
With the aim of exchanging experiences on the basis of school-lyceum № 15 was held a seminar for magnetic schools on "Professional Development uchitelya- basis for the modernization of the education system"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-22 08:36:37
With the aim of exchanging experiences on the basis of school-lyceum № 15 was held a seminar for magnetic schools on
  With school-lyceum basis to exchange experiences on the number 15, a seminar for magnetic schools on "Professional Development uchitelya- basis for the modernization of the education system." The seminar program consisted of 3 parts. The seminar was attended by Coordinator of the magnetic schools with the education department Aytzhanova JA, 60 teachers of the city schools with...

December 15, 2016, the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "shaken happy Independence" ceremony was held drill.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-15 07:04:15
December 15, 2016, the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
December 15, 2016, the students' patriotic spirit and passion for education and self-improvement, in order to promote the achievements of 25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "shaken happy Independence Day" ceremony held drill.     Jïınındamektep front of the director of the L...

Оf 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a matinee on theme «Мәңгілік ел»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-14 09:40:36
Оf 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a matinee  on theme «Мәңгілік ел»
On 14 of December 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a matinee  on theme «Мәңгілік ел» at the elder group «Раушан».

School-Lyceum 8 anniversary of "Independence is a poetic song, school transparent ever!" Ceremonial drill was held.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-13 02:21:01
School-Lyceum 8 anniversary of
25th anniversary of independence on December 12, 2016 and School-Lyceum 8 anniversary of their homeland, the state know üyrew care, education, training and respect into gold in order to foster a sense of "Independence is a poetic song, school transparent ever!" Ceremonial drill was held. Executive director of the Lyceum school meeting built in Q.D.Şäkärimqızı eight congr...

"Within the framework of criteria-based assessment system to update the content of education" seminar held koçwïng.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-13 02:17:11
On December 12, 15 school-lyceum of the city of Balkhash "within the framework of criteria-based assessment system to update the content of education" seminar -kowçïng ötkizildi.Semïnar Coaching 1 and Grade 4 school teachers, school administrators as well as representatives of the media organization coaching qatıstı.Semïnar- Goal: education to update the cont...

Within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first Kazakh mathematician Alimhan Ermekov the 125th anniversary of the "Step into the world of science" city "Brain Ring" game

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-12-09 12:56:22
Within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first Kazakh mathematician Alimhan Ermekov the 125th anniversary of the
December 12, 2016, the students' critical thinking skills and the mobility of thought, logic, within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to improve the first Kazakh mathematician Alimhan Ermekov 125-year anniversary of the "Step into the world of science" city "Brain Ring" intellectual game. Brain-ring mathemati...

Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 30, 2016 Day of the First President of the 25 th and December 1, "Eli kissed and kissed the President of the country" ceremony held drill.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-11-30 10:57:10
Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 30, 2016 Day of the First President of the 25 th and December 1,
Twenty-fifth anniversary of independence on November 30, 2016 and December 1, the Day of the First President of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the heart of understanding about the ways of life of the disciple sense of love for the President, as a member of the student society to respect human life and well-being school, in order to arouse a sense of awareness of the values ​​of respons...

Congratulations! November 25, 2016, the town's "Orken" Youth Award realization of the state youth policy in order to stimulate the development of the youth movement of the city school at an event organized by our leader, gifted and talented, intelligent 1

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-11-26 13:12:54
Congratulations! November 25, 2016, the town's
Congratulations! November 25, 2016, the town's "Orken" Youth Award realization of the state youth policy in order to stimulate the development of the youth movement of the city school at an event organized by our leader, gifted and talented, intelligent 11A-grader Jamel Dina cultural activities took part in the events, art, culture, literature and art for achieving success in the f...

On 22 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was an event on theme «State symbol» at the elder group «Раушан»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-11-26 13:00:03
On 22 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was an event on theme «State symbol» at the elder group «Раушан»
On 22 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ»within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was an event on theme «State symbol»at the elder group «Раушан»

On 23 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a lesson on theme «State border. Travelling to different countries» at the middle group «Түймедақ».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-11-25 08:31:27
On 23 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a lesson on theme «State border. Travelling to different countries» at the middle group «Түймедақ».
On 23 of November 2016y. school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ»within the framework of 25-th anniversary of Kazakhstan`s independence was a lesson on theme «State border. Travelling to different countries»at the middle group «Түймедақ».

"One country for 25 years. One Destiny "patriotic action" eternal values ​​", concentrating on further development, in order to strengthen the identity and unity," the guarantor of the independence of the law of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakh

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-11-21 08:57:21
  On November 21, 2016 School-Lyceum students to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of independence of the country in the history of the formation of the constitutional stages and deepen the knowledge about the features of its "one country for 25 years. One Destiny "patriotic action" eternal values ​​", concentrating on further development, in order to strengthen t...

51 in General studies-school-Hello, fall gold! information about

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-11-15 02:27:26
51 in General studies-school-Hello, fall gold! information about
In the period from 31 October to 2 November 2016 and 51 of the Republican Olympiad in General education subjects-school-Hello, fall gold". The school-among 8-11 classes in 11 subjects basic Hello, the Golden autumn!". In the Olympics of the Lyceum on subjects of Natural-mathematical cycle involved 142 student in the public Humanities for 83, a total of 225 students. The results of this...

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