
"International Girl's Day - Recognition in the World"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-15 08:46:24
✅ Within the framework of the decade dedicated to the International Girl's Day "Girl's Future is the Future of the Country", a distance hour "International Girl's Day - Recognition in the World" was held for 5th grade girls.

"Culture of individual rights"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-15 08:41:18
✅ On October 14, a meeting of pupils of grade 7.8 was held on the zoom platform on the topic "Culture of individual rights" ✅ District police inspector of the militia detachment for minors, senior militia lieutenant Nurbek Ayan Altayevich in the prevention of offenses in distance learning “Offense. He gave advice on "Legal Responsibility" and explained the rules...

"Mental Health of apprentice"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-14 10:07:07
On October 10, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, a webinar was held on the topic "Mental Health of apprentice" for parents of 7-8 grades through the ZOOM platform. Speaker: A. G. Tleuberlina

"Let's Talk About Mental Health"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-14 10:02:20
On 10/09/2020, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, a webinar was held on the topic "Let's Talk About Mental Health" for apprentice in grades 7-8 through the ZOOM platform. Speaker: Karina G.T.

"Жеке тұлғаның құқықтық мәдениеті "

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-14 08:52:06
✅Құрметті 7,8 сынып оқушылары! 14 қазан сағат 15.00-де "Жеке тұлғаның құқықтық мәдениеті " тақырыбында ZOOM платформасында кездесу өтетіндігін хабарлаймыз.

Қазақстанның және әлемнің әйгілі әйел-аналарының өмір жолдарына арналған виртуалды-ақпараттық кітап көрмесімен танысты

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-14 08:48:42
Қазақстанның және әлемнің әйгілі әйел-аналарының өмір жолдарына арналған виртуалды-ақпараттық кітап көрмесімен танысты
✅13.10.20 күні мектеп-лицей кітапханасының ұйымдастыруымен Қазақ тарихының әр кезеңінде ерлігімен, даналығымен, парасатымен барша жұртқа өнеге бола білген, ақылымен, өнерімен, мейірбандылығымен ел сүйіспеншілігіне бөленген, сонымен қатар, әлемдік деңгейде өз еңбектерімен, халықтың қамын ойлаған ерекше тұлға аналар жайлы оқушыларға мағлұматтар беріліп, кітапхана кеңесінің мүшелері ZOOM платформас...

"Among girls"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-13 09:07:07
  The Cossack girl from an early age was not brought up on offense, caressed and caressed. They instilled tenderness, purity and decency in every Kazakh girl. Grow with honor and dignity. In this regard, a dialogue platform was held on the Zoom platform with girls in grades 9-11 on the topic "Among girls". French language teacher, winner of the Y. medal. Altynsarina Zhusup...

October 11 - International Girls' Day

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-12 09:43:24
 October 11 - International Girls' Day
   October 11 - International Girls' Day

"Children's rights are a treasure"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-12 09:25:53
✅10.10.2020 in the academic year for students of grades 5-6 of our school-lyceum, a meeting was held on a zoom platform on the topic "Children's rights are a treasure" on crime prevention. Legal education is very important for high school students. Students are taught not to go outside during distance learning, to attend classes on time, not to go out at night without a legal repres...

"Mental health of Children and adolescents"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-12 09:17:20
✅ 10.10.2020 year 7-8 class with parents teacher – psychologist Tleuberlina A. G. "mental health of Children and adolescents" held a meeting with a psychologist on the topic: ZOOM platform. ✅The purpose of the event: to provide information about mental health, what is mental health, to share knowledge about its importance, for the day of mental health on October 10. ✅In the c...

"Fashion Kids"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-12 09:12:16
The"Fashion Kids" competition was held in the Palace of schoolchildren from October 05 to 09, 2020. Students using recyclable materials were allowed to work in fashionable and bright costumes. The main goal of the competition is to show how you can clean up the city using recycled materials to make something new. Students of the Lyceum school won prizes. Congratulations!

"Beauty horse - flame decoration girl - hair" "Burymdy Kyz"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-12 09:09:14
 Beautiful girl, mother of a child, special attention to growth, "Beauty horse - flame decoration girl - hair" girls, precipitation believed that breeding art content. Hair "double braid" or "bestemshe" braiding so that when a girl is a girl's beauty. In order to foster justice, morality, humanism, humanism, humanism, humanism, humanism, humanism, love for...

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