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Menu 10.08.21

Menu 10.08.21

2021-08-10 06:58:31

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Menu 09.08.2021

Menu 09.08.2021

2021-08-09 15:19:10

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Menu 06.08.2021

Menu 06.08.2021

2021-08-06 14:33:11

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Summer - the agenda of the recovery period

Summer - the agenda of the recovery period

2021-08-06 11:51:20

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Family Health Code.

1. Every day we start with exercises. 2. Waking up, do not lie in bed. 3. We take cold water as a friend, it gives vigor and hardening. 4. To kindergarten, to school, to work - on foot at a fast pace. 5. The elevator is our enemy. 6. Let's be generous with a smile, never lose heart! 7. When we meet, we wish each other good health (Hello!) 8. The regime is our friend, we want to be in time for everything - we will be in time! 9. Do not chew anything while watching TV! 10. On holidays and weekends - only together!

2021-08-06 10:44:43

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Recommendations for parents on the organization of an active family vacation.

Carrying out a joint family vacation - whether it be family hiking trips, active holidays at the sea, in the mountains, participation in sports family games, for example, "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", cycling in the forest, etc. - have a beneficial effect on preschoolers and their parents. Parents, together with their children, can: 1. In winter - skiing with children, ice skating, sledging, walking in the nearest forest, park, sculpting snow fortresses and figures in the yard. 2. In spring and autumn - take children with you on one-day hiking trips, make a joint vacation at the sea, in the country, organize joint yard ventures with outdoor games. 3. In the summer - sunbathe, swim, arrange noisy, outdoor games. 4. Arrange joint family readings about a healthy lifestyle. (For example, A. Barto's poem "The grimy girl" arouses the desire of kids to wash and wash their hands with soap and water, S. Mikhalkov's work "About a girl who ate poorly" will help to overcome a bad appetite, S. Mikhalkov's poem "About mimosa" will tell about the need for hardening etc.) In conclusion, I would like to offer parents formulated family rules regarding the daily routine, hardening, nutrition and other components of a healthy lifestyle.

2021-08-06 10:43:10

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Joint active leisure:

1. contributes to the strengthening of the family; 2. forms the most important moral qualities in children; 3. develops curiosity in children; 4. introduces children to the wonderful world of nature, bringing up a careful attitude towards it; 5. expands the horizons of the child; 6. forms the child's primary ideas about the history of his native land, traditions, culture of the people; 7. brings all family members closer (children live by the same tasks with their parents, they feel involved in a common cause). Spending leisure time together, parents and children develop that spiritual contact that many parents only dream of.

2021-08-06 10:40:37

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Recommendations to parents about the healthy lifestyle of the child

Dear adults! Your child needs a daily routine like air that is reasonably composed and appropriate for age. The fact that a child gets used to eating, sleeping, actively acting at the same time creates favorable preconditions for his all-round development. The daily routine should be flexible enough. Depending on the conditions (home, climatic, from the time of year, the individual characteristics of the child), it can change, but not more than 30 minutes in one direction or another. After charging, the child needs to take water procedures (tempered with water). You need to start with the simplest procedures: washing, wiping, then go to dousing, to a cool shower, or you can go to more complex ones - swimming in a pool or open water. It is very useful to combine hardening with air and water (water procedure is carried out directly behind the air bath). In the summertime, a morning walk necessarily ends with washing with rubdown, pouring, showering or bathing. It is necessary to reduce the temperature of the water gradually - taking into account the age of your child, his state of health, the nature of the procedure. The procedures should be carried out systematically, at approximately the same hours, having previously adjusted the child well. Local hardening procedures are used: washing, wiping to the waist, washing hands and dousing, playing with water, “stomping in a basin”. Insufficient physical activity - hypokinesia - more and more "younger". It is noted not only in older children, but increasingly in younger schoolchildren, preschoolers and even very young children. Physical activity is an essential component of the lifestyle and behavior of preschoolers. It depends on the organization of physical education of children, on the level of their motor fitness, individual characteristics, physique and functional capabilities of the growing organism. Children who regularly go in for physical education are distinguished by their cheerfulness, good spirits and high working capacity. Physical culture takes a leading place in the upbringing of children and a significant role in introducing children from an early age to a healthy lifestyle falls on the shoulders of parents. To relieve arousal before bed, you can use an aroma lamp with lavender oil (2-3 drops). Sit on the bed next to the child; gently, smoothly pat him on the back along the spine, kiss, say that tomorrow everything will be fine, everything will work out for him, that he is smart and kind. Make sure that the child's awakening is smooth (he must lie in bed for at least 10 minutes; setting an alarm clock at the head of the crib is contraindicated). Carry out water hygiene procedures with the child, and after airing the room - morning exercises with music. Give your child a glass of fruit or vegetable juice to drink before breakfast. Use foods rich in minerals and trace elements, proteins, light carbohydrates, and vitamins in cooking. In the period of risk of ARVI disease, give garlic and green onions as an additive to soups. Provide the child with clothing made from natural fibers so that it promotes full skin respiration and proper heat transfer. It is necessary to convincingly tell the child that after physical education, it is necessary to take off the sports jersey and put on a dry, replaceable one. Warn the child not to drink cold water immediately after exercise. Joint active leisure: 1. contributes to the strengthening of the family; 2. forms the most important moral qualities in children; 3. develops curiosity in children; 4. introduces children to the wonderful world of nature, bringing up a careful attitude towards it; 5. expands the horizons of the child; 6. forms the child's primary ideas about the history of his native land, traditions, culture of the people; 7. brings all family members closer (children live by the same tasks with their parents, they feel involved in a common cause). Spending leisure time together, parents and children develop that spiritual contact that many parents only dream of.

2021-08-06 10:38:04

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Daily regime

Daily regime

2021-08-06 10:30:08

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Summer, Autumn

Summer, Autumn

2021-08-06 10:28:06

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What to tell the child when leaving him in the garden

What to tell the child when leaving him in the garden

2021-08-05 15:37:12

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Menu 05.08.21

Menu 05.08.21

2021-08-05 14:18:05

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