurgists held city autumn relay race where the students of our school-lyceum team took second place. Congratulations!

Information message «Радио хабар баршаға»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-09 04:12:33
Information message «Радио хабар баршаға»
07.10.2015g. Member organizations teenage single "Jas Ulan" student "9 Ә" class Myrzahan Alikhan and senior counselor Abdrahman Tolғanay channel "Balkhash TV" reported on the circles of the Palace of schoolchildren. Students urge all students to effectively ispolzovatsvobodnoe time.


Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-09 02:31:36
07.10.2015g. medsestra Water made a contract detachment in the city of Balkhash, Abzhanova Baghdad Satbekovna  briefed the students the rules of the water Security rasskazala how the news itself emergency. Complete meeting Baghdad Satbekovna numerous questions from students. Аttended -87  students and 7 teachers.

Information about the events dedicated to honoring veterans of the teachers

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-05 08:36:05
    28.09. a plan of events dedicated to honoring veterans teachers. Organized a book exhibition. On the 1st floor of the school is decorated stand with greeting cards to teachers, was showing videos. 2-10 grade students made posters their homeroom teachers on the topic: "My class teacher." Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature and the city Saparo...

The sonofthe nation

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-30 01:42:14
The sonofthe nation
29.09.2015 At the School - Lyceum №15 in the course of the great poet’s decade on  the 170th anniversary of Abay there was an event called: "The sonofthe nation" .The students showed the interestin the literary and music allegac yof the late Abay. The  students sang songsan dread poems  in three  languages.

City Day

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-29 02:49:41
City Day
September 27, 2015, in Balkhash held a celebration "City Day". On this festive day, a variety of activities. At the Independence Square, the gala concert of the youth of our city. The stadium "Metallurg" held a competition graffiti, dance festival was held on the "Walk of Fcnfys" / All activities involved students of our school lyceum №15. Congratulations to all res...

The information about the regional parents' meeting in a mode on-line

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-29 02:35:58
The information about the regional parents' meeting in a mode on-line
Objective: To examine the concept and features of legal acts of the RK; to protect children from negative information on the Internet. 26.09. 2015 11:00 regional parents' meeting was held in the on -line. The meeting was attended by 30 parents of students in grades 7-11.     A statement was made head of the department of education of the Karaganda region AimagambetovAs...

550 years from Kazakh State establishment

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-26 12:18:19
550 years from Kazakh State establishment
On  23, September there was a conference among 6, 9 grades on the theme “550 years from Kazakh State establishment”.  The students have prepared the following reports: “Abai Kunanbaev”, “The establishment of Kazakh State”, “National movement” , “Shokan Ualichanov”. In this conference the students read verses in Russian and Eng...

Дана Абай, дара Абай қазақта

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-25 12:34:09
Дана Абай, дара Абай қазақта
8 In the class passed the literary - artistic composition dedicated to the 170 anniversary of the birth of Abay  "Дана Абай, дара Абай қазақта".  Objective: To assess the contribution to science and culture of the outstanding educator of Kazakhstan to expand the students' ideas about the significance of the individual Abay as a patriot, citizen, poet and thinker, genera...

Тіл –тірегіміз, соғып тұрған жүрегіміз

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-25 12:13:46
Тіл –тірегіміз, соғып тұрған жүрегіміз
 Every year, the 22 of September our whole country celebrates this day as a day of languages ​​. Our President Nursultan Nazarbayev set the task to speak 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, without forgetting his Mother tongue . According to it, among students 8E and 8B classes there was a festival dedicated to this momentous day. The teacher of Russian language and literature Dzhakup...

Information about the event dedicated to the Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-09-25 11:43:15
Information about the event dedicated to the Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan
Objective:Increased knowledge about languages, the formation of a conscious attitude to the variety of languages to inculcate a culture of dialogue in different languages: Kazakh, Russian, English. On 18.09to celebrate the Day of languages was held event "Let's speak different languages," in which students and 6 g of 7-9 classes read poems of classics of world literature in Kazak...

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