
Competition «Worldkils Karaganda - 2018»

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-06 14:03:14
Competition «Worldkils Karaganda  - 2018»
   Bilal Nazdana Zhanabekovna, elementary school teacher at S. Seyfullin gymnasium named after S.Seifullin. who won the third place in the competition «Worldkils Karaganda 2018»7

Observance of precautions in case of fire is the guarantee of life

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-29 15:04:45
Observance of precautions in case of fire is the guarantee of life
          At present, fire safety is  special importance. In this regard, it was explained how to prevent fire safety in online lessons and how to avoid fires. 127 students took part in it. In case of fire: If you have a balcony or loggia, you should call 101,112. - In the absence of a balcony, it is necessary to tighten the door of the fire room and tighte...

Information on the work carried out to ensure compliance with fire safety for 2017-2018.

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-29 14:55:52
Information on the work carried out to ensure compliance with fire safety for 2017-2018.
        When staying in the yard, it is necessary to stop the firefighters and tell them where the fire exits, and it is necessary to bring the person there. At the  beginning of the school year, a fire safety plan was developed and approved.  Approval of fire safety documents was carried out. At festivals, fire safety is always provided.

According to age group, AZ Nauryz!

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-26 10:11:07
According to age group, AZ Nauryz!
     In KSU "School - Gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin" was a solemn laney dedicated to the great holiday of Nauryz! This day is the feast of our fathers, which is celebrated for many centuries. Long live Nauryz holiday! May all your dreams and wishes come true on this beautiful day!

Fire safety

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-17 16:15:29
Fire safety
      Events were held on the occasion of the Day of Security. The students took part in it. School children shared with their students the knowledge of safety and safety during the breaks and safety exercises, safety of computer work and fire safety. The students got good information.

General parental meeting

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-01 13:02:15
General parental meeting
      The school parent meeting was held on the 28th of February in the school gymnasium № 7 named after S.Seifullin. During the meeting the following topics were discussed: History Teacher Karymzhanov ET briefed on traditional religious movements.He told parents about mental health and explained the relevance and relevance of the program. Teacher of Informatics Kusainova AR...

"Engineers of the future" regional competition

Category: News
Date: 2018-03-01 11:46:59
      On 27.02.2010  organizedby the directionthe Department of education of Karaganda region  "educational and methodical center of development of education of Karaganda region  was held " Regional competitionthree-dimensional modeling in Engineering ". From Balkhash participated students of Lyceum №2, Lyceum №15, school № 7. 1) AltynayAhmedia &ndash...

Functionally literate teacher

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-22 13:04:57
Functionally literate teacher
     On the eve of the traditional school day on 20.02.2018 the teachers showed the lessons of "Art work" and lessons on the effective use of IWR. Lessons of "Artistic Labor": Grade 5 (boys group), theme: "Musical Instrument Making", Tleubekova M.K. - technology teacher; Grade 5 class (group of girls, theme: "Preparing the Product Decoration"...

School- gymnasium №7 organized the Day of School

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-22 11:37:15
School- gymnasium №7 organized the Day of School
       20.02.2018 at school-gymnasium №7 organized the Day of School. The teachers of the Russian language and literature SharipovaGulnurBaiymbetovna and the teacher of the English language ZhortarovaAzharKaidarkyzy showed fragments of lessons using digital educational resources. During the lesson the students showed their profoundand literate knowledge of the digital educati...

One region-one book

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-14 10:31:53
One region-one book
      12.02.18 g Ln school-gymnasium №7 S.Seifullin students of 3 rd class spent the tale «One region-one book»Supervisior: J. PshenbaevPurpose:to continune to make children Kazakh fairy tales. To deveiop ingenuityOne region - one book campaign is also supported by school libraries in Balkhash town. The goal is to provide students with spiritual enrichment and educatio...

City festival «RoboLand 2018»

Category: News
Date: 2018-02-02 18:59:09
City festival «RoboLand 2018»
 On January 30, 2018 within the framework of IV International Robotics Festival the city department of education organized the first city festival "RoboLand 2018".   

Meet the parents

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-20 17:47:53
Meet the parents
       Parents' meeting was held in school-gymnasium № 7 named after S.Seifullin and theMessage of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NursultanNazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New opportunities for development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution" was discussed.  

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