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Information on the morning line KSU secondary school №24

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-07 13:31:59
Information on the morning line KSU secondary school №24
From 1 to 6 April "7A" class were on duty at the school. The morning started with a line of execution of the State Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Duty has been given all the information on the behavior of students in the past week. Propaganda team "Samuruk", consisting of students "7A" class, conducted propaganda work devoted to "Health Day" and &qu...
Author: School №24

Сomputer graphics and design "OCEAN'S CREATIVITY".

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-04 04:19:04
Сomputer graphics and design
April 1 at the base of Polytechnic College held a regional competition of computer graphics and design "OCEAN'S CREATIVITY". Students attended classes 9 and 11 Rzahanova Diana Orazғali Ayaulym, Rzahanova World. As a result, a student of class 11 Rzahanova World took 1st place in the category "Educational schedule" and student in grade 9 Rzahanova Diana took 3rd place in t...
Author: School №24

«Балқашым – бақ жырымсың»

Category: New
Date: 2015-04-02 11:22:12
«Балқашым – бақ жырымсың»
Schoolgirl 3 "Schwa" KSU OSSH№24 Oral Korkem took 1st place with the song "Altyn Besik" in the city singing contest "Balқashym - baқ zhyrymsyң" organized by KSU "Schoolchildren's Palace of Balkhash"
Author: School №24

« Ер есімі – ел есінде»

Category: New
Date: 2015-03-31 10:41:11
« Ер есімі – ел есінде»
On March 31 was holding an exhibition of children picture about The 70th year of the Victory Day which organized the secondary school №24. All are schools participated. The pupils of secondary school 24 began with anthem of Kazakhstan. Pupils were drawn the picture by theme of Victory Day. Juries obligated the participants and awarded with diplomas of I, II, III. I place Romanova Evgenia, seco...
Author: School №24

«Қыстың сиқырлы ертегілері»

Category: New
Date: 2015-03-27 10:11:27
«Қыстың сиқырлы ертегілері»
Center for teaching methods and Further Education, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan to schools, colleges and institutions of further education was held remote contest "Қystyң siқyrly ertegіlerі." Student of class 11 Қuanyshbekova Altynay was awarded a diploma of 1 degree and certificate for the fairy tale "Қысқы таңғажайыптар." Head Aynur Ka...
Author: School №24

Welcome. Nauryz!

Category: New
Date: 2015-03-27 10:02:51
Welcome. Nauryz!
March 20, 2015, the mini center "Aibobek" of secondary school №24 was a matinee, dedicated to the main holiday of our people Nauryz. The performance was attended by the children, a caregiver centre and parents. The kids were dancing a dance called "Butterflies" and "Warriors". As well as playing in the national games as "Asyk" and "Arkan tartys"....
Author: School №24

Spring holiday, Women's Day - March 8!

Category: New
Date: 2015-03-27 07:33:43
Spring holiday, Women's Day - March 8!
As the great poets - every house has its own star, so in honor of the first spring, Women's Day in ssh№24 a solemn event "March 8", organized by the students of the seventh grade for all teachers and students of the school. The main purpose of this event was to thank the women and girls of the work and contribution to the life of each, and of course to cheer up, to express respect...
Author: School №24

My Dear Mother

Category: New
Date: 2015-03-11 03:33:10
My Dear Mother
March 5, 2015 was a matinee dedicated to the most beautiful Celebration for  Mothers Day is called "Dear Mama" in kinder garden "Aibobek." Matinee was held with the participation of parents and workers of kinder garden. Dancing "Mother's Heart", "The leaves are crying", "Chunga-Changa" were filled with high creativity. Organized fun game...
Author: School №24

February 26 at the Palace of schoolchildren held game KVN "Zhaydarman."

Category: New
Date: 2015-03-03 04:48:18
February 26 at the Palace of schoolchildren held game KVN
The game was at a high level. On the stage all the teams showed interesting and fun game. As a result, our school team "Samuryk" became the winner. The team was awarded a diploma and a cup of the same name.
Author: School №24

Information on the meeting with the soldiers - Afghan Ayazbaev Murat Zholdasbaevichem

Category: New
Date: 2015-02-19 06:05:18
Information on the meeting with the soldiers - Afghan  Ayazbaev Murat Zholdasbaevichem
"Care of Afghan boys ... .." - the name of 17 February 2015 in the secondary school №24 st.Balhash held a meeting with Afghan soldiers students grades 8-9, in order to preserve the historical memory of the heroism of soldiers and officers, education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and love for the country, dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal...
Author: School №24


Category: New
Date: 2015-02-15 16:18:52
15.02.15. жоспарланған іс-шаралар бойынша , Қазақ хандығының 550 жылдығына арналған 4 «а» сыныбында презентация жасалып, оны Абдыкошова Диана қорғады.Іс-шараға барлық оқушылар қатысып, белсене араласты. Олар Қазақ хандығы тақырыбында «Жәнібек хан» туралы көптеген мағлұматтар алды.Әр оқушы оның өмірі, әкесі, баласы, ізбасары, ізашары туралы жеке-жеке мағлұматтар берді.
Author: School №24

№24 орта мектебі бойынша Қазақстан халықтарының Ассамблеясына 20 жыл толуына орай өткен іс-шаралар ақпараты

Category: New
Date: 2015-02-15 16:04:15
Ақпан  айының 02 жұлдызында таңғы жиында Қазақстан Халқы Ассамблеясына 20 жыл толуына орай «Ынтымақ – татулықтың белгісі»тақырыбында  9 «А» сынып оқушыларының үгіт-насихат тобы   мектеп оқушыларына мағлұмат берді. 02.02  күні 4А сыныбында « Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясы – даналық , мейірімділік пен сыйластықтың кепілі» т...
Author: School №24

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