"Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
30-11-2017 10:43
At the “Aygolek” preschool educational institution from 27.11. To 30.11.17. events dedicated to the Day of the First President were held. Educators of all groups prepared events at which children learned more about their country, about the activities of our president - Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. Interesting entertainment "Kazakhstan Respublikasyk Tysh President kuni" gave the children a festive mood. Children sang, danced, recited poetry. Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about
Correspondence kindergarten
20-11-2017 10:47
Correspondence kindergarten
In the kindergarten "Aygolek" on November 17, 2017, a regular meeting of parents was held in order to implement the "Correspondence kindergarten" project. Methodologist for innovations L.T. Ibraeva held a meeting with parents on the topic "Health-saving technologies at an early age." And also the parents were consulted by the physical instructor Korotkova L.D. She introduced the parents of the correspondence kindergarten to health-saving technologies, as well as how to make health-saving benefi
Contest "Caring Mom"
17-11-2017 10:40
11/13/17, the Caring Mom contest was held. Aimed at drawing the attention of adults to the need for children to use reflective elements (flickers). The purpose of the competition is to popularize the wearing of reflectors as a means of personal safety of pedestrians when driving on the road. Our mothers had to try to come up with and present the most creative way of decorating children's clothes with reflective elements, sewn with their caring hands. The models were children - representatives of
Об утверждении стандартов государственных услуг, оказываемых местными исполнительными органами в сфере дошкольного воспитания и обучения
02-11-2017 09:00
Приказ Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от 7 апреля 2015 года № 172. Зарегистрирован в Министерстве юстиции Республики Казахстан 8 мая 2015 года № 10981. В соответствии с подпунктом 1) статьи 10 Закона Республики Казахстан от 15 апреля 2013 года "О государственных услугах" ПРИКАЗЫВАЮ:
Knowledge day
31-08-2017 12:49
Knowledge day
On the eve of September 1, 2017, a cheerful holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge took place at the Aygulek children's school. On this day, the guys recited poetry, competed in relay races, had fun, and participated in competitions. Dunno came to visit the children, who made riddles about school supplies, conducted the quiz "On the road of knowledge", played games with the children. Children's laughter was a constant companion of the joyful and memorable Day of Knowledge.
Goodbye summer
31-08-2017 12:48
Goodbye summer
In the last days of the leaving warm days in our kindergarten there was a holiday “Farewell to Summer”. Summer itself came to visit the children. Pupils read poems, proverbs and sayings about summer, sang and danced. We remembered what we liked more in the summer: games-entertainment with water, “Dunno and a traffic light”, a sports festival “Neptune's Day”, exhibitions of drawings on the asphalt and more. The guys were very sorry to part with the summer, but no less entertaining holidays and en
Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
31-08-2017 12:46
Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On August 29, in the kindergarten "Aygolek" a musical-thematic lesson was held, dedicated to the significant holiday of our Republic of Kazakhstan - Constitution Day. Children in festive costumes with flags opened the holiday. The event was of great teaching and educational value. Thus, the national heroes Kobylandy and Kunsulu introduced children to their rights and symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Reading poetry, watching a slide film about Kazakhstan, which showed pride in the native re
Neptune Day
14-07-2017 07:59
Neptune Day
One of the most popular summer holidays is Neptune Day. This holiday is well known to everyone, both children and adults. On July 14, the most long-awaited and the happiest holiday - the Day of Neptune - took place at the Aygolek Children's School. The kindergarten students were visited by Neptune, the Little Mermaid, and pirates, who immersed the children in the atmosphere of a fairy tale. Specially organized very interesting games and competitions on water themes: "The sea is worried", "Fill t
"I love you, Astana!"
05-07-2017 08:17
On the eve of the celebration of the day of Astana, the “I love you, Astana!” Entertainment was held at the “Aygolek” school. Children celebrated the Astana holiday in songs, poems and dances. At the celebration, some surprise moments were used: Tausogar and Zhalkaubek came to visit. With children, they played the folk games "Yurt", "Carpet alasha", "Who is stronger", danced the folk dances "Kara zhorga". The holiday turned out to be very colorful and interesting.
Sports - game
16-06-2017 08:42
According to the plan for the summer - health-improving period, the “Aigolek” preschool educational institution held the “Sports and Health Week” events aimed at strengthening the health of children, introducing a healthy lifestyle. The content of "Sports and Health Week" included a comprehensive plan of the event for each day of the week. In working with children, various forms were used: informative conversations “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, “Safety lessons”, “Conversation about h
Day of symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
02-06-2017 09:22
Day of symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On June 2, a holiday dedicated to the Day of Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the kindergarten "Aygolek". Her granddaughter also came to visit the children. Children told them poems and sang songs dedicated to the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Together with her and her granddaughter, the children watched a slide film, played interesting traditional Kazakh games.
Children Protection Day
01-06-2017 09:10
The event dedicated to the Children's Day was held festively and cheerfully in the kindergarten "Aygolek". Two clowns Chupa and Chups came to visit the children to perky music. They amused children with interesting games, jokes, dances. A dance group of girls performed a cheerful dance "Chunga-changa", to the applause of the audience. The holiday ended with a cheerful disco. All children were satisfied.