Historical Literacy Week.
13-10-2022 20:43
Historical Literacy Week.
Within the framework of the week of historical literacy, in order to get acquainted with the history of the native land, an excursion to the city museum of local lore was organized and conducted in th...
" Ботақандар " тобының
13-10-2022 20:40
As part of the Week of Historical Literacy, the children of the Botakandar group together with their parents read an excerpt from memorized poems on the theme "Tugan olkem - netken korkem"....
menu 13.10.2022
13-10-2022 14:57
menu 13.10.2022
menu 13.10.2022
On October 12, 2022, a parent-teacher meeting was held in the Aigolek nursery garden.
12-10-2022 20:47
On October 12, 2022, a parent-teacher meeting was held in the Aigolek nursery garden.
On October 12, 2022, a parent-teacher meeting was held in the Aigolek nursery garden. According to the agenda, the director of the Aigolek Nursery School Ibysheva G. T. made a report on changes in the...
menu 12.10.2022
12-10-2022 11:32
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menu 11.10.2022
11-10-2022 11:29
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menu 11.10.2022
"My family and the nature of my native land."
10-10-2022 20:37
As part of the week of historical literacy in the senior group "Fairy Tale", a presentation of collages made by parents together with children on the theme "My family and the nature of...
menu 10.10.2022
10-10-2022 11:26
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меню 07.10.2022
07-10-2022 22:15
меню 07.10.2022
меню 07.10.2022
меню 06.10.2022
06-10-2022 22:14
меню 06.10.2022
меню 06.10.2022
меню 05.10.2022
05-10-2022 22:12
меню 05.10.2022
меню 05.10.2022
Ecological project "Take care of nature!".
05-10-2022 20:32
Ecological project
In the group "Fairy Tale" within the framework of the ecological project "Take care of nature!" organized activities of cognitive and creative orientation on the production of mush...