
Information on the month "International civil Defense" of secondary school No. 9

Category: School life
Date: 2021-03-01 11:44:30
Information on the month
On March 1, in many countries of the world, the International Civil Defense Organization held educational hours on the following topics in our school in grades 9-11 as part of the World Civil Defense Day: "The safety of human life," "world Civil defense".
Author: School №9

The project read the fairy tale "The Fox and the Lion" and the story "The Commandment of one word".

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-28 17:21:04
The project read the fairy tale
27.02.21 g Municipal State Institution "Secondary school No. 9" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region #Reading time#I readtoo,youreadtoo! According to the project "I read, you read too", students and teachers were remotely read books through the ZOOM platform. The project read the fairy tale "The Fox and the Lion" and the stor...
Author: School №9

Information about the class hour. "Know the rules of behavior on the ice! past events in the topic"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-26 09:30:08
Information about the class hour.
26.02.21 the day in our school was held under the motto "Know the rules of behavior on the ice!" in grades 1-11, an educational hour was held. They were informed about the safety rules at the ice rinks and reminded the students that the rules of ice skating should be followed carefully.
Author: School №9

Information about educational hour "Gemali ndet – Jou mndot»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-26 09:06:54
Information about educational hour
On 25.02.21 of the day, an educational hour on anti – corruption "Zhemkorlyk ind-zhoyu mindet"was held in our school.Students were shown videos that reveal the topic and talk about the concept of corruption, the consequences of corruption, the negative impact of corruption on various spheres of society.
Author: School №9

Educational hour on the theme: "letter of thanks aytu day - Mahabbat, meirimdilik, garandi gets to a new level»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-25 10:43:58
Educational hour on the theme:
25.02.202 an informative hour was held on the topic: "Algys aitu kuni-mahabbat, meirimdilik, zharkyndyk meiramy" among 5a, b classes through the ZOOM platform. In order to promote friendship and cooperation between different peoples and nationalities living in our country, to instill by their example culture, traditions, customs, education of students of peace and peacefulness.
Author: School №9

Information of the round table "Burmadere Sene BLDC»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-24 18:32:18
Information of the round table
On February 24, 2021, our school hosted a round table "Bauyrmaldykty sezine bildik", organized by the history teacher Tokbulatova G. through the ZOOM platform for 8th grade students for the holiday of gratitude on March 1.
Author: School №9

Great poetry "My girim-Khalyk"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-24 18:29:20
Great poetry
24.02.21 our school hosted the great poetic minute "Menin zhyrym-halykym", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the Kazakh poet-poetik, composer, batyr Zhambyl
Author: School №9

Information of the library clock " Zhyr alyby-Zhambyl»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-22 12:09:21
Information of the library clock
22.02.21 our school held class hours for students of grades 1-11 on the theme "Zhyr Alyby-Zhambyl", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of Zhambyl Zhabayev. The place and significance of Zhambyl Zhabayev's work in Kazakh literature were explained to the students
Author: School №9

Information of OSH No. 9 on holding the meeting " Zhas kyran»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-19 15:31:06
Information of OSH No. 9 on holding the meeting
19.02.21 one of the most important problems of modern society is the growth of offenses and crime among adolescents.
Author: School №9

City Olympiad

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-19 15:28:05
City Olympiad
From 8.02 to 11.02.2020, the city subject Olympiad was held. A total of 24 students of grades 9-11 took part in the Olympiad. Talgat Ansar, Mukhambetzhanov Alisher, Bagdatova Adel on English, Amantay Gulnaz, Sovet Mukhammadrasul, Toleubekova Karakat on biology, Kenegul Margulan, Zhaksybayeva Perizat on geography, Amanzholova Aidana, Schlatay Aruzhan – Kazakh language, Zhangazy Aktlek, Zhuman Ayazh...
Author: School №9

Information of the library clock " Zhyr Alyby-Zhambyl "

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-19 09:32:23
Information of the library clock
Today, 18.02.2021,in honor of the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great poet,zhyrau,zhyrshy Zhambyl Zhabayev (1846-1945), the library hour" Zhyr Alyby-Zhambyl "was held in the school library, as well as a review of the book exhibition"Zhambyl and its heritage".The event was attended by students of the 5th grade.
Author: School №9

1-11 were held on the theme "Sport is the key to health" "lead a healthy lifestyle"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-18 09:15:53
 1-11 were held on the theme
Secondary school No. 9 in Balkhash during the week of physical culture "If you are healthy, you will get everything", which takes place from February 15 to 20, according to the plan, our school conducts various work on the physical literacy of students. Class hours among grades 1-11 were held on the theme "Sport is the key to health" "lead a healthy lifestyle". Amon...
Author: School №9

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