
"A happy future is in the hands of young people" information of the essay contest

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-24 09:20:21
On February 22, an essay contest was held at secondary school No. 9, organized by members of the Zhas Ulan organization on the topic "A happy future is in the hands of young people". The Essay contest was attended by students of grades 9-10. The future of any state is educated youth. Today's age is a living image of the future of Kazakhstan. Today, a young man is a man who holds th...
Author: School №9

Information about the measures taken to prevent road injuries in secondary school No. 9

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-17 14:50:59
Information about the measures taken to prevent road injuries in secondary school No. 9
In order to prevent road traffic injuries, " a road friend is in a hurry to help ", young traffic inspectors of our school, together with an information and propaganda group, held an action " Pedestrian-beware! The safety of the child is in your hands!"under the motto "grades 1-4. Teaching students the rules of the road, how many types of road signs, what they need to kn...
Author: School №9

Information about the measures taken to prevent road injuries in secondary school No. 9.

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-17 14:48:13
Information about the measures taken to prevent road injuries in secondary school No. 9.
In order to prevent road injuries, the action "Know the rules of the road, move safely!" was held in our school, drawing contests were organized among grades 1-4.
Author: School №9


Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-16 17:00:16
The Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Balkhash organized traditional speed skating competitions among students of city schools. The team of girls skaters of our school took the prize III place. Head: S. Yelshibekov
Author: School №9

Information conducted on the topic"Aughannyn asuynda from keshkender" educational hour

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-10 12:28:13
Information conducted on the topic
At our school on 10.02.22 in the 2nd "B" class, an educational hour was held on the topic "", dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the Afghan War. The purpose of the event: education of students' love for their native land, Homeland, devoted service to their people. Teaching reading and reading feats of veterans of the Afghan war. The event is organized in accordance with...
Author: School №9

Game information "Be healthy and happy"

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-09 11:30:06
Game information
In our school, on 8.02.22, sports club classes were held in the senior 5 grades. In order to form the value of psychological and pedagogical stability among students, to create the necessary conditions for the development of creative abilities of students outside of school hours, to prevent violations, winter recreation events were created, games were organized on the sports field under the mott...
Author: School №9

Information "Journey to the land of fairy tales"

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-07 13:50:08
7.02.22 within the framework of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" in the 5th grade, stage productions on the theme "Journey to the Land of fairy tales" were demonstrated, divided into the values "love, truth, inner peace, correct behavior, do not abuse". Purpose: enrichment of speech, vocabulary of children.Education of morality, humanity,...
Author: School №9

"Young people are not considered to be characterized by patriotism" discussion information

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-07 09:20:09
In our school on 5.02.2022, within the framework of the decade of self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity, the debate club "Ushkyn" held a debate tournament "Zhastarga patriotism tan dep yeseptelmeidi".During the debate, he spoke about moral and spiritual purity, about universal values.The Opposition group won with its sparkling thinking and fervent resistance.
Author: School №9

"Altyn zhurek anamyz" on the topic: information about the readers' competition

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-04 15:16:50
In secondary school No. 9 on 4.02.22, within the framework of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity", a competition of readers "Altyn zhurek anamyz" was held. Students of grades 2-4 took part in the competition. It was organized with the aim of educating the younger generation of such virtues as love, love, friendship, love for life, for parents, the clo...
Author: School №9

Information of the week of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity"

Category: School life
Date: 2022-02-01 14:21:50
Information of the week of the decade
At our school on 1.02.22, as part of the Week of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity", a salad salad meeting was held. The director of the school D. Zholdasova made a welcoming speech. Propaganda groups were introduced to the weekly plan. In grades 1-11, class hours were held on the topic "warmth of the heart to the child". The students told about thei...
Author: School №9

Information intellectual competition "bilim - yrys kazygy"

Category: School life
Date: 2022-01-26 15:30:33
Information intellectual competition
On January 26, the school held an intellectual competition "Bilim-yrys kazygy" for 4th grade students, organized by the organization "Zhas Ulan" and students of the school parliament. Purpose: to introduce students to ingenuity, collectivism. During the competition, the students were divided into 2 groups and tried to show their knowledge at a high level, actively participating in each stage of th...
Author: School №9

Information on women's Assembly for girls of the 5th grade on the theme "if a girl grows up-the beauty of the country"

Category: School life
Date: 2022-01-26 14:55:49
Information on women's Assembly for girls of the 5th grade on the theme
​On the 27th of 2021, a meeting of girls on the theme "Kyz osse-eldin korki" was held for girls of the 5th grade. At the meeting, a member of the school of mothers "Meirim " parent B. Kasimova told that the Kazakh people pay great attention to the education of girls, noted that the girl is a future mother, so from this point of view you need to treat yourself with great responsibility. The girl to...
Author: School №9

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