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The graduation party
01-06-2017 09:08
There was a graduation party in the kindergarten Aygolek, under the solemn fanfare, in the senior group No. 6 Children with soft toys performed a dance composition "Fluffy childhood". Then the Cat came to the festival, he asked the children interesting questions, the children answered them with pleasure.
Bird’s Day
18-05-2017 10:12
Bird’s Day
The kids of the Aiglek took part in the ecological meeting "Friends of the Earth", which was held in the general educational school No. 16 on May 18, The purpose of this meeting was to introduce children to the International Day of Ecology and also to conduct a lot of useful and good deeds. Proceeding from the intended goal, the following tasks were set: to create a sense of responsibility for everything alive, to develop the ecological consciousness in children; The desire to cherish nature.
Day of Unity of Kazakh peoples
27-04-2017 07:45
Day of Unity of Kazakh peoples
There were organized events for children which was dedicated to the Day of Unity of Kazakh peoples.
Open Day "Kindergarten of Successful Development" at the Aigulek KGKP
10-04-2017 17:19
Open Day
Children’s garden “Aygolek” greeted the guests on April 10, 2017. A festive event dedicated to 50- th the anniversary of the kindergarten began with the flash mob. The director Bazhbenova Venera Jusupovna acted with protective strategy of development of the kindergarten.
Nauryz in our kindergarten!
26-03-2017 16:22
Nauryz in our kindergarten!
On the occasion of the Nauryz holiday, our kindergarten "Aygolek" has developed a plan of events for the Nauryz holiday, educators, professional teachers showed creativity and individuality. All planned activities are displayed in technological maps of upbringing and educational work with children. Matinees were held in the kindergarten, in which children of all groups participated. Matinees passed with a real spring mood, which was passed on to the guests present. Children showed their love fo
Nauryz holiday
16-03-2017 10:25
Nauryz holiday
Matins devoted to the holiday of Nauryz in the kindergarten "Aigolek" were fun and interesting. An old woman named “azhe”visitedchildren, shetold to the children about the traditions and customs of the holiday Nauryz. Spring songs, dances, funny games, surprises delighted the children with all their heart. It was interesting to show the scene "Who first saw the animals from the beginning of the year?" All children participated in the games "Aigolek", "Takya tastama". There was a festive mood and
Independence Day holiday
15-12-2016 10:27
Independence Day holiday
On 14 and 15 December in 2016 Nursery school “Aygolek” there were conversation with slides for second young groups and for middle and elder groups were organized the matinee with a slide films dedicated to The Day of Independence of Kazakhstan The total audience are 161 children. The aim of event is to expand the knowledge of our native country, to form the notion of national holiday “The Day of Independence” To educate forchildren a love of their native country, to the native land and to t
"Golden autumn"
28-10-2016 10:38
On October 27, 2016 in the garden Aigolek was held golden autumn feast.
Patriotic vocal contest in Almaty, called “Ұлтын сүйген ұланбыз”
28-10-2016 10:24
Patriotic vocal contest in Almaty, called “Ұлтын сүйген ұланбыз”
21 october, 2016 held a patriotic vocal contest in Almaty, called “Ұлтын сүйген ұланбыз”.
10-10-2016 06:45
10-10-2016 06:43
«Формирование ценностного отношения ребенка к здоровью в семье»
10-10-2016 06:28
«Формирование интереса к художественному слову у детей раннего и младшего дошкольного возраста».