
«XXI ғасыр - сауатты ұрпақ ғасыры»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 14:07:41
«XXI ғасыр - сауатты ұрпақ ғасыры»
Within the framework of the Week "reading literacy " " XXI century - the century of the literate generation " in order to increase the reading literacy of students, interest in reading, continuation of the traditions of family reading on 21.01. day, a booktrailer "Kitap - Omir ustasy" was organized among grades 5-7. The best booktrailer: Mukhtar Auezov "Sudak...

"Бестік диктант"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 14:02:28
On January 18, 2022, within the framework of the "Reader Literacy Week" in the 5th grade, a "five-day dictation" was received based on the story of Ibray Altynsarin "the benefits of knowledge". Category of participants: 5 classes Purpose: to activate students' cognition, especially the development of the literary language, to instill literacy. Such works n...

Photo exhibition "My family and the book"was organized

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 13:44:17
As part of the Reading Literacy Week "XXI century - the century of the literate generation", a photo action "my family and the book" was organized from grades 1 to 7. Purpose: education through reading books of a generation with deep spiritual thinking, cultural, intellectual, high national consciousness, reading fiction.   Introducing children to reading from an e...

Intellectual game on the topic " Who is faster in the language?»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 13:42:30
Intellectual game on the topic
19.01.2022 within the framework of the Reading Literacy Week with the participation of students of grades 10-11 "Who is in linguistics? an intellectual game on the topic". Purpose: observation, differentiation of students' level of knowledge in subjects, education of students of such human qualities as diligence, honesty, duty, conscience, improvement of the spiritual world, cr...

Booktrailer contest “Кітап-өмір ұстазы”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 11:27:05
Booktrailer contest “Кітап-өмір ұстазы”
Within the framework of reading literacy”The XXI century-the century of the literate generation“, a booktrailer competition on the topic ”Book-teacher of life" was held among grades 1-4. Purpose: to increase interest in the book, to study the literary heritage of our people, to preserve the spiritual heritage, to promote more reading of books promoting the craving for li...

Essay contest «Көркем жазу – сауаттылықтың белгісі»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 11:15:40
 Essay contest «Көркем жазу – сауаттылықтың белгісі»
January 21, 2022 Reading Literacy Week: "The XXI century is the century of the literate generation!"an essay contest on the topic "artistic writing is a sign of literacy" was held. Form of holding: Zoom platform Category of participants grades 5-9 As a result of the competition: ""The best essay" -Omarova Dilnaz 8a Rysmaganbetova Zhanerke 8a Dyusenb...

Spoiler" Spiderman " in the framework of the week of literacy Reading "XXI century of the literate generation"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 11:11:55
19.01.2022 as part of the Reading Literacy Week"XXI century-the century of the literate generation "spoiler"Spiderman" was held among 7"B", 7"C " classes. Purpose: to answer questions using the description of the characters of Past Simple by viewing an excerpt from the Spiderman cartoon in order to increase the interest of students; The cognitive activ...

«Мұхтар Әуезов-ұлы суреткер»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 09:33:43
«Мұхтар Әуезов-ұлы суреткер»
On 9.01.2022, according to the stories of the great artist Mukhtar Auezov, an educational hour was held with the staff of class 11A on the topic: "Mukhtar Auezov is a great artist" in order to popularize the writer as a world-class artist, develop students' curiosity as a person, foster diligence, humanity and humanity. During the educational hour, the life path and writing activ...

"The XXI century is the century of the literate generation!" within the framework of the event, an educational hour "Kazagyn suigen Mukhtar" was held.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 09:31:53
On January 21, 2022, Reading Literacy Week: "The XXI century is the century of the literate generation!" within the framework of the event, an educational hour "Kazagyn suigen Mukhtar" was held. Form of holding: Zoom platform Category of participants: grades 8 Mukhtar Auezov - Kazakh garden.He created the world of "Abai Zholy", revealed to the world the sacred...

Book Festival "Kitap Fest" on the theme "book conquers the world"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 09:29:49
Book Festival
On 21.01.2022, as part of the Reading Literacy Week, a book festival "Metal Fest" on the theme "The Book conquers the world" was organized among students of grades 9-11. Purpose: formation of a reader's culture, providing the reader with a single platform, increasing interest in the book.Guests of the meeting venue: Umbetova Almagul Kogabaevna-poet, laureate of the M. M...

Drawings of students on the theme "my Christmas tree"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2022-02-02 09:26:37
Drawings of students on the theme
15.01.2022 Organized by the NGO" EKOSH " on the theme "Zhivi, herringbone, village! photos of students on the theme "My Christmas tree", held as part of the campaign for the preservation of environmental peace"

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