Category: Все



2020-12-23 14:39:29

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According to operational data, since the beginning of December this year, 365 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in the country among children from 0 to 5 years, and 780 cases-among children from 6 to 18 years.

According to operational data, since the beginning of December this year, 365 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in the country among children from 0 to 5 years, and 780 cases-among children from 6 to 18 years.

2020-12-22 09:49:01

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On 26.11.2020, an online meeting was held with parents and students via the ZOOM network on the topic" prevention of dangerous games on the internet

On 26.11.2020, an online meeting was held with parents and students via the ZOOM network on the topic" prevention of dangerous games on the internet

2020-12-09 09:20:41

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2020-12-07 14:12:29

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On December 5, a meeting of the school administration was held in the gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin. They presented measures for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements of teachers and students in duty classes, the procedure f

On December 5, a meeting of the school administration was held in the gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin. They presented measures for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements of teachers and students in duty classes, the procedure for conducting Sor, emergency situations of the second quarter, rules and conditions for certification of teachers.

2020-12-07 08:33:27

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Chemistry teacher of gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin Rakisheva Moldir Amanzholovna held a regional workshop on the topic "effective methods and methods of using distance learning technologies" within the framework of the innovative project "we st

Chemistry teacher of gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin Rakisheva Moldir Amanzholovna held a regional workshop on the topic "effective methods and methods of using distance learning technologies" within the framework of the innovative project "we study together" and shared her experience.

2020-12-07 08:31:49

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инф.письмо об отмене занятий зима 2020-2021

инф.письмо об отмене занятий зима 2020-2021

2020-12-07 08:17:41

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On November 30, according to the plan of the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region, the Department of Education of Balkhash, deputy director for educational and methodological work of the school – gymna

On November 30, according to the plan of the educational and methodological Center for the development of education of Karaganda region, the Department of Education of Balkhash, deputy director for educational and methodological work of the school – gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin A. M. Ualieva presented an online report on the topic: "area of development of methodological activities in the school-gymnasium: search, problems, solutions". "I don't know," he said, " but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it." The meeting was attended by G. O. Suleimenova, a specialist of the methodological center, who made suggestions.

2020-11-30 15:31:39

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On November 27, primary school teachers of gymnasium No. 7 named after Saken Seifullin held a city workshop on the ZOOM platform.

On November 27, primary school teachers of gymnasium No. 7 named after Saken Seifullin held a city workshop on the ZOOM platform. On the topic “features of mastering communication skills in the context of distance learning”, the trainer of the school Isabayeva Ayman Tursymbekovna separately focused on each language skill, showed the sites of sources of materials for the effective use of these skills in the framework of the DP, introduced the methods of working with the twiddla board, which will help in the implementation of writing skills. Karabalina Marzhan Kuanyshovna presented the methods of the project on the topic" ways to implement the Zerek project", introduced several types of kinesiological exercises and IQ games, and gave a little information about its benefits. At the end of the seminar, feedback was given and reflection was conducted.

2020-11-30 07:15:49

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Описание к ролику ШЮЮ каз

Описание к ролику ШЮЮ каз

2020-11-26 15:18:02

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Описание к ролику КА МВД РК каз

Описание к ролику КА МВД РК каз

2020-11-26 15:17:11

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On November 13, Zhanar Sailauovna Nakipbekova, a history teacher of gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin, held a seminar on the topic: "drawing up tasks for S. Seifullin, S. Seifullin", where she showed the peculiarities of drawing up tasks for S. SEI

On November 13, Zhanar Sailauovna Nakipbekova, a history teacher of gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin, held a seminar on the topic: "drawing up tasks for S. Seifullin, S. Seifullin", where she showed the peculiarities of drawing up tasks for S. SEIFULLIN, S. SEIFULLIN, difficulties in creating them and ways to solve them, shared her experience.

2020-11-16 13:51:17

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