
Journey into the world of foreign poetry

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-12 09:19:43
Journey into the world of foreign poetry
 March 11 in school-lyceum № 15 in anticipation of the regional project "Оқу шаттығы" and the holiday March 20 international day of la Francophonie organization held a school event on the theme «Шет тілдер әдебиет әлеміне саяхат». The aim of this event was to develop students interest in hudožetsvennoj literature, as well as improve their aesthetic preference. Students...

Mothers for the holiday matinee

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-09 14:01:27
Mothers for the holiday matinee
CSE “School- lyceum №15” mini – center “Tanshuak” on the 02.03 - 03.03. 2016 years conducted the morning performance in the “Kyzgaldak”, “Raushan” and “Tuimedak”groups in honor of Women's International Day. The children congratulatedtheir mother and presented their gifts.

Dear and beloved mother!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-09 13:52:47
Dear and beloved mother!
07.03.2016 at the auditorium of the forum was "Ayaulym yes, Altyn Nurly Analar!" Dedicated to the International Women's Day on 8 March. The aim of the forum was to encourage students to respect our dear mothers and grandmothers, to learn to treat them with love, strengthen relationships, learn from their example of such qualities as respect, understanding, wisdom and understanding....

Mother-principle of life

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-09 13:46:49
Mother-principle of life
07.03.2016 4 classes, the students have written congratulatory letters and postcards with words of greetings such as for example: "Good day to you," "You are the most beautiful," "You are the most intelligent," "We love you," and gave them to the teachers of the school. During the first shift solemn line on which expensive school teachers conducted class...

Information about events on the theme of "Mother-principle of life" dedicated to the International Women's Day on 8 March

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-09 13:31:59
Information about events on the theme of
Objective: To teach children to respect the invaluable work of mothers and thus develop in them a love for the native land and the country. To bring in girls good manners, as well as qualities such as modesty, beauty, courtesy, politeness. 02.03.2016 the deputy director on educational work K.A.Beysekina, I.Zh.Zhanatovna in a large sports hall opened a line dedicated to the theme "Ana - Om...

«Әйел бақыты» talk - show

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-05 08:53:58
    «Әйел бақыты»  talk -  show
03.03.2016 years have elapsed talk show  "Әйел бақыты" organized by the students of class 10. The aim of this competition was to strengthen the relationship between the school and the pupils ' parents. At the event were invited to dear mothers and grandmothers pupils with the aim to get to know them better. The same grandmother were invited to Bahtaeva Tleuken, the teacher of...

Сompetition: «Бұрымды қыз-2016»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-05 08:40:20
Сompetition: «Бұрымды қыз-2016»
Traditional competition "Bұrymdy kyz 2016" this year was held at the VII times. Total attended 13 girls students in grades 5-7. The judges at this competition was the deputy director for educational work K.A.Beysekina, journalist of the newspaper "Pulse" K.Sadenov, teacher service Balkhash college, professional hairdresser M.S.Adilbekova parent G.Ansarovna journalists "J...

"The melody of the song, you, you mother" festival

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-05 08:22:18
03.03.2016 year in school-lyceum № 15 Festival was held  «Әнімде сен, жырымда сен жан ана»devoted to women's day 8 March. The aim of the Festival: to develop towards mothers qualities such as kindness and love. Teach students to be an example to others. And teach children such qualities as gratitude, honesty, humanity. Openly show their feelings for their mothers, expre...

"Afghanistan-wound in the heart"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-03 12:50:56
02.29.2016 year a meeting was organized with the veterans' Auғanstan zhүrektegі-heat "in order to give full details students about the war in Afghanistan, develop a sense of patriotism and devotion to the Homeland held a cool head 6" Ә "class S.S.Mustafinoy. Students were able to discuss your questions and have them answered by veterans. Ayazbayev Murat Zholdasbaevich told abo...

From 27-01, 2016 "on March 1 Thanksgiving" about the events held on the occasion of the Day

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-02 02:43:20
From 27-01, 2016
In April 2015, the 22nd session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan peoples to express gratitude to one another, and Kazakhs in Kazakhstan by the decree of the President of the celebration in bolatın.2016 from "1 March - Thanksgiving" was held. This tradition of coming closer to one another the greatest measure of Kazakhs...

Information about the campaign "Streets without drugs" held on 23-26 February 2016

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-02 02:28:47
Information about the campaign
Objective: Children with a view to protect them from the influence of bad habits and encourage them to lead a meaningful, healthy lifestyle. 23-26.02.2016, the exhibition was held on the theme "Esіrtkіsіz kөshe" in order to protect students from the influence of bad habits like smoking, alcohol and drugs. In this regard, the school TVs were shown slides and relevant information is pr...

«Ең үздік сынып жетекшісі-2016»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-02 02:20:39
«Ең үздік сынып жетекшісі-2016»
Congratulations! Congratulations to the teachers of Russian language and literature (II) level of cool head 8 "in" class  Zeken Dzhakupova Abitaevna  busy with II spot at the regional contest "Ең үздік сынып жетекшісі-2016"  semination of pedagogical experience, improving the image of the teacher.". The aim of the competition: dissemination of pedagogical...

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