
Information about the event held in the legal department" legal Navigator".

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-16 09:34:29
Information about the event held in the legal department
Information about the event held in the legal department" legal Navigator".Within the framework of the week of legal literacy "legal Navigator", organized by the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region in the framework of the project "Zeyin" of Secondary School No. 9 of Balkhash, a meeting was held between Grades 5-...
Author: School №9

The project " I read, you read too "

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-13 18:47:26
The project
13.02.21 g Municipal State Institution "secondary school No. 9" of the Department of Education of the city of Balkhash of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region #Reading time#I readtoo,youreadtoo! According to the project "I read, you read too", students and teachers were remotely read books through the ZOOM platform. In the project, they read the fairy tale "The Fox and the Wolf" and...
Author: School №9

From February 8 to 13, a week of legal literacy "Legal Navigator"was held at secondary school No. 9 in Balkhash.

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-12 23:52:39
From February 8 to 13, a week of legal literacy
From February 8 to 13, a week of legal literacy "Legal Navigator"was held at secondary school No. 9 in Balkhash. During the week, class hours were held among the students on the topic: "My rights", "tolerance-the way to peace", "rights and obligations of the student", cognitive, business games "me and my rights", tests on the Kahoot program. Drawing contests were held among primary school student...
Author: School №9

"Man and humanity" for the 7th grade

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-12 23:21:44
Teacher of self-knowledge of KSU "General education school No. 9" Baykezhan A. K. lesson on the topic "Man and humanity" for the 7th grade
Author: School №9

"The girl is beautiful»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-11 15:13:42
In secondary school No. 9, the school psychologist T. Dulatova conducted a psychological training for girls of the 5th grade on the topic "Kyz kylymenmen korseti". It was organized with the aim of improving the qualities of girls, forming friendly qualities in girls of each class.
Author: School №9

"Erlik-elge mura Information about class hours

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-11 14:28:03
On May 11, an educational hour on the theme "Erlik – elge Mura", dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the Afghan War, was held in secondary school No. 9 in the 2nd "B" class.
Author: School №9

Information about the meeting, "Awany asunda from descender»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-11 14:24:49
Information about the meeting,
In secondary school №9 of February 11 was organized meeting on the theme "Awany asunda from descender" devoted to the 32-th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Author: School №9

Information events of the information campaign " Self-knowledge-pedagogy of love and creativity»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-11 09:32:14
Information events of the information campaign
Festive congratulations to the students of "Altyn Zhurek" within the framework of the event pedagogy of love and creativity.
Author: School №9

Information of OSH No. 9 on holding the meeting " Zhas kyran»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-10 10:00:06
Information of OSH No. 9 on holding the meeting
In society, one of the most important problems is the increase in the number of offenses among adolescents. To solve this problem, a meeting was organized and held for boys among the 5th grades.
Author: School №9

Информация собрания организации мальчиков «Жас қыран " общеобразовательной школы №9

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-09 18:52:20
Информация собрания организации мальчиков «Жас қыран
Currently, the republic has an unfavorable situation related to the health and moral behavior of children, adolescents and young people, the main reasons for which are the decline in morality in sexual relations, the lack of necessary knowledge to preserve and promote health.In order to raise awareness of the problem, a meeting of boys on the topic "step of family life"was held in grades 9-11.
Author: School №9

Information events of the information campaign " Self-knowledge-pedagogy of love and creativity»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-09 18:48:39
Information events of the information campaign
9.02.21 days in our school, as part of the Week of the information campaign "Self-knowledge pedagogy of love and creativity", an open lesson was held in the 9th grade on the topic "Suiispenshilik omir-negizi".
Author: School №9

Қарағанды облысының білім басқармасының басшысы "көмекшілерге" қарсы күрес туралы айтып берді ⠀

Category: School life
Date: 2021-02-09 17:51:53
Қарағанды облысының білім басқармасының басшысы "көмекшілерге" қарсы күрес туралы айтып берді ⠀ Қарағанды облысында балабақшаларға тегін орын сататын делдалдарды анықтау басталды. Жауапкершілік тек көмекшілерге ғана емес, клиенттерге де қауіп төндіреді. ⠀ Қарағанды облысының білім басқармасының басшысы "көмекшілерге" қарсы күрес туралы айтып берді ⠀ Қарағанды облысында балабақшаларға тегін орын са...
Author: School №9

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