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Халық педагогикасы арқылы көптілді және этномәдениетті тәрбие беру

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-19 05:05:43
Халық  педагогикасы  арқылы көптілді және  этномәдениетті  тәрбие  беру
On 15.05.2015 in CSE "School-Lyceum №15» the seminar was held as part of the pilot program «Халық  педагогикасы  арқылы көптілді және  этномәдениетті  тәрбие  беру». The teacher of English language Sartayeva A. T with preschool educational group had a lesson on the theme "Pets" with dramatization Kazakh folk tales "Cotton girl and th...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-18 06:13:52
Congratulations! 16.05. 2015 was the city  squads of young traffic inspectors. Troop " Junior patrol" from our school took second place. The competition was attended by the following students: 1 Жәнібек Мұхаммедмұрат 8Б 2 Өткен Ерсайын 8Б...

In the 14th of May SH.T Zhakupova with her class 3 “G” held an intellectual game “What? Where? When?”andwintheIIround.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-18 06:03:06
In the 14th of May SH.T Zhakupova with her class 3 “G”  held an intellectual game “What? Where? When?”andwintheIIround.
In the 14th of May SH.T Zhakupova with her class 3 “G”  held an intellectual game “What? Where? When?”andwintheIIround.


Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-14 10:08:11
Қарағанды облысының білім беруді басқарудың 28.04.2015 жылғы  № 1-9\343 хаты бойынша  Халықаралық Отбасы күніне байланысты  2015 жылдың 16 мамыр күні «Жасөспірімнің ҰБТ тапсыруға дайындығы кезінде ата-аналарға психологиялық көмек көрсету»  тақырыбында ата-аналарға арналған Республикалық конференция өтеді. Конференцияға 11 сынып ата-аналарын шақырамыз.

Information about theevents dedicated to the70thanniversary of the GreatVictory

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-11 13:35:33
Information about theevents dedicated to the70thanniversary of the GreatVictory
Objective: To promotethe patriotic education ofthe younger generation: education of pridefor the people,respect forveterans.   04.05. the ruler deputy director for education B.M.Abylayhanov and I.Zh. Zhumatova introduced students and teachers with the plan activities to mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory.   From 4 till 9 of May in the school library organized a book exhib...

On the 5 of May between a mini- center and preschool groups conducted sporting event «Қазақтың ұлттық ойындары».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-08 06:27:43
On the 5 of May between a mini- center and preschool groups conducted sporting event «Қазақтың ұлттық ойындары».
On the 5 of May between a mini- center and preschool groups conducted sporting event «Қазақтың ұлттық ойындары». The groups played national games such as «Тұтқынға алу», «Арқан тарту», «Сақина салмақ», «Кім жылдам?».

mini-center “Tanshuak”on the theme «Бақыт гүлін терген күн»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-08 05:41:06
mini-center “Tanshuak”on the theme «Бақыт гүлін терген күн»
Today on the 06 of May in the CSE “School-lyceum №15of Balkhash” mini-center “Tanshuak” dedicated to 70 years of the Great victorywas conductedthe morning performance with preparatory group and senior group “Raushan” on the theme «Бақыт гүлін терген күн». Our children read patriotic poems, sang songs, and danced. Children took active part.

Regional conference «Professional development of teachers: part innovations and prospects»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-06 07:44:18
Regional conference «Professional development of teachers: part innovations and prospects»
April 29, 2015 in Karaganda in the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools held regional conference "Professional development of teachers: part-, innovations and prospects." The conference was attended by teachers of school - lyceum № 15, passed proficiency courses. Director of the school number 15 -litseya Karlygash Shakarimovna Dubirbekova who successfully complete training courses for heads...

Information about the events commemorating May 1st.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-06 04:39:09
Information about the events commemorating May 1st.
  Objective: Improved knowledge about the history of the celebration of May 1, instilling a sense of patriotism and pride for their country. 04/20/2015 teachers and students were acquainted with the action plan. 04.21.2015 in the middle group mini-sente "Tanshuak" was a matinee " we are fiends", and in the younger group was an entertaining game" Let's be fri...

Kostanai passed the International scientific - methodical seminar "Ecopsychological view on the development of gifted children"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-06 04:17:05
Kostanai passed the International scientific - methodical seminar
From 17th to 20 April 2015 in Kostanai passed the International scientific - methodical seminar "Ecopsychological view on the development of gifted children", which brought a psychologist school - lyceum № 15 Akshalova Alia Togabaevna. At the seminar has been considered psychological - pedagogical concept development of gifted children, training to identify of giftedness among pupils o...

Chemistry Olympiad, which was held the Department of Chemistry of the Karaganda State University named after Buketov.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-06 04:10:30
Pupil of 11A class Nurasylzhan Abdrakhmanov won the Grand Prix at the Chemistry Olympiad, which was held the Department of Chemistry of the Karaganda State University  named after Buketov.

Scientific - practical conference "Higher Mathematics and the school"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-06 04:07:51
Pupil of7V class Sessieva Tomiris took part in the scientific - practical conference "Higher Mathematics and the school", which was supported by the Faculty of Mathematics of the Karaganda State University named after Buketov. The scientific project Tomiris "Field of application of Counts" was awarded the Diploma of the first degree (Teacher:  Malgazhdarova A.I.)

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