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At 18.09.14 in the library of our school was spent evening about a famous poet a Tumanbai Moldagaliev. The evening was organized by the pupils of 11 A grade at this have part 6A.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-09-19 09:16:08
At 18.09.14 in the library of our school was spent evening about a famous poet a Tumanbai Moldagaliev. The evening was organized by the pupils of 11 A grade at this have part  6A.
At 18.09.14 in the library of our school was spent evening about a famous poet a Tumanbai Moldagaliev. The evening was organized by the pupils of 11 A grade at this have part  6A.

17.04.2014 in conjunction with the week of languages passed informative arrangement entitled "Journey to China"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-09-19 03:47:56
     17.04.2014 in conjunction with the week of  languages passed  informative arrangement  entitled
Students have got acquainted with the peculiarities of the Chinese People's  Republic, they learned many interesting things about the customs and traditions of this beautiful country under heaven. Of course,guys are interested in this fascinating country and they wanted to know more about it. Further acquaintance with the language and culture will be on the lessons of the Chinese langua...

17.09.2014, teachers of English language Kadyrbekova M.B. and Guryanova M.G. conducted the linguistic competition “Men senderge senemin, sender myktysyndar” within the ten-days of languages. The aim of the competition: to attract pupils to English languag

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-09-18 07:07:24
17.09.2014, teachers of English language Kadyrbekova M.B. and Guryanova M.G. conducted the linguistic competition “Men senderge senemin, sender myktysyndar” within the ten-days of languages. The aim of the competition: to attract pupils to English languag
    The aim of the competition: to attract pupils to English language, to bring up the love and respect to languages  By the results of the competition pupils were awarded with the following nominations:  “The funniest”, “The smartest”, “The most creative”, “The friendliest”.

17.09.2014, in the school-liceum №15 teacher of Kazakh language and literature conducted the intellectual game “Tili birdin – tilegi bir” within the ten-days of languages.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-09-18 07:00:58
17.09.2014, in the school-liceum №15 teacher of Kazakh language and literature conducted the intellectual game “Tili birdin – tilegi bir” within the ten-days of languages.
The aim of the competition: to bring up the love and respect to traditions and customs, and also to attract love to the native language and to liberalize pupils’ horizon. By the end of the action pupils were awarded with the following prize-winning places: the I place – Seitbek Nurtilek (6A); the II place – Sapar Erkebulan (6B); the III place – Rakhmetzhan Shyngys...

13.09. 2014 among students of grade 5 was held a competition on the theme "Traditions of my family", the purpose of which is to ensure the participation of parents in the organization of the school life.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-09-16 13:02:43
13.09. 2014  among students of grade 5 was held a competition on the theme
According to the resultsof the competition are assigned to families following nominations: "The most cohesive - family Alimbetova," most exemplary family- Rakhimzhanova, "The most glorious family- Musabekova," The most friendly family "-Amirhanovy.     12.09.2014. Among students of grade 6 was held the sport’s relay.     13.09. 201...

12.09.2014y CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town” mini center «Таңшуақ» passed the roundtablewith parents on the theme «Отбасындағы бала тәрбиесі» dedicated to the family week’s «Отбасы бақыт мекені».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-09-12 11:49:07
12.09.2014y CSE “Secondary school №15 of Balkhash town” mini center «Таңшуақ» passed the roundtablewith parents on the theme «Отбасындағы бала тәрбиесі» dedicated to the family week’s «Отбасы бақыт мекені».
Отбасы мерекесіне орай мектебіміздің  «Отбасы-бақыт мекені»  атты апталығына байланысты 12.09.2014күні «Таңшуақ» шағын орталығында «Отбасындағы бала тәрбиесі» деген тақырыпқа ата-аналармен дөңгелек үстел жүргізіліді.Дөңгелек үстелде мектеп жасына дейінгі 2-ші кіші топ, мектепке дейінгі ортаңғы тобымен ересектер тобының ата-аналары өздерінің балаларым...

In the framework of the decade “Health – the guarantee of the future”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-09-09 11:00:50
In the framework of the decade “Health – the guarantee of the future”
In our school was held the decade under the motto “Health – the guarantee of the future” from the 1st of September  till the 7th of September . Aim: Involvement of students to the sport mass work. To keep the healthy lifestyle. On the 2nd of September was held ceremonial meeting, where it was proclaimed the opening of the health festival. On the 3rd of September in F...

Information about ceremonial meeting “We are future of Kazakhstan” dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-09-03 12:10:35
Information about ceremonial meeting “We are future of Kazakhstan”  dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.
    In the school was carried out ceremonial meeting “We are future of Kazakhstan” on the 1st of September of 2014.  Honorable guests, deputy of mayor of our city Zhaksylykova Sayagul Zhaksylykkyzy and Methodist of city department of education, physical culture and sport Rakhimov Farkhat Malikov made ​​a  congratulatory speechto the students, parents and to t...

From 6 to 15 August 7 pupils of our school rested, and increased their knowledge in recreational and educational complex "Tau Turan"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-08-25 07:53:14
From 6 to 15 August 7 pupils of our school rested, and increased their knowledge in recreational and educational complex
From 6to 15 August 7 pupils of our school rested, and increased their knowledge in recreational and educational complex "Tau Turan" which is located at the foot of Almaty. By participating in the final tournament in Kazakhstan Mathematics "Mathematics without Borders", organized by the Centre «Innovation», Islyamov Islan from 3grade  and Syzdykov Damir from 6...

Information on the Republican campaign "Road to School"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-08-14 11:23:50
2014 жылдың 7 шілдесінде шығарлыған  Қалалық білім бөлімінің  №262  бұйрығын басшылыққа ала отырып «Балқаш қаласы  жалпы білім беретін №15 орта мектебі» КММ- де   мектепішілік  бұйрық шығарылып  акцияның өткізілуіне жауапты  тұлғалар бекітілді. 2014 жылдың 1 тамызынан бастап   «Мектепке жол» акциясы бойынша  жә...

Teacher of French of the secondary school №15 Zhunus N.G

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-06-09 05:19:13
Teacher of French of the secondary school №15Zhunus N.G. took part in international methodic seminar, who took place in Nazarbaev’s University of Astana city, which was organized by embassy of France in Kazakhstan and Republic Association of teachers of French language.

Regional forum of young researchers "World of opening - 2014. Young tourist. Young seeker"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-06-05 04:09:38
Regional forum of young researchers
on May, 28-29, 2014 in city Karkali, in child's camp "Жас  даурен",  the first forum of young researchers passed the "World of opening - 2014" . A forum is organized  by the regional management of education and  учебно-методическим center. In the forum researchers-researchers and their leaders participated from 19 cities and districts. In a forum, cond...

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