Category: Все

As part of the certification of teachers, a seminar "education. Training seminar on the Pedant system

As part of the certification of teachers, a seminar "education. Training seminar on the Pedant system

2021-11-23 11:21:46

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Seminar on the topic: "Organization of summative assessment by section and summative assessment for a quarter"

Seminar on the topic: "Organization of summative assessment by section and summative assessment for a quarter"

2021-11-23 11:15:46

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Workshop for young specialists Kazakh language teacher Taizhanova K. B., history teacher Asemkhanova G. B. on the topic: " methods of composing tasks of the SOR, SOC "

Workshop for young specialists Kazakh language teacher Taizhanova K. B., history teacher Asemkhanova G. B. on the topic: " methods of composing tasks of the SOR, SOC "

2021-11-23 11:10:52

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19.10.2021күні бастауыш сыныпта білім беру кафедрасы мұғалімдеріне «БЖБ,ТЖБ жұмыс нәтижелері бойынша оқу жетістіктері динамикасын қалай бақылауға болады?»

19.10.2021күні бастауыш сыныпта білім беру кафедрасы мұғалімдеріне «БЖБ,ТЖБ жұмыс нәтижелері бойынша оқу жетістіктері динамикасын қалай бақылауға болады?»

2021-11-23 11:04:55

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"Education in new conditions"

"Education in new conditions"

2021-11-23 08:12:20

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On approval of Sanitary rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for educational facilities"

On approval of Sanitary rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for educational facilities"

2021-11-22 14:36:43

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"On the approval of nutrition standards in healthcare and education organizations"

"On the approval of nutrition standards in healthcare and education organizations"

2021-11-22 14:34:19

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"On the principles of pedagogical ethics"

"On the principles of pedagogical ethics"

2021-11-19 10:59:45

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The work plan of the Council of Pedagogical Ethics for the 2021-2022 academic year

The work plan of the Council of Pedagogical Ethics for the 2021-2022 academic year

2021-11-18 16:13:26

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About some issues of pedagogical ethics

About some issues of pedagogical ethics

2021-11-18 16:12:22

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On assignment of duties of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commissioner

On assignment of duties of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commissioner

2021-11-18 16:11:24

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On the approval of the Anti-Corruption Standard and the Code of Ethics

On the approval of the Anti-Corruption Standard and the Code of Ethics

2021-11-18 16:09:50

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