
The book - the history , the chronicle

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-09 03:53:24
The book - the history , the chronicle
At the 07.04.2016, in honor of the 25 - th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within weeks of the book "Tarikh-Kitap, shezhіre" in high school №4 was a literary kaleidoscope, organized by the school librarian city. Propaganda team consisting of students of class 4D able to convey to the audience the book value as a spiritual heritage. Trainee 7B class E.Sapar...

Сleaning workers

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-02 10:42:46
Сleaning workers
Goal: despeckle image school and adjacent to it.  In cleaning workers attended school, only 21 people. Saturday started at 9:00 hours. In accord with the special school plan during the subbotnik were implemented such as: cleaning the territory adjacent to the school-Lyceum, whitewashing curbs, clearing trees from dead branches. Were also painted trash cans located near the school.

20.03.2016-02.04.2016 жыл аралығындағы көктемгі демалыс кезіндегі іс- шаралар өткендігі туралы АҚПАРАТ

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-01 09:50:53
20.03.2016-02.04.2016 жыл аралығындағы көктемгі демалыс кезіндегі  іс- шаралар өткендігі туралы АҚПАРАТ
24.03.2016 күні бастауыш сынып мұғалімі  Сатыбалдина Г.Х, Кушелекова М. Е. ұйымдастыруымен арасында оқушылар сарайында өткен  «Көңілді көктем» аппликация жапсыру сайсында 4 сынып оқушылары белсенділік танытты. Нәтижесінде ІІІ орынға ие болды. 24-26.03.2016 күніоқушылар сарайында шахмат ойынынан турнир өтті. 6 сынып оқушылары белсене қатысып арнайы мадақтамалармен мар...

Debate tournament on the theme «Ұлттық құндылықтар тәрбиенің түп қазығы»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-01 08:55:45
 Debate tournament on the theme  «Ұлттық құндылықтар тәрбиенің түп қазығы»
March 31 to the 25 anniversary of the independence day of the REPUBLIC of KAZAKHSTAN passed the urban debate tournament on the theme  «Ұлттық құндылықтар тәрбиенің түп қазығы». In the city the tournament participated school lyceum № 15 members debate club "Жас қыран" Maratova Akerke Mazhilìs  Zhudyzym.  Students actively participated and won 1 seat....

Information about participation in a seminar on broadcasting experience NIS

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-01 08:52:35
Information about participation in a seminar on broadcasting experience NIS
March 30, 2016 year in gymnasium № 93 of Karaganda, a seminar was held for broadcast excellence niches. AEO "Nazarbayev intellectual schools" for several years engaged in analysis and the introduction of international best practices and expertise in the field of education, which made it possible to accumulate considerable experience for broadcast excellence in education system of Kazak...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-30 09:30:41
The Republican Olympiad on general subjects took place in Petropavl from 25 to 30 th March. Kaskabayuly Abdibekov (11 A grade) took the 2nd place in subject “History” and was awarded with the Diploma of the Minister of Education and Science of RK.

Psychological preparation for UNT

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-29 05:45:40
Psychological preparation for UNT
On 24/03/2016 at 03/26/2016 days11 the class of pupilto overcome anxiety psychological training was conducted during the UNT on "Жағымды көңіл күй қалыптастырайық". The participants were in a good mood. In kinesiology exercise "Ну ормандағы жаңбыр 'were conducted during the training," Әуенді терапия"," Құмырa ".

Сontest expressive reading “Біз нағыз достықты жырлаймыз”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-28 02:58:25
Сontest expressive reading  “Біз нағыз достықты  жырлаймыз”
26 March in the framework of regional socio-pedagogical project "Оқу  шаттығы" among the students Of 3-4 classes contest expressive reading  “Біз нағыз достықты  жырлаймыз”. The disciples tried to fulfill his expressive work and as accurately as possible to transfer all its essenc The jury evaluated the participants in accordance with the requiremen...

Teachers schools of volleyball competitions were held.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-26 10:53:02
Teachers schools of volleyball competitions were held.
With a view to the formation of the healthy way of life among 25.03.2016 teachers schools of volleyball competitions were held. The team of our school-lyceum took first place. Congratulations!

Салт-дәстүр – асыл қазынамыз

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-26 10:50:52
Салт-дәстүр – асыл қазынамыз
26.03 2016 in the Palace of pupils passed the city competition "Салт-дәстүр – асыл қазынамыз". Purpose of event: to shape students ' knowledge about the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. To nurture respect for the cultural heritage of the country.  The contest consisted of 4 stages: stage 1:2 stage: the story of 3 stage: do you know tradition? stage 4: parade...

Көңілді көктем

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-26 10:44:46
Көңілді көктем
25.03.2016 Spring Break in the Palace of school among pupils of 5 classes hosted a concert program.

Наурыз думан – 2016

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-03-25 09:55:37
Наурыз думан – 2016
The team of school-lyceum participated in yurt "Most beautiful yurt» purpose of competition:-the study of the history of its people, traditions and customs.  With interior decoration of  yurts  introduced socio-humanitarian Department. The group performed "Шабыт" dombra kyi Kurmangazy "Adai", grandmother Tursynbekova Zagira guests handed out sweets a...

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