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The choice of profession - the choice of fate!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-28 04:20:40
The choice of profession - the choice of fate!
The choice of profession - the choice of fate! According to the plan of professional samples, students 9- x SNR №10 classes of 12 people participated in the methodical days events that took place on January 27 at the Balkhash humanitarian - technical college to them. A.Musin. The student audience held training which helped the participants to find answers to the question "What does it take...
Author: School №10


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-27 05:37:24
Cцелью повышения интереса к чтению книги, развития духовного и нравственного потенциала через чтение художественной литературы у учащихся общеобразовательных школ, Управление образования Карагандинской области, Учебно-методический центр развития образования проводит С 15 ДЕКАБРЯ 2016 ГОДА  ПО 1 МАЯ 2017 ГОДА             &nbs...
Author: School №10

Magic Origami miracle!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:44:55
Magic Origami miracle!
Among entry-level students and their parents was a competition for the best origami. The initiator of this contest was a member of the School of mothers "Mother's Heart" Tila Galina. The children and parents with great pleasure participated in the competition. All kinds of works were submitted to the competition: Symbol of the year - Cockerel, a peacock, a whole family of swans and...
Author: School №10

Straight Talk

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:43:26
Straight Talk
The lesson of morality "Straight Talk" was held on January 23 for girls 8th grade. He prepared and conducted its chairman of the School of mothers "Mother's Heart" Ksenofontova Elena. Elena prepared a conversation with the girls on spiritual - moral education. After completion of Lesson carried reflection: the girls with great pleasure visited the event, received a lot of...
Author: School №10

the school conducted regional parent meeting online

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:41:44
the school conducted regional parent meeting online
 21.01 2017 the school conducted regional parent meeting online. At 12.00 began meeting under the chairmanship of the head of the Education Department of Karaganda region A.Aymagambetova. In the meeting attended Methodist education department Orynbayev AK, school inspector Abdrasilov ST .. The meeting discussed issues: 1. "Safe Childhood"; 2. "What is the updated content of...
Author: School №10

the implementation of "Adal Ұrpaқ" Plan on Corruption

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:39:04
the implementation of
In order to implement a set of calendar days taken part in the competition project "Map of corruption offenses in the region." The students attended 8th grade section "Anti-corruption information and creativity": 1.Maruschak Xenia - 8 "B" class; 2. Winter Inga - 8 "B" class; 3. Shatalenkov Cyril - 8 "B" class; 4. Thick - Zakusilo Emilia 8 &q...
Author: School №10

How to become a leader?

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-26 02:35:19
How to become a leader?
13.01 2017 students of 8th grade member of the training "How to become a leader?", Which held the title holder of "Student of the Year", winner of the international, national, regional and municipal debate tournaments, student 4 th Polytechnic College courses, graduate SNR №10 , former president of the school Kaisarov Yerasyl.       Yerasyl told...
Author: School №10

Участие в профессиональных пробах

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-12 02:17:03
Участие в профессиональных пробах
5 января 2017 года учащиеся 9-х классов,  в количестве 11 человек приняли участие в профессиональных пробах, которые организовали и провели мастера и студенты Балхашского технического колледжа. Перед учащимися выступила заместитель директора по ВР Хисмутдинова В.Э., которая озвучила  профессии, по которым будут проведены пробы. Учащиеся распределились по группам и вместе с мастерами...
Author: School №10

Школа встречает Новый год – год Петуха

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2017-01-12 02:14:21
Школа встречает Новый год – год Петуха
В канун Нового года в школе началась подготовительная работа к празднику. Были  закреплены за классами участки школы для новогоднего оформления, назначены ответственные за подготовку сценария, составлен и утвержден  график проведения утренников, вечеров. Проведена работа по созданию эскизов оформления здания школы, внутреннего оформления.        ...
Author: School №10

Eternal values" Mәңgіlіқ El

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-12-21 04:07:55
Eternal values
December 15, 2016 in the school held a solemn line, devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the auditorium of the installed state symbols of our country. On stage banner "December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan." Before the start of the line sounded songs about the homeland in the state and Russian languages. On the slide fil...
Author: School №10

«Спорттық жетістіктер» Күні

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-12-19 02:34:31
«Спорттық  жетістіктер» Күні
Спорттық ойындар: Волейбол   Баскетбол Спорттық ойындарға қатысқандар:                       мини волейбол – 6-шы сыныптар; волейбол – 10-шы,11-ші сын; баскетбол – 9-11 сын. ЖББ № 10 орта мектеп директоры     &nbs...
Author: School №10

Салауатты Ұлт

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-12-19 02:27:59
Салауатты Ұлт
«Флеш – моб»:                                          Ұлттық ойындар: «Қораздар  тартысы»     «Ақ сандық – көк сандық»                          &nbs...
Author: School №10

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