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On the 15.12.2014 y CSE "school lyceum №15 Balkhash" in the preparatory groups passed traditional competition «Дарабоз».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-15 11:18:05
On the 15.12.2014 y CSE
On the 15.12.2014 y CSE "school lyceum №15 Balkhash" in the preparatory groups passed traditional competition «Дарабоз». I n the competition took part boys with fathers. The participants:Іңкәрбай Абильмансур,  Бейбітшілік Диас, ҚалиасқарНұрбек, БақторазБекарыс, ЖұмасейітовНұраЖұмасейітовНұрасыл.

On 05.12-13.12.2014 “Tugan zherim tugyrym” was conducted the competition of essays among 5-10 grades in the eve of the Day of Independence at the school-lyceum №15.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-15 10:58:31
 On 05.12-13.12.2014 “Tugan zherim tugyrym” was conducted the competition of essays among 5-10 grades in the eve of the Day of Independence at the school-lyceum №15. “Tugan zherim tugyrym” was conducted the competition of essays among 5-10 grades in the eve of the Day of Independence which was organized by G.B.Saparova and G.A.Serikova. The aim: to develop pupils&r...

On 4th of December was held conference «Қазақ хандығы дәуіріндегі тұлғалар» between 7-8 grades dedicated to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-05 07:36:11
On 4th of December was held conference «Қазақ хандығы дәуіріндегі тұлғалар» between 7-8 grades dedicated to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate
On 4th of December was held conference «Қазақ хандығы дәуіріндегі тұлғалар» between 7-8 grades dedicated to the550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. Conference was organized by teachers of history and library readers. They also organized book exhibition «Ел болмысы – өткен тарихтан».

December 3, 2014 among pupils 6-9 grades holds scientific-practical conference on the theme "The legendary Kazakh Batyr Ep Janibek."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-04 11:12:24
December 3, 2014 among pupils 6-9 grades holds scientific-practical conference on the theme
December 3, 2014among pupils 6-9 grades holds scientific-practical conference on the theme "The legendary Kazakh Batyr Ep Janibek." Objective: To show the depth of heroism batyr Ep Zhanibek, develop creative abilities of pupils, educate patriotism. At the conference were invited to a descendant of the legendary Kazakh batyr, a resident of Omirbayev B. and Methodist City Department of E...

On 28th of November at palace of Metallurgists was held a contest, dedicated to the First President’s Day named “Менің Тұңғыш Президентім”, the aim was to bring up in pupils a sense of patriotism.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-02 08:42:01
On 28th of November at palace of Metallurgists was held a contest, dedicated to the First President’s Day named “Менің Тұңғыш Президентім”, the aim was to bring up in pupils a sense of patriotism.
On 28th of November at palaceof Metallurgists was held a contest, dedicated to the First President’s Day named “Менің Тұңғыш Президентім”, the aim was to bring up in pupils a sense of patriotism. On this contest took part 13 pupils from different schools. According to the resultsof the competition, the I place took pupil of 11 “A” grade A.Omirbaev. During the even...

29.11.2014. in a large school gym solemn ruler devoted to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-02 07:46:46
29.11.2014. in a large school gym solemn ruler devoted to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Objective: Introduction of students with the life and political activity of the First President of Kazakhstan, Н.A Nazarbayev, patriotic education of the younger generation. education in children a sense of deep respect for the head of state, - promoting patriotism, pride in their country, love for his native land, his native land. The official part of the event anthem of the Republic of Kazak...

On November, 28 there was a forum called "The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan - 2050" among of 7th -8th grades.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-01 10:11:08
On November, 28 there was  a forum called
On November, 28 there was  a forum called "The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan - 2050" among of 7th -8th  grades. The aim of the forum isto inform students about new Message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev, to form understanding of aims pointed  in the Message, to develop patriotism and tolerance. Students shared their thoughts about the fut...

28 November 2014 among 7 - classes organized "round table" "Алтай-қобда қазақтарының ұраны болған Жәнібек батыр", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the legendary Kazakh knight, commander of the XVIII century.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-01 10:07:43
28 November 2014 among 7 - classes organized
28 November 2014among 7 - classes organized "round table" "Алтай-қобда қазақтарының ұраны болған Жәнібек  батыр",dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the legendary Kazakh knight, commander of the XVIII century. Objective: To get in touch with the history of the state, to know the depth, integrity, heroism of the Kazakh people, its colorful personalities who have made a...

«There is no way the violent and tiranizm» were competitions in write an essay among of 7th -8th grades.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-01 10:03:18
Тhe following studentstook prizesat the end ofthe competition. 1st place7Аgrade  OlzhataevYerzhan 2st place7Вgrade  KusainovaSvetlana,8Аgrade  SerіkbayAygerіm 3st place7Аgrade   SatybaldyMahabbat,8Аgrade   ҮkіbayMeyіrzhan

On 24.11-01.12.2014 “My first President” was conducted the competition of compositions among 6-10 grades in the eve of the First President at the school-lyceum №15.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-12-01 09:58:54
My first President” was conducted the competition of compositions among 6-10 grades in the eve of the First President which was organized by G.A.Serikova and G.B.Saparova. The aim: to develop pupils’ patriotism to their nation and land, to respect our president. By the results of the competition:   6-7th grades: grand-Prix: Mukhatai Amanrakhim – 6G the I place : Su...

November 27, 2014 hosted the annual forum of gifted children “Altyn bala 2014”.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-11-29 10:38:38
November 27, 2014 hosted the annual forum of gifted children “Altyn bala 2014”.
November 27, 2014 hosted the annual forum of gifted children “Altyn bala 2014”. For the title of Altyn Bala fought 14 pupils from various schools of the city. As a result, the medal was awarded Altyn bala 4 pupils, including pupil of 11A grade school-lyceum №15Nurasyl Kamshat. The nomination “Intellectual personality” won 4 pupils, “Genuinetalent” - 3 pup...

28.11.2014 by the day of the feast of the First President mathematics teacherMalgazhdarovaA.I.andKenzhebekovaN.B. was held intraschool mathematical exhibition «EXPO -2017".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-11-28 12:54:41
28.11.2014 by the day of the feast of the First President mathematics teacherMalgazhdarovaA.I.andKenzhebekovaN.B. was held intraschool mathematical exhibition «EXPO -2017
28.11.2014 by the day of the feast of the First President mathematics teacherMalgazhdarovaA.I.andKenzhebekovaN.B. was held intraschool mathematical exhibition «EXPO -2017". Aim of the exhibition:  to bring up interestto the subjectof mathematics anddevelopcuriosityamong students.The exhibitionwas attended bythe studentsin groupsand individually.Each participantshowedcreativity,...

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