Category: Все

About the control of nutrition and drinking regime


2021-02-01 11:54:50

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Requirements for public catering facilities in educational institutions for the period of introduction of restrictive measures, including quarantine


2021-02-01 11:49:38

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235 the order of June 8, 2020


2021-02-01 11:32:39

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On the approval of nutrition standards in healthcare and education organizations


2021-02-01 11:30:56

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Math Literacy Week

Within the framework of the Week of Mathematical Literacy at KSU "Comprehensive School No. 1" among students of grades 5-7 under the leadership of N. Chikunova. the competition of projects "Me and my family in numbers" was held. The purpose of the competition is to show the role of the family in a person's life, to educate children in love and respect for family members. Family and traditions, way of life have always occupied and still occupy an important place in human life. It is the family that can create an atmosphere of spiritual comfort for the child, help him feel secure, self-confident, teach him to treat others correctly. In the process of organizing project activities, a unique opportunity appears to bring children and their parents closer together on the basis of joint activities. According to the results of the competition of projects: a student of grade 6 B - Ahayeva Ayyanat took the 1st place, the 2nd place was shared by students of the 5th grade Pavlova Ekaterina and Razumny Alexey. III place was given to Skopintseva Ksenia and Gultyaeva Maria.

2021-01-27 06:45:43

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The decade of self-knowledge continues. Our guys read a lot, draw, make and read poetry. School online lessons are held, where the guys share their impressions, emotions ...

Events are held during the decade "Self-knowledge - pedagogy of love and creativity" Bayanbaeva M.S. introduces children to the work of writers and poets who write about kindness, nobility, friendship, beauty of the soul.

2021-01-26 06:54:01

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The decade of self-knowledge continues. Our guys read a lot, draw, make and read poetry. School online lessons are held, where the guys share their impressions, emotions ...

children create presentations, make video clips with their parents, telling about their family, relationships, friendship

2021-01-26 06:50:37

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The decade of self-knowledge continues. Our guys read a lot, draw, make and read poetry. School online lessons are held, where the guys share their impressions, emotions ...

Латыпова Виолетта 3 А класс

2021-01-26 06:46:32

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Өзін-өзі тану онкүндігі жалғасуда. Біздің жігіттер көп оқиды, сурет салады, өлең жасайды және оқиды. Мектептегі онлайн сабақтар өткізіледі, онда балалар өздерінің әсерлерімен, эмоцияларымен бөліседі ...

Кадейкин Богдан 2А класс

2021-01-26 06:45:08

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The decade of self-knowledge continues. Our guys read a lot, draw, make and read poetry. School online lessons are held, where the guys share their impressions, emotions ...

Акжолтаева Салима 4А класс

2021-01-26 06:43:27

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The decade of self-knowledge continues. Our guys read a lot, draw, make and read poetry. School online lessons are held, where the guys share their impressions, emotions ...

Ибетулов Александр 1 В

2021-01-26 06:41:40

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Information about the holding of the class hour from 01/25/2021


2021-01-25 15:12:09

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