Category: Все

Menu 23.04.2021

Menu 23.04.2021

2021-04-23 15:37:37

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Menu 22.04.2021

Menu 22.04.2021

2021-04-22 11:29:10

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Menu 21.04.2021

Menu 21.04.2021

2021-04-21 14:42:19

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Menu 20.04.2021

Menu 20.04.2021

2021-04-20 19:09:37

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Menu 19.04.2021

Menu 19.04.2021

2021-04-19 10:18:19

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Information about the work of the monitoring commission on the quality of food in the KGKP "Nursery-garden" Aigolek»

In accordance with paragraph 107 of the Rules of catering for students in secondary education organizations, as well as the purchase of goods related to the provision of food for children raised and trained in preschool organizations, educational organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 598 as amended on 08.06.2020. (hereinafter-the Rules), in the KGKP "Nursery-garden "Aigolek" by order No. 16-A of 05.01.21, a commission for monitoring the quality of food was established. The monitoring commission consists of: 1. Zhanibekova A. K.-Chairman of the Trade Union Committee; 2. Orazbayeva A.M. - member of the parent committee; 3. Beisekova A. T.-Deputy Director for AHCH; 4. Gurina T. M.-diet-sister. The Commission has drawn up a work plan and a schedule of food quality checks. During April, the commission for monitoring the quality of food carried out an inspection on the following issues:: 1. Weekly monitoring of the quality of incoming food was carried out.terms of delivery (products are delivered to the food department in a special machine, in packages with a mark of shelf life.deadlines are violations were detected). 2. Once a month, the availability of ST-K Z certificates for food products was checked (the certificates meet the requirements). 3. Daily assessment of the quality of prepared dishes was carried out(with entries in the journal of organaleptic assessment of the quality of dishes and culinary products, taste qualities,appearance meet the requirements). 4. The serviceability of the technological equipment was checked daily. 5. Twice a month, the members of the parent committee and the chairman of the prof. Koma were present at the tab of the main products, checked the yield of dishes, the compliance of the volume of prepared food with the volume of single portions and the number of children(ready meals are distributed in groups within 1-2 hours after cooking,do not stay in the kitchen,the volume of portions corresponds to the norm,daily and long-term menu). 6. Daily monitoring of the sanitary condition and compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by employees of the food department is carried out. 7. The results of the work of the commission were considered at the pedagogical council of the Kindergarten.

2021-04-16 11:09:49

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Menu 16.04.2021

Menu 16.04.2021

2021-04-16 10:09:48

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Menu 15.04.2021

Menu 15.04.2021

2021-04-15 10:52:23

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Menu 14.04.2021

Menu 14.04.2021

2021-04-14 10:40:54

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Menu 13.04.2021

Menu 13.04.2021

2021-04-13 08:49:43

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Menu 12.04.2021

Menu 12.04.2021

2021-04-12 11:54:26

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The work plan of the commission for monitoring the quality of the organization of food for children of the KGKP "Nursery-kindergarten" Aygulek "

The work plan of the commission for monitoring the quality of the organization of food for children of the KGKP "Nursery-kindergarten" Aygulek "

2021-04-09 11:22:55

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