
Listen to the young people

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-23 19:58:27
Listen to the young people
April 23, 2021 President of the Organization of self-government of our school Kasymova Altyngul held a meeting with the head of the parent organization "Meirim" Abdygappar Umit Seitzhanovna with the participation of students of grades 6-8 on the topic "Listen to the youth". Since the meeting was held online on the ZOOM platform, it was attended not only by the students, but also by our interested...
Author: School №9

"We are responsible for the future»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-23 17:35:45
Under the slogan "We are responsible for the future", a group of Senim volunteers from secondary school No. 9, school graduates, parents, and teachers planted trees around the school. "One Willow, ten Willows," says popular wisdom, " we want our green spaces, which sterilize the environment from harmful air, to turn into a noir, giving our students a good mood and good health.
Author: School №9

"Country symbols are the tone of the country, the pillar of equality" competition on the theme

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-20 11:27:32
19.04.21 in our school, a competition was organized for grades 5-6 on the topic: "El ramizderi eldigimnin reni, tendigimnin tiregi»During the competition, students told about the origin of the symbolism and its significance in history.The veneration of state symbols is a sacred duty of every citizen of independent Kazakhstan. Respect for state symbols is the veneration of the country,...
Author: School №9

Жалпы ұлттық «Қайырымды істер марафоны»жобасы аясында

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-19 14:42:51
Жалпы ұлттық «Қайырымды істер марафоны»жобасы аясында
9 жалпы білім беретін мектебінде Жалпы ұлттық «Қайырымды істер марафоны»жобасы аясында «Жас Қыран» ұйымының оқушылары «Құстарға ұя жаса! » ұранымен мектеп ауласындағы ағаштарға құстың ұясын, жемшашар жасап ілді. Мақсаты: оқушыларды мейірімділікке, табиғатты аялай білуге үйрету, құстарға көмек беру. Акция барысында оқушылар өз қолдарымен құстардың ұясын жасап, оны мектеп ауласындағы ағаштарға іл...
Author: School №9

Debate Tournament

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-16 11:27:38
Debate Tournament
In the General Education School №9 on April 16, as part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of the organization "self – management" organized an internal debate tournament.Participation in the tournament was taken by teams of 6-7 grades of our schools. During the tournament, a discussion was held on the topic of development mechanisms o...
Author: School №9

Жалпы білім беретін №9 мектебінің «Жас қыран» ұлдар ұйымының жиналыс ақпараты

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-14 09:22:45
Жалпы білім беретін №9 мектебінің «Жас қыран» ұлдар ұйымының жиналыс ақпараты
Қазіргі қоғамдағы ең маңызды мәселерінің бірі – бұл жасөспірімдердің арасындағы құқықбұзушылық пен қылмыстың көбеюі. Осындай жағдайлардың алдын алу үшін 13.04.21 күні 5,6,7 сынып оқушыларына ұлдар жиналысы ZOOM платформасы арқылы ұйымдастырылды. Күн тәртібінде:«Құқық бұзушылық түсінігі және түрлері», «Орталық саябақта жасалған бұзақылықтар» жайлы мәселелер қаралды. «Жас қыран» ұлдар ұйымының жете...
Author: School №9

"The world of space"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-12 10:33:27
April 12 – the day of the conquest of space by mankind. Therefore, since 1968, the International Aviation Federation has approved April 12 as World Aviation and Space Day. In honor of the Cosmonautics Day, class hours on the theme "The World of Space"were held with middle-level students.
Author: School №9

Information about the re-election of the school president

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-10 09:49:28
Information about the re-election of the school president
On April 9, the election of the president of schools among students of Grades 8-10 took place in our school. At the time of the election of students of grades 5-11, candidates were informed. 14 presidential candidates took part. The president's school elections were held with the voices of teachers and teachers. The president of the school was a student of the 10th grade Kasymova Altyngul, who sco...
Author: School №9

The game "ALSHY" was organized»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-09 14:59:49
The game
On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Hero of the Kazakh steppe Kazhymukan Munaitpasuly, a game of assik atu "ALSHY"was organized among grades 5-6. During the game, we were introduced to the rules of the game in assik, followed the rules and rules of conduct in the game.With the help of the game, Azyk introduc...
Author: School №9

"Prevention of early pregnancy»

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-06 16:13:53
In our school, a meeting was held with girls of grades 9-11 on the topic"Prevention of early pregnancy" with the participation of pediatrician Sagyndykova Gulnaz Omirzakovna, head of 1 polyclinic. How to avoid premature pregnancy during the meeting? What is the danger of early pregnancy? It was noted that pregnancy before the age of 18 is considered an early pregnancy and during pregna...
Author: School №9

The families translated the story of M. Magauin " the death of the pelvis"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-06 10:05:41
The families translated the story of M. Magauin
Dayana Rymkhanova, a student of the 5th "B" Class of the municipal state institution"General Education School No. 9" of the Balkhash Department of education of the Karaganda region, took an active part in the regional competition "reader's family" within the framework of the regional campaign "one family-one book". The purpose of the event: to revive the tradition of reading Family Books,to form s...
Author: School №9

"Healthy nation – healthy generation"

Category: School life
Date: 2021-04-06 09:29:10
In secondary school No. 9 on 6.04.21, under the motto "Healthy nation – healthy generation", students of the school held morning exercises.. On this day, students of grades 1-11 were invited to participate in the event, who presented videos on remote exercises.
Author: School №9

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