Mother-principle of life

Mother-principle of life
07.03.2016 4 classes, the students have written congratulatory letters and postcards with words of greetings such as for example: "Good day to you," "You are the most beautiful," "You are the most intelligent," "We love you," and gave them to the teachers of the school.
During the first shift solemn line on which expensive school teachers conducted classes 9 students was organized at 10:00.
The youngest group of dombra players "Shabyt" performed kui "Kelіnshek".
On the line was also made propaganda brigade with the words congratulations expensive dedicated mothers and teachers. "Bәyterek Group" choir sang "Ak didarly, marijuana."
Students in Grade 10 Әuelbek Aybar, 7Ә class Mұhametzhanova Gauhar, 6D class Pazilov Olzhas came up with songs dedicated to mothers and dance group "Nazғұmyr" presented to the public the song "Mereke".
Activists of the "Self" congratulated the teachers warm words. And at the end of the solemn line director of school-lyceum K.Sh.Dubirbekova he shared with all of your good wishes and once again congratulated all on a holiday.