«The graduation party»
31-05-2018 10:20
«The  graduation party»
Under the solemn fanfare began prom in kindergarten «Aygolek» in the senior group. It was called «the Train of childhood», where children said goodbye to the kindergarten and went on a journey to knowledge. The children performed a dance to the song «Dance of the spheres». Then came to the party «Disorder» and invited the children to help him spread his scattered belongings, in gratitude, he presented them with school supplies. Children performed interesting dances with canes, with briefcases,
Open lesson in kindergarten «Aygolek»
23-05-2018 16:26
Open lesson in kindergarten «Aygolek»
In the kindergarten "Aygolek" ended the preview of the open events held in the framework of the annual plan. The teachers of the kindergarten presented to their colleagues integrated classes on the topic "Kanbak Shal in the laboratory of young scientists". Classes were held in a playful way with the participation of the fairy-tale character "Kanbak Shal", which caused the children interest in research activities. Children told about the importance of air in human life, ways to detect it and perf
"With a ball to health"
11-05-2018 14:42
On the 11 of May in 2018 in preschool institution "Aygolek" in accordance with the annual plan was held an open event on physical culture. The physical instructor with children of the senior group showed work of a circle "with a ball to health". Role – playing exercise was based on the story of the beloved fairy tale "Red riding hood". In this lesson, the children traveled through the fairy tale, performing various tasks on the ball-fitball, showed knowledge of fairy tales and the ability to ov
The matinee Defender of the Fatherland day
05-05-2018 13:53
The matinee Defender of the Fatherland day
04,05 may 2018 KGKP " DDU "Aygolek" for children of senior groups organized events dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day and defender of the Fatherland day. The purpose of this event: to bring up a sense of patriotism, pride in our Country; respect and gratitude to all those who defended their Homeland. The girls showed the dance "Katyusha ", sang the song "Victory Day", "Victory March". During the holiday, the children demonstrated the game "Help the wounded", "Transport the wounded ac
Victory in the KGKP "Aygolek"
04-05-2018 15:24
Victory in the KGKP
On April 29, 2018, the international festival-competition "Salem, Astana" was held in the city of Astana, where our pupil Muratov Nurislam took 1st place in the nomination "Artistic word". Congratulations to our prize-winner!
Day of the Unity of Peoples at the Aigolek State Educational Enterprise
27-04-2018 16:14
Day of the Unity of Peoples at the Aigolek State Educational Enterprise
On April 26, 27, 2018, matinees dedicated to the Day of the Unity of the People of Kazakhstan, a symbol of friendship, solidarity and creation, were held at the Aygolek Children's School. In the global world there is one nation - humanity, and friendship of peoples is holy words and they are valuable to us. The pupils of our kindergarten of different nationalities delighted all viewers with their songs, poems and dances, where they talked about their history and culture.
"Balkhash – our favorite city"
11-04-2018 16:20
Birthday of the beloved city Balkhash is a special holiday for all citizens – both adults and children. On the eve of the birthday of our city in DDU "Аygolek" was held a thematic event for children of middle and senior groups. During the event, poems and songs about his native city were heard, an exhibition of drawings was organized and exciting games were held. In 11.04.2018 g. in the middle group “Bee”held an open lesson "Balkhash – our favorite city", which is timed to coincide with the c
The learning exercises were successful
04-04-2018 16:14
The learning exercises were successful
The 4th of April , in 2018 year in kindergarten "Aigolek" took an unscheduled training training for evacuation with the purpose of instilling in the pupils and staff of the safe behavior skills and practical working off of actions in case of fire. The evacuation was successful in 7 minutes was completed with the parade at the gate of kindergarten. The roll-call of the children and staff on the list was carried out. During the whole training staff in the kindergarten have shown a clear knowle
"Our feathered friends!"
03-04-2018 16:56
Who are the birds? Birds are flying songs. Birds are friends of our childhood. There are wonderful poems, songs and riddles about birds. On April 3, on the basis of the Aigolek Children's Pedagogical Enterprise under the auspices of the Karaganda Region Department of Ecology, on the initiative of the ECOSH NGO (headed by LK Strashko), a city ecological action dedicated to the International Bird Day was held. It was attended by the children's educational institutions "Akbota", "Balausa", "Baldyr
Our correspondence kindergarten!
30-03-2018 15:40
Our correspondence kindergarten!
For the second year KGPK DDU " Aigolek "has been carrying out its activities in the implementation of the pilot project" Correspondence kindergarten" aimed at working with parents of children who are not yet attending preschool. 29.03.18 g. according to the plan of operation of the project, the kindergarten "Aigolek" a meeting was held with parents during which they discussed issues of different content, was shown training with use of didactic material - an
Nauryz - 2018 in the kindergarten "Aigolek”
20-03-2018 11:39
Nauryz - 2018 in the kindergarten
Matinees dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz were held in all age groups of the kindergarten. The festive mood was felt, first of all the decoration of the music hall in the spirit of national color. On the occasion the children were treated to a surprise visit to children fantastic heroes came:sulu Koktem, azhe, Aldar Kose and bai. They were amused by all the national games "Arkan tartys", "Kyz kuu", "talamak takiya" which educate children with courage, agility, and powerful strength.
City seminar-workshop in the kindergarten "Aigolek»
16-03-2018 15:52
City seminar-workshop in the kindergarten
On March 16, the city workshop "Spiritual and moral education of preschool children through interaction with parents" was held on the basis of KSP DDU "Aigolek". Teachers of preschool institutions of the city were invited to this event. Opened the seminar head of the kindergarten "Aigolek" Babenova V. Yu., spoke about the importance of spiritual and moral education of preschool age. Teachers Arapova, A. A. and Lee V. A. demonstrated the presentation "Menin taty-tatti otbasym" and "Kazakhstan – m