
"Daughters of the son of the Great Steppe" competition of small-scale projects.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:38:28
On February 3, 2017 "Parassat" their school "Girl Silk" Women's Association "Kazakh Miss" in accordance with the plan of the Kazakh people to intensify the work of the community in order to foster the popularization of the daughters of the Kazakh leadership, "the daughters of the son of the Great Steppe" competition of small projects . The project as g...

On February 1, 2017, the graduates of information to assist in the choice of future profession.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:33:06
On February 1, 2017, the graduates of information to assist in the choice of future profession.
On February 1, 2017 to assist in the choice of future profession school graduates in Karagandy "the future" of the Academy of Pedagogical Ph.D., professor of psychology and pedagogy Akparova Jeanne Muslimovna 11 appearance, vocational orientation berip.Mektep effective answer to the question that students -lïcey information.

Lesson of the city.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:24:47
Lesson of the city.
January 31, 2017, on plans to transform the experience of NIS biology teacher AB Tokmağanbetova at the city level with the on-line 8B class "Stone fish" held an open lesson in a new format.

"The school No. 7 in the city of Balkhash" MGA 7 A gymnasium class "Gas pressure. The actions of gravity of liquids and gases pressure "lesson at the city level.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:20:18
According to the plan in order to exchange experience on 30.01.2017 "Balkhash 7 school gymnasium" MGA 7 A gymnasium class "Gas pressure. The actions of gravity of liquids and gases pressure "lesson at the city level. The main goal: development of basic terms in the three languages ​​of physics, the gravity of liquids and gases to determine the pressure trying to undermine the...

Grade 9 students and their parents updated content, education and general education about the changes that took place in the meeting.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:15:11
Grade 9 students and their parents updated content, education and general education about the changes that took place in the meeting.
Grade 9 students and their parents on January 26, 2017, updated content, education and general education about the changes that took place in the meeting. The agenda of the "obvious" or announces to the test, "Edumark" enclosure and electronic kündelikpen, "Safe Internet" and discussed the issues recorded in the field of vocational guidance. The second part of...

"The role of education in the school library" was held.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-04 13:08:53
On January 28, 2017, Nazarbayev Intellectual School librarians in the library of the School of Young Guard "The role of education in the school library," attended the seminar to share the same practices at a seminar organized by the teachers of the school library service special master clock.

Regional studies.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-02 08:35:46
Regional studies.
           Қарағанды облысы әкімінің білім беру саласында сыйақысын тағайындау байқауының  2014, 2015, 2016 жылдардағы лауреаттары, республикалық «Үздік педагог» байқауының жеңімпаздары өткізетін  он-лайн сабаққа «Балқаш қаласының №15 мектеп лицейі»КММ-нен Адам.Қоғам.Құқық пәнінің мұғалімі К.Ш.Дубирбекова қатысып2017 жылдың 31 қаңта...

World Winter Universiade opening ceremony of the "ice-skating" information about the conduct of the tournament

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-30 07:06:54
World Winter Universiade opening ceremony of the
Мектеп-лицейімізде қысқы «Универсиада - 2017»-ның  ашылу салтанатына орай  көшбасшылар залында арнайы  ақпараттық бұрыш ұйымдастырылып,апта бойы  бүкіләлемдік қысқы универсиада - 2017 туралы  видеороликтер көрсетілді. Сонымен қатар, 2017 жылдың 28 қаңтарында Бүкіләлемдік қысқы Универсиаданың ашылу салтанатына орай мектеп-лицейішілік ұйымдастырылған &la...

Fairy tales "extracurricular event.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-26 10:40:23
Fairy tales
1, part of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​26.01.2017 10-day plan "B" class "fairy tales" organized extracurricular event. Aim: to be the literary works of folk literature of stories, and presentation skills to know that the fairy-tale heroes, national and spiritual training to improve knowledge of fairy tale love, morality, truth, patriotism, polite communication skill...

"Foreign Languages Department of scientific and methodological decade," according to the plan of the work carried out within the framework of "a new stage of education Multilingualism" Opening of the meeting drill decade.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-23 12:25:56
From 23.01-03.02 "Foreign Languages Department of scientific and methodological decade," according to the plan of the work carried out within the framework of "a new stage of education Multilingualism" The opening ceremony of the meeting drill decade of languages ötti.Şet scientific onkündigikezinde plan lessons, extra-curricular -read master classes, etc. Action wi...

January 21, 2017 at 12.00 am at the Lyceum school and the head of the education department of Karagandy region A.Aymağanbetovtıñ parents online under the chairmanship of the regional meeting.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-23 06:54:38
January 21, 2017 at 12.00 am at the Lyceum school and the head of the education department of Karagandy region A.Aymağanbetovtıñ parents online under the chairmanship of the regional meeting.
January 21, 2017 at 12.00 am at the Lyceum school and the head of the education department of Karagandy region A.Aymağanbetovtıñ parents online under the chairmanship of the regional meeting. Online meeting agenda: 1. "Safe Childhood": What is the danger of the Internet is not necessary for children and information on how to protect the head of the Department of Education as a...

"Economics, Business and Law KOLLEDJI- modern education brand!" Psychological counseling.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-01-21 12:27:00
On 18.01.2017 a conscious effort to alleviate the plight of professional training and career guidance and focus on the choice of profession. In this direction, the city of Karagandy "economy, business and law education KOLLEDJI- modern brand!" Psychological, physiological characteristics and abilities and professional interests and professional school period to make a choice based on p...

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